New Method to Remember Accomplishments of Intern

The classic way that small business owners do a background check when hiring interns is to ask for past references. Then they call up your old boss and ask him/her a few questions about when you worked for them 1-3 years ago. Yea your boss remembers you but it has been a while since you worked there so the best they can do is give general answers like, 'She was a hard worker' or, 'He was very motivated.' Does this really provide any value to your new boss? No! Those responses could have been about anyone because they didn't say anything specific about who you are or what you did. Ladies and Gentleman, the old way of giving recommendations is outdated! Hiring interns using the old method is really tough, which is why in this article you're going to learn how we give monster recommendations that actually work!

The most important thing that sets our recommendations apart from 99 percent of other small businesses is that we take the time to shoot a quick video. This way, our interns will always have an awesome recommendation from us that they can put on their YouTube channel and show future employers. There is no need for employers to play phone tag trying to get in touch with us, and we don't have to try and remember all the past accomplishments of our interns. It's a win win situation.

Whenever you are making a recommendation video for an intern you want to remember to be as specific as possible. We will say things like, 'Mark exceeded expectations on project A which directly affected our small business in these ways. . .' From a small business owner's point of view a recommendation like that can far. Obviously not every intern is going to be a superstar, but you can always find something nice to say about how they improved over the course of the internship or how they were good at time management. The main thing here is to refer to specific examples where the intern shined and include numbers or percentages where appropriate.

We are in the internet age so we need to start taking advantage of it. The benefits of video recommendations outweigh the traditional phone call recommendation in every category. They can be stored on the internet so your interns always have them at their fingertips and it looks really professional when they are able to show their new employer a personal video recommendation from their boss. Your interns will also work to exceed expectations when they know that they are going to be rewarded with such a great recommendation at the end. As long as you remember to be as specific as possible and site good examples you will be giving your interns monster recommendations in no time.

The article is provided by Henan Hongxing,which is the professional manufacturer of complete sets of mining machinery, such as Stone crushing plant,Mobile crushers, it is always doing the best in products and service.You can visit Hongxing at

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