Practical Tactics for Social Intercourse Two

They stay with you. One of the highest indicators of job satisfaction is low attrition. Study after study has proven that people do not stay in a job for the money. They stay in a job for the people around them and the satisfaction the job brings.Look at how long your people have been with you and why they haven’t left yet. Granted, there are generational differences in this data given that Baby Boomers are much more inclined to stay in a job longer than the Gen Xers and the Millenials. However, regardless of the age group, people stay longer if they are happy. Leaders do not want to recruit, hire, and train new people every few months. It is extremely costly both in terms of profits and customer satisfaction. So, if your people tend to stick with you they are probably pretty happy.

The only exception concerns those employees who are not performing to company standards.These guys normally fall into two groups, the ones whose performance is so poor they can’t find a job someplace else, and the ones who are your B flat performers who believe in just kicking back and “letting Jesus take the wheel”.These guys might be with you forever but not because they are happy. You won’t be either.

They get along with each other most of the time. Depending on the size of your organization this might be hard to figure out by just observing your employees since it may not be possible see everyone every day. However, you can get a great gauge of this in two ways. First, observe closely the relationships between the people you do see every day.How do they seem to get along? Do they work well as a team? Do they appear to be having fun working with each other? Is there humor in their relationship? They don’t have to indulge in party hats and whoopee cushions every day, but being able to laugh together is a great sign. Second, take a look at your complaint process. What are the trends? Are complaints going up or down in numbers? Is there significance to the trend, meaning is it more prevalent in one part of the organization over the others? What is the nature of the complaints?Looking at this data will tell you far more than simply asking your middle managers how their staff gets along with each other. Even the best middle managers will want to put on a happy face to this question because otherwise, it could reflect badly on their own ability to build and sustain effective teams.

The article is provided by Henan Hongxing,which is the professional manufacturer of complete sets of mining machinery, for example,combination crusher, it is always doing the best in products and service.You can visit Hongxing at Sand Maker:

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