Healthy and Happy Eating For Leisure Time One

      This just in from the world of intelligence called “common sense”: what you eat really, really matters for how healthy and happy you will be. We make such a mystery of eating well and we dis-empower ourselves by thinking it complicated – leaving it to “experts” with degrees in excess-information. When, really, it’s a pretty simple affair. We have gone mad, as last week’s Economist notes, “Consumers swing from fad to fad. In the early 1990’s they worried about saturated fat. Then it was carbohydrates. Today they clamor for firms to add fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics and whole grains to their products.” But folks, let me please take a page out my teacher’s book who always advocates for telling people what they already know – you don’t need a scientist, or even a nutritionist, to tell you how to eat. You simply need to listen to your common sense.

      In the introduction to the catalog of common sense is the following advice: “Eat what is grown out of the ground without the use of chemicals– hopefully nearby – or animals that eat what grows out of the earth, or stuff that comes out of rivers, lakes and oceans.” Further still in this great book it says, “Stay away from the stuff made in laboratories” (especially seeds!) – even when the men in the smocks tell you its “better for you.” And, “Don’t worry about every new fad diet that hits the news. Scrap it all and think about it for just a minute… and, ‘Oh yeah! – fresh fruit, vegetables, grains, meat, fish, eggs, milk, spices, herbs, sans toxic chemicals…. that does make sense!’” And, this last bit of advice might be tougher to swallow than your frozen foods – “We’ve got to take these wonderful ingredients and cook them!” We all love going out to eat, and sometimes we’re in a jam in need something fast, but, really, these situations must be exceptions to the rule of eating fresh, hot, home-cooked food most of the time.

      If you do this, I assure you, you can bring the taste back into your life. You won’t need to worry about fats and cholesterol, sodium levels, amino acids, free-radicals and all that jazz. Really, just buy fruit, veggies, meat, fish, grains, and cook them – at home, preferably with other people, and the rest will work itself out. I am not kidding. You won’t need to make sure the butcher cuts your slab with absolutely no fat – actually you won’t want him too! This is also in the book of common sense: “fat is good for you!” You need not fret about a teaspoon of sugar in your tea – because, guess what? The sweet taste is good for you! I guarantee that sugar is not grown in the devil’s back yard. Though, I can’t assure you of the same for “Sweet & Low”, and the rest of the assortment of artificial sweeteners.

The text is provided by Henan Hongxing,which is the professional manufacturer of complete sets of mining machinery, such as Ore spiral classifier,Single toggle jaw crusher, it is always doing the best in products and service.

posted @ 2012-03-06 16:36  haha336  阅读(101)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报