Analysis on Main Characters in Jane Eyre One

While main characters are important and trivial to novels, so are the smaller characters that are portrayed throughout the pieces. These peripheral characters are ones that help create and build up the novel, along with molding the main character. In the novel Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bronte, Bertha Mason can be considered a peripheral character. In this novel, Bertha is used to emphasize the idea of confinement, express Jane's pent up emotions, and warn Jane of possible threats. While she is only in parts of the novel, and never actually interacts with the characters in the time the story takes place, she is still an important figure in the story the author is attempting to reveal.

This magnificent piece of literature relays the autobiography of a young girl, named Jane Eyre. It takes the reader on a journey through her life, its obstacles, hardships, and emotions. Throughout her life, Jane comes across Mr. Rochester, at a place called Thornfield, whom she falls in love with, only to find he has an 'insane' wife he has concealed and locked away. This woman is Bertha Mason, whose story is only told through Mr. Rochester and other characters. At this point, the reader can begin to recognize Bertha as a crucial character, altering Jane's life, along with being thought of as Jane's doppelganger, or twin.

Bertha Mason's story is only revealed through Mr. Rochester. He explains how he had fallen in love with this woman, introduced to him by his father and brother because of her money. He described her to be, 'a fine woman...tall, dark, and majestic' (p.352). He continues to explain his infatuation with her, eventually marrying her. However, he explains, shortly after the marriage began, he saw things quite differently. He states, 'Her tastes obnoxious to me, her cast of mind common, low, narrow, and singularly incapable of being led to anything' (353). It was after becoming her husband that he started to find her inferior to him. However, he diagnosis these reactions to her becoming mad, in which he continued to see more and more dislikes. In time, he felt so compelled to have the need to lock her up in order to, 'repudiate the contamination of her crimes' (p.354). By concealing her and pretending she did not exist, he could 'be clean in his own sight' (p.354), and begin to live a new life.

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