Common Sense of Healthy Spring Eating

April is being viewed as the 'go green' or go natural month, largely in part to Earth Day, which is April 22nd. Find out about healthy v. organic eating.....

Earth Day is April 22nd, so now is the perfect time to bring healthy, environmentally-friendly food to the table. So many foods contain chemicals such as preservatives, hormones, artificial flavors and colors, and a host of other ingredients that can harm both the consumer and the environment.

A positive goal is to purchase and consume the most natural foods and create healthy, simple meals that do not harm ourselves or our surroundings. (Okay, I admit it is hard to follow this plan all of the time, but even following these tips one or two times a week can make a huge difference.)

Healthy, Natural Foods

Although it can be time consuming and expensive to purchase all organic foods, a good start can be made by shifting to foods that are in and of themselves natural. Look for items in their purest forms, such as plain (unsalted) nuts, especially walnuts and almonds. Avoid highly processed nuts that contain salt or sugary coatings. This will ensure that nothing unnatural has happened in their packaging process. Also seek nuts in recycleable containers such as glass jars.

Look for products made with whole grains (pastas, breads, rices, etc.) These are the most healthful for the body, and no unnatural bleaching has occured.

In terms of beverages, seek out natural 100% juice products. Juicy Juice brand makes all whole-juice products that contain no extra sugars. The more intense the color of the juice, the more nutrients it contains. Again, seek out beverages in recycleable glass containers if possible, or opt for biodegradeable cardboard (orange juice containers.)

Organic Foods

If you want to invest in organic foods, you might want to save your money for the best values: meats and produce. When not organic, these items tend to have the most processing for preservation, flavor, and quality.

Beef and poultry can be products of hormonally-treated livestock. Even fish can be 'farm-raised' and not completely natural. Look for organic, lean meats free of hormones and wild fish such as salmon.

Produce can be sprayed with harmful pesticides to keep it bug-free. Some fruits such as apples end up with a waxy film that is hard to remove. Instead, invest in organic produce that is not treated with such chemicals.

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