PostgreSQL分区表是逻辑上将一个大表通过表继承方式划分为若干个子表。PostgreSQL V10.0版本之前仅支持表继承方式分区表,V10版本之后支持声明式分区,PostgreSQL支持通过表继承来进行划分。每一个分区被创建为父表的一个子表。父表本身通常是空的,它的存在仅仅为了表示整个数据集。
- 对声明式分区来说,分区必须具有和分区表正好相同的列集合,而在表继承中,子表可以有父表中没有出现过的额外列。
- 表继承允许多继承。
- 声明式分区仅支持范围、列表以及哈希分区,而表继承允许数据按照用户的选择来划分(不过注意,如果约束排除不能有效地剪枝子表,查询性能可能会很差)。
- 在使用声明式分区时,一些操作比使用表继承时要求更长的持锁时间。例如,向分区表中增加分区或者从分区表移除分区要求在父表上取得一个ACCESS EXCLUSIVE锁,而在常规继承的情况下一个SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE锁就足够了。
- 在某些情况下查询性能能够显著提升,特别是当那些访问压力大的行在一个分区或者少数几个分区时。划分可以取代索引的主导列、减小索引尺寸以及使索引中访问压力大的部分更有可能被放在内存中。
- 当查询或更新访问一个分区的大部分行时,可以通过该分区上的一个顺序扫描来取代分散到整个表上的索引和随机访问,这样可以改善性能。
- 如果需求计划使用划分设计,可以通过增加或移除分区来完成批量载入和删除。ALTER TABLE NO INHERIT和DROP TABLE都远快于一个批量操作。这些命令也完全避免了由批量DELETE造成的VACUUM负载。
- 很少使用的数据可以被迁移到便宜且较慢的存储介质上。
- PostgreSQL官方给出的建议:当表的尺寸超过了数据库服务器物理内存时,划分会为表带来好处。
1 声明式分区
1.1 介绍
PostgreSQL V10新增声明式表分区,可以使用ATTACH PARTITION和DETACH PARTITION命令对分区进行管理。
- 父表上的所有检查约束和非空约束都将自动被它的后代所继承,除非显式地指定了NO INHERIT子句。其他类型的约束(唯一、主键和外键约束)则不会被继承。
- 分区表的CHECK约束和NOT NULL约束总是会被其所有的分区所继承。不允许在分区表上创建标记为NO INHERIT的CHECK约束。
- 只要分区表中不存在分区,则支持使用ONLY仅在分区表上增加或者删除约束。一旦分区存在,那样做就会导致错误,因为当分区存在时是不支持仅在分区表上增加或删除约束的。不过,分区表本身上的约束可以被增加(如果它们不出现在父表中)和删除。
- 由于分区表并不直接拥有任何数据,尝试在分区表上使用TRUNCATE ONLY将总是返回错误。
- 分区不能有在父表中不存在的列。在使用CREATE TABLE创建分区时不能指定列,在事后使用ALTER TABLE时也不能为分区增加列。只有当表的列正好匹配父表时,才能使用ALTER TABLE ... ATTACH PARTITION将它作为分区加入。
- 如果NOT NULL约束在父表中存在,那么就不能删除分区的列上的对应的NOT NULL约束。
- 没有办法创建跨越所有分区的排除约束,只可能单个约束每个叶子分区。
- 分区表上的惟一约束(也就是主键)必须包括所有分区键列。存在此限制是因为PostgreSQL只能每个分区中分别强制实施唯一性。
- BEFORE ROW 触发器无法更改哪个分区是新行的最终目标。
- 不允许在同一个分区树中混杂临时关系和持久关系。因此,如果分区表是持久的,则其分区也必须是持久的,反之亦然。在使用临时关系时,分区数的所有成员都必须来自于同一个会话。
1.2 创建声明式分区
create table log_history(id int not null,logdate date not null,num int) partition by range(logdate);
create table log_history_2001 partition of log_history for values from ('2001-01-01') to ('2001-12-31');
create table log_history_2002 partition of log_history for values from ('2002-01-01') to ('2002-12-31');
create table log_history_2003 partition of log_history for values from ('2003-01-01') to ('2003-12-31');
create table log_history_2004 partition of log_history for values from ('2004-01-01') to ('2004-12-31');
create table log_history_2005 partition of log_history for values from ('2005-01-01') to ('2005-12-31');
create table log_history_2006 partition of log_history for values from ('2006-01-01') to ('2006-12-31');
create table log_history_2007 partition of log_history for values from ('2007-01-01') to ('2007-12-31');
create table log_history_2008 partition of log_history for values from ('2008-01-01') to ('2008-12-31');
create table log_history_2009 partition of log_history for values from ('2009-01-01') to ('2009-12-31');
create table log_history_2010 partition of log_history for values from ('2010-01-01') to ('2010-12-31');
create table log_history_2011 partition of log_history for values from ('2011-01-01') to ('2011-12-31');
create table log_history_2012 partition of log_history for values from ('2012-01-01') to ('2012-12-31');
create table log_history_2013 partition of log_history for values from ('2013-01-01') to ('2013-12-31');
create table log_history_2014 partition of log_history for values from ('2014-01-01') to ('2014-12-31');
create table log_history_2015 partition of log_history for values from ('2015-01-01') to ('2015-12-31');
create table log_history_2016 partition of log_history for values from ('2016-01-01') to ('2016-12-31');
create table log_history_2017 partition of log_history for values from ('2017-01-01') to ('2017-12-31');
create table log_history_2018 partition of log_history for values from ('2018-01-01') to ('2018-12-31');
create table log_history_2019 partition of log_history for values from ('2019-01-01') to ('2019-12-31');
create table log_history_2020 partition of log_history for values from ('2020-01-01') to ('2020-12-31');
创建分区并实现子分区,在创建分区的命令中指定partition by
create table log_history_2021 partition of log_history for values from ('2021-01-01') to ('2021-12-31') partition by range(logdate);
create table log_history_2021_01 partition of log_history_2021 for values from ('2021-01-01') to ('2021-03-31');
create table log_history_2021_02 partition of log_history_2021 for values from ('2021-04-01') to ('2021-06-30');
create table log_history_2021_03 partition of log_history_2021 for values from ('2021-07-01') to ('2021-08-31');
create table log_history_2021_04 partition of log_history_2021 for values from ('2021-09-01') to ('2021-12-31');
postgres=# \d+ log_history;
Partitioned table "public.log_history"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
id | integer | | not null | | plain | |
logdate | date | | not null | | plain | |
num | integer | | | | plain | |
Partition key: RANGE (logdate)
Partitions: log_history_2001 FOR VALUES FROM ('2001-01-01') TO ('2001-12-31'),
log_history_2002 FOR VALUES FROM ('2002-01-01') TO ('2002-12-31'),
log_history_2003 FOR VALUES FROM ('2003-01-01') TO ('2003-12-31'),
log_history_2004 FOR VALUES FROM ('2004-01-01') TO ('2004-12-31'),
log_history_2005 FOR VALUES FROM ('2005-01-01') TO ('2005-12-31'),
log_history_2006 FOR VALUES FROM ('2006-01-01') TO ('2006-12-31'),
log_history_2007 FOR VALUES FROM ('2007-01-01') TO ('2007-12-31'),
log_history_2008 FOR VALUES FROM ('2008-01-01') TO ('2008-12-31'),
log_history_2009 FOR VALUES FROM ('2009-01-01') TO ('2009-12-31'),
log_history_2010 FOR VALUES FROM ('2010-01-01') TO ('2010-12-31'),
log_history_2011 FOR VALUES FROM ('2011-01-01') TO ('2011-12-31'),
log_history_2012 FOR VALUES FROM ('2012-01-01') TO ('2012-12-31'),
log_history_2013 FOR VALUES FROM ('2013-01-01') TO ('2013-12-31'),
log_history_2014 FOR VALUES FROM ('2014-01-01') TO ('2014-12-31'),
log_history_2015 FOR VALUES FROM ('2015-01-01') TO ('2015-12-31'),
log_history_2016 FOR VALUES FROM ('2016-01-01') TO ('2016-12-31'),
log_history_2017 FOR VALUES FROM ('2017-01-01') TO ('2017-12-31'),
log_history_2018 FOR VALUES FROM ('2018-01-01') TO ('2018-12-31'),
log_history_2019 FOR VALUES FROM ('2019-01-01') TO ('2019-12-31'),
log_history_2020 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-01-01') TO ('2020-12-31'),
log_history_2021 FOR VALUES FROM ('2021-01-01') TO ('2021-12-31'), PARTITIONED
postgres=# \d+ log_history_2021;
Partitioned table "public.log_history_2021"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
id | integer | | not null | | plain | |
logdate | date | | not null | | plain | |
num | integer | | | | plain | |
Partition of: log_history FOR VALUES FROM ('2021-01-01') TO ('2021-12-31')
Partition constraint: ((logdate IS NOT NULL) AND (logdate >= '2021-01-01'::date) AND (logdate < '2021-12-31'::date))
Partition key: RANGE (logdate)
Partitions: log_history_2021_01 FOR VALUES FROM ('2021-01-01') TO ('2021-03-31'),
log_history_2021_02 FOR VALUES FROM ('2021-04-01') TO ('2021-06-30'),
log_history_2021_03 FOR VALUES FROM ('2021-07-01') TO ('2021-08-31'),
log_history_2021_04 FOR VALUES FROM ('2021-09-01') TO ('2021-12-31')
1.3 声明式分区维护
1.3.1 查看分区
postgres=# select partrelid::regclass,* from pg_partitioned_table;
partrelid | partrelid | partstrat | partnatts | partdefid | partattrs | partclass | partcollation | partexprs
log_history | 16399 | r | 1 | 0 | 2 | 3122 | 0 |
log_history_2001 | 16578 | r | 1 | 0 | 2 | 3122 | 0 |
log_history_2002 | 16577 | r | 1 | 0 | 2 | 3122 | 0 |
log_history_2003 | 16576 | r | 1 | 0 | 2 | 3122 | 0 |
log_history_2004 | 16575 | r | 1 | 0 | 2 | 3122 | 0 |
postgres=# \dP+
List of partitioned relations
Schema | Name | Owner | Type | Table | Total size | Description
public | log_history | postgres12 | partitioned table | | 8192 bytes |
postgres=# \d+ log_history;
Partitioned table "public.log_history"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
id | integer | | not null | | plain | |
logdate | date | | not null | | plain | |
num | integer | | | | plain | |
Partition key: RANGE (logdate)
Partitions: log_history_2001 FOR VALUES FROM ('2001-01-01') TO ('2001-12-31'),
log_history_2002 FOR VALUES FROM ('2002-01-01') TO ('2002-12-31'),
log_history_2003 FOR VALUES FROM ('2003-01-01') TO ('2003-12-31'),
log_history_2004 FOR VALUES FROM ('2004-01-01') TO ('2004-12-31'),
log_history_2005 FOR VALUES FROM ('2005-01-01') TO ('2005-12-31'),
log_history_2006 FOR VALUES FROM ('2006-01-01') TO ('2006-12-31'),
log_history_2007 FOR VALUES FROM ('2007-01-01') TO ('2007-12-31'),
log_history_2008 FOR VALUES FROM ('2008-01-01') TO ('2008-12-31'),
log_history_2009 FOR VALUES FROM ('2009-01-01') TO ('2009-12-31'),
log_history_2010 FOR VALUES FROM ('2010-01-01') TO ('2010-12-31'),
log_history_2011 FOR VALUES FROM ('2011-01-01') TO ('2011-12-31'),
log_history_2012 FOR VALUES FROM ('2012-01-01') TO ('2012-12-31'),
log_history_2013 FOR VALUES FROM ('2013-01-01') TO ('2013-12-31'),
log_history_2014 FOR VALUES FROM ('2014-01-01') TO ('2014-12-31'),
log_history_2015 FOR VALUES FROM ('2015-01-01') TO ('2015-12-31'),
log_history_2016 FOR VALUES FROM ('2016-01-01') TO ('2016-12-31'),
log_history_2017 FOR VALUES FROM ('2017-01-01') TO ('2017-12-31'),
log_history_2018 FOR VALUES FROM ('2018-01-01') TO ('2018-12-31'),
log_history_2019 FOR VALUES FROM ('2019-01-01') TO ('2019-12-31'),
log_history_2020 FOR VALUES FROM ('2020-01-01') TO ('2020-12-31'),
log_history_2021 FOR VALUES FROM ('2021-01-01') TO ('2021-12-31'), PARTITIONED
1.3.2 删除分区
drop table log_history_2001;
alter table log_history DETACH PARTITION log_history_2002;
drop table log_history_2002;
1.3.3 新增分区
create table log_history_2001 partition of log_history for values from ('2001-01-01') to ('2001-12-31');
postgres=# create table log_history_2002(like log_history including defaults including constraints);
postgres=# alter table log_history_2002 add check (logdate >= date'2002-01-01' and logdate < date'2003-01-01');
postgres=# \d+ log_history_2002;
Table "public.log_history_2002"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
id | integer | | not null | | plain | |
logdate | date | | not null | | plain | |
num | integer | | | | plain | |
Check constraints:
"log_history_2002_logdate_check" CHECK (logdate >= '2002-01-01'::date AND logdate < '2003-01-01'::date)
Access method: heap
postgres=# alter table log_history ATTACH PARTITION log_history_2002 for values from ('2002-01-01') to ('2002-12-31');
1.4 enable_partition_pruning
select * from log_history where logdate<date'2010-09-11';
postgres=# set enable_partition_pruning = on;
postgres=# explain select * from log_history where logdate<date'2010-09-11';
Append (cost=0.00..389.00 rows=6800 width=12)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2001 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2002 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2003 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2004 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2005 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2006 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2007 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2008 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2009 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2010 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
postgres=# set enable_partition_pruning = off;
postgres=# explain select * from log_history where logdate<date'2010-09-11';
Append (cost=0.00..778.00 rows=13600 width=12)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2001 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2002 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2003 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2004 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2005 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2006 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2007 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2008 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2009 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2010 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2011 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2012 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2013 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2014 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2015 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2016 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2017 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2018 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2019 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2020 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2010-09-11'::date)
2 继承式分区
2.1 介绍
- 对声明式分区来说,分区必须具有和分区表正好相同的列集合,而在表继承中,子表可以有父表中没有出现过的额外列。
- 表继承允许多继承。
- 声明式分区仅支持范围、列表以及哈希分区,而表继承允许数据按照用户的选择来划分(不过注意,如果约束排除不能有效地剪枝子表,查询性能可能会很差)。
- 在使用声明式分区时,一些操作比使用表继承时要求更长的持锁时间。例如,向分区表中增加分区或者从分区表移除分区要求在父表上取得一个ACCESS EXCLUSIVE锁,而在常规继承的情况下一个SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE锁就足够了。
- 继承表自动继承父表的约束,非空约束。但是不自动继承uk、pk、fk、索引、存储参数等。
- 一个表可以同时继承多个父表,一个父表可以被多个子表继承。注意:一个表继承了多个主表的情况,共有字段上,所有的父表的约束包括not null的定义都必须继承过来(同样不包括pk、uk、fk等)。
- 查看主表默认情况下会连带查询所有的子表和自身。
2.2 创建继承式分区
create table log_history(id int not null,logdate date not null,num int);
create table log_history_2011(check (logdate >= date'2011-01-01' and logdate < date'2012-01-01')) inherits(log_history);
create table log_history_2012(check (logdate >= date'2012-01-01' and logdate < date'2013-01-01')) inherits(log_history);
create table log_history_2013(check (logdate >= date'2013-01-01' and logdate < date'2014-01-01')) inherits(log_history);
create table log_history_2014(check (logdate >= date'2014-01-01' and logdate < date'2015-01-01')) inherits(log_history);
create table log_history_2015(check (logdate >= date'2015-01-01' and logdate < date'2016-01-01')) inherits(log_history);
create table log_history_2016(check (logdate >= date'2016-01-01' and logdate < date'2017-01-01')) inherits(log_history);
create table log_history_2017(check (logdate >= date'2017-01-01' and logdate < date'2018-01-01')) inherits(log_history);
create table log_history_2018(check (logdate >= date'2018-01-01' and logdate < date'2019-01-01')) inherits(log_history);
create table log_history_2019(check (logdate >= date'2019-01-01' and logdate < date'2020-01-01')) inherits(log_history);
create table log_history_2020(check (logdate >= date'2020-01-01' and logdate < date'2021-01-01')) inherits(log_history);
create table log_history_2021(check (logdate >= date'2021-01-01' and logdate < date'2022-01-01')) inherits(log_history);
postgres=# select inhrelid::regclass,inhparent::regclass,inhseqno from pg_inherits;
inhrelid | inhparent | inhseqno
log_history_2011 | log_history | 1
log_history_2012 | log_history | 1
log_history_2013 | log_history | 1
log_history_2014 | log_history | 1
log_history_2015 | log_history | 1
log_history_2016 | log_history | 1
log_history_2017 | log_history | 1
log_history_2018 | log_history | 1
log_history_2019 | log_history | 1
log_history_2020 | log_history | 1
log_history_2021 | log_history | 1
postgres=# insert into log_history values(1,'2021-09-01',1);
postgres=# select * from log_history;
id | logdate | num
1 | 2021-09-01 | 1
(1 row)
postgres=# select * from log_history_2021;
id | logdate | num
(0 rows)
#vi log_history_insert_trigger.sql
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION log_history_insert_trigger()
IF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2011-01-01' AND
NEW.logdate < DATE '2012-01-01' ) THEN
INSERT INTO log_history_2011 VALUES (NEW.*);
ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2012-01-01' AND
NEW.logdate < DATE '2013-01-01' ) THEN
INSERT INTO log_history_2012 VALUES (NEW.*);
ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2013-01-01' AND
NEW.logdate < DATE '2014-01-01' ) THEN
INSERT INTO log_history_2013 VALUES (NEW.*);
ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2014-01-01' AND
NEW.logdate < DATE '2015-01-01' ) THEN
INSERT INTO log_history_2014 VALUES (NEW.*);
ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2016-01-01' AND
NEW.logdate < DATE '2017-01-01' ) THEN
INSERT INTO log_history_2016 VALUES (NEW.*);
ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2017-01-01' AND
NEW.logdate < DATE '2018-01-01' ) THEN
INSERT INTO log_history_2017 VALUES (NEW.*);
ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2018-01-01' AND
NEW.logdate < DATE '2019-01-01' ) THEN
INSERT INTO log_history_2018 VALUES (NEW.*);
ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2019-01-01' AND
NEW.logdate < DATE '2020-01-01' ) THEN
INSERT INTO log_history_2019 VALUES (NEW.*);
ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2021-01-01' AND
NEW.logdate < DATE '2022-01-01' ) THEN
INSERT INTO log_history_2021 VALUES (NEW.*);
RAISE EXCEPTION 'Date out of range. Fix the log_history_insert_trigger() function!';
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
postgres=# \i log_history_insert_trigger.sql
postgres=# create index index_log_history_logdate on log_history(logdate);
postgres=# select * from pg_indexes where tablename like 'log_history%';
schemaname | tablename | indexname | tablespace | indexdef
public | log_history | index_log_history_logdate | | CREATE INDEX index_log_history_logdate ON public.log_history USING btree (logdate)
postgres=# create index index_log_history_2011_logdate on log_history_2011(logdate);
postgres=# create index index_log_history_2012_logdate on log_history_2012(logdate);
postgres=# create index index_log_history_2013_logdate on log_history_2013(logdate);
postgres=# create index index_log_history_2014_logdate on log_history_2014(logdate);
postgres=# create index index_log_history_2015_logdate on log_history_2015(logdate);
postgres=# create index index_log_history_2016_logdate on log_history_2016(logdate);
postgres=# create index index_log_history_2017_logdate on log_history_2017(logdate);
postgres=# create index index_log_history_2018_logdate on log_history_2018(logdate);
postgres=# create index index_log_history_2019_logdate on log_history_2019(logdate);
postgres=# create index index_log_history_2020_logdate on log_history_2020(logdate);
postgres=# create index index_log_history_2021_logdate on log_history_2021(logdate);
postgres=# select * from pg_indexes where tablename like 'log_history%';
schemaname | tablename | indexname | tablespace | indexdef
public | log_history | index_log_history_logdate | | CREATE INDEX index_log_history_logdate ON public.log_history USING btree (logdate)
public | log_history_2011 | index_log_history_2011_logdate | | CREATE INDEX index_log_history_2011_logdate ON public.log_history_2011 USING btree (logdate)
public | log_history_2012 | index_log_history_2012_logdate | | CREATE INDEX index_log_history_2012_logdate ON public.log_history_2012 USING btree (logdate)
public | log_history_2013 | index_log_history_2013_logdate | | CREATE INDEX index_log_history_2013_logdate ON public.log_history_2013 USING btree (logdate)
public | log_history_2014 | index_log_history_2014_logdate | | CREATE INDEX index_log_history_2014_logdate ON public.log_history_2014 USING btree (logdate)
public | log_history_2015 | index_log_history_2015_logdate | | CREATE INDEX index_log_history_2015_logdate ON public.log_history_2015 USING btree (logdate)
public | log_history_2016 | index_log_history_2016_logdate | | CREATE INDEX index_log_history_2016_logdate ON public.log_history_2016 USING btree (logdate)
public | log_history_2017 | index_log_history_2017_logdate | | CREATE INDEX index_log_history_2017_logdate ON public.log_history_2017 USING btree (logdate)
public | log_history_2018 | index_log_history_2018_logdate | | CREATE INDEX index_log_history_2018_logdate ON public.log_history_2018 USING btree (logdate)
public | log_history_2019 | index_log_history_2019_logdate | | CREATE INDEX index_log_history_2019_logdate ON public.log_history_2019 USING btree (logdate)
public | log_history_2020 | index_log_history_2020_logdate | | CREATE INDEX index_log_history_2020_logdate ON public.log_history_2020 USING btree (logdate)
public | log_history_2021 | index_log_history_2021_logdate | | CREATE INDEX index_log_history_2021_logdate ON public.log_history_2021 USING btree (logdate)
2.3 继承式分区维护
2.3.1 查看分区
postgres=# \dP
List of partitioned relations
Schema | Name | Owner | Type | Table
postgres=# select partrelid::regclass,* from pg_partitioned_table;
partrelid | partrelid | partstrat | partnatts | partdefid | partattrs | partclass | partcollation | partexprs
postgres=# select inhrelid::regclass,inhparent::regclass,inhseqno from pg_inherits;
inhrelid | inhparent | inhseqno
log_history_2011 | log_history | 1
log_history_2012 | log_history | 1
log_history_2013 | log_history | 1
log_history_2014 | log_history | 1
log_history_2015 | log_history | 1
log_history_2016 | log_history | 1
log_history_2017 | log_history | 1
log_history_2018 | log_history | 1
log_history_2019 | log_history | 1
log_history_2020 | log_history | 1
log_history_2021 | log_history | 1
2.3.2 删除分区
postgres=# drop table log_history_2011;
postgres=# select inhrelid::regclass,inhparent::regclass,inhseqno from pg_inherits;
inhrelid | inhparent | inhseqno
log_history_2012 | log_history | 1
log_history_2013 | log_history | 1
log_history_2014 | log_history | 1
log_history_2015 | log_history | 1
log_history_2016 | log_history | 1
log_history_2017 | log_history | 1
log_history_2018 | log_history | 1
log_history_2019 | log_history | 1
log_history_2020 | log_history | 1
log_history_2021 | log_history | 1
postgres=# alter table log_history_2012 NO INHERIT log_history;
postgres=# select inhrelid::regclass,inhparent::regclass,inhseqno from pg_inherits;
inhrelid | inhparent | inhseqno
log_history_2013 | log_history | 1
log_history_2014 | log_history | 1
log_history_2015 | log_history | 1
log_history_2016 | log_history | 1
log_history_2017 | log_history | 1
log_history_2018 | log_history | 1
log_history_2019 | log_history | 1
log_history_2020 | log_history | 1
log_history_2021 | log_history | 1
2.3.3 新增分区
postgres=# create table log_history_2022(check (logdate >= date'2022-01-01' and logdate < date'2023-01-01')) INHERITS (log_history);
postgres=# select inhrelid::regclass,inhparent::regclass,inhseqno from pg_inherits;
inhrelid | inhparent | inhseqno
log_history_2013 | log_history | 1
log_history_2014 | log_history | 1
log_history_2015 | log_history | 1
log_history_2016 | log_history | 1
log_history_2017 | log_history | 1
log_history_2018 | log_history | 1
log_history_2019 | log_history | 1
log_history_2020 | log_history | 1
log_history_2021 | log_history | 1
log_history_2022 | log_history | 1
postgres=# create table log_history_2023 (like log_history including defaults including constraints);
postgres=# \d+ log_history_2023;
Table "public.log_history_2023"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
id | integer | | not null | | plain | |
logdate | date | | not null | | plain | |
num | integer | | | | plain | |
Access method: heap
postgres=# alter table log_history_2023 add check(logdate >= '2023-01-01' and logdate < date'2024-01-01');
postgres=# \d+ log_history_2023;
Table "public.log_history_2023"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description
id | integer | | not null | | plain | |
logdate | date | | not null | | plain | |
num | integer | | | | plain | |
Check constraints:
"log_history_2023_logdate_check" CHECK (logdate >= '2023-01-01'::date AND logdate < '2024-01-01'::date)
Access method: heap
\copy log_history_2023 from 'log_history_2023.dump';
postgres=# alter table log_history_2023 INHERIT log_history;
postgres=# select inhrelid::regclass,inhparent::regclass,inhseqno from pg_inherits;
inhrelid | inhparent | inhseqno
log_history_2013 | log_history | 1
log_history_2014 | log_history | 1
log_history_2015 | log_history | 1
log_history_2016 | log_history | 1
log_history_2017 | log_history | 1
log_history_2018 | log_history | 1
log_history_2019 | log_history | 1
log_history_2020 | log_history | 1
log_history_2021 | log_history | 1
log_history_2022 | log_history | 1
log_history_2023 | log_history | 1
postgres=# \df+ log_history_insert_trigger;
List of functions
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Schema | public
Name | log_history_insert_trigger
Result data type | trigger
Argument data types |
Type | func
Volatility | volatile
Parallel | unsafe
Owner | postgres12
Security | invoker
Access privileges |
Language | plpgsql
Source code | +
| IF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2011-01-01' AND +
| NEW.logdate < DATE '2012-01-01' ) THEN +
| INSERT INTO log_history_2011 VALUES (NEW.*); +
| ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2012-01-01' AND +
| NEW.logdate < DATE '2013-01-01' ) THEN +
| INSERT INTO log_history_2012 VALUES (NEW.*); +
| ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2013-01-01' AND +
| NEW.logdate < DATE '2014-01-01' ) THEN +
| INSERT INTO log_history_2013 VALUES (NEW.*); +
| ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2014-01-01' AND +
| NEW.logdate < DATE '2015-01-01' ) THEN +
| INSERT INTO log_history_2014 VALUES (NEW.*); +
| ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2016-01-01' AND +
| NEW.logdate < DATE '2017-01-01' ) THEN +
| INSERT INTO log_history_2016 VALUES (NEW.*); +
| ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2017-01-01' AND +
| NEW.logdate < DATE '2018-01-01' ) THEN +
| INSERT INTO log_history_2017 VALUES (NEW.*); +
| ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2018-01-01' AND +
| NEW.logdate < DATE '2019-01-01' ) THEN +
| INSERT INTO log_history_2018 VALUES (NEW.*); +
| ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2019-01-01' AND +
| NEW.logdate < DATE '2020-01-01' ) THEN +
| INSERT INTO log_history_2019 VALUES (NEW.*); +
| ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2021-01-01' AND +
| NEW.logdate < DATE '2022-01-01' ) THEN +
| INSERT INTO log_history_2021 VALUES (NEW.*); +
| ELSE +
| RAISE EXCEPTION 'Date out of range. Fix the log_history_insert_trigger() function!';+
| END IF; +
| END; +
Description |
postgres=# \ef log_history_insert_trigger
postgres-# \g
postgres=# \df+ log_history_insert_trigger;
List of functions
-[ RECORD 1 ]-------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Schema | public
Name | log_history_insert_trigger
Result data type | trigger
Argument data types |
Type | func
Volatility | volatile
Parallel | unsafe
Owner | postgres12
Security | invoker
Access privileges |
Language | plpgsql
Source code | +
| IF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2011-01-01' AND +
| NEW.logdate < DATE '2012-01-01' ) THEN +
| INSERT INTO log_history_2011 VALUES (NEW.*); +
| ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2012-01-01' AND +
| NEW.logdate < DATE '2013-01-01' ) THEN +
| INSERT INTO log_history_2012 VALUES (NEW.*); +
| ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2013-01-01' AND +
| NEW.logdate < DATE '2014-01-01' ) THEN +
| INSERT INTO log_history_2013 VALUES (NEW.*); +
| ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2014-01-01' AND +
| NEW.logdate < DATE '2015-01-01' ) THEN +
| INSERT INTO log_history_2014 VALUES (NEW.*); +
| ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2016-01-01' AND +
| NEW.logdate < DATE '2017-01-01' ) THEN +
| INSERT INTO log_history_2016 VALUES (NEW.*); +
| ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2017-01-01' AND +
| NEW.logdate < DATE '2018-01-01' ) THEN +
| INSERT INTO log_history_2017 VALUES (NEW.*); +
| ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2018-01-01' AND +
| NEW.logdate < DATE '2019-01-01' ) THEN +
| INSERT INTO log_history_2018 VALUES (NEW.*); +
| ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2019-01-01' AND +
| NEW.logdate < DATE '2020-01-01' ) THEN +
| INSERT INTO log_history_2019 VALUES (NEW.*); +
| ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2021-01-01' AND +
| NEW.logdate < DATE '2022-01-01' ) THEN +
| INSERT INTO log_history_2021 VALUES (NEW.*); +
| ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2022-01-01' AND +
| NEW.logdate < DATE '2023-01-01' ) THEN +
| INSERT INTO log_history_2022 VALUES (NEW.*); +
| ELSIF ( NEW.logdate >= DATE '2023-01-01' AND +
| NEW.logdate < DATE '2024-01-01' ) THEN +
| INSERT INTO log_history_2023 VALUES (NEW.*); +
| ELSE +
| RAISE EXCEPTION 'Date out of range. Fix the log_history_insert_trigger() function!';+
| END IF; +
| END; +
Description |
2.4 constraint_exclusion
select * from log_history where logdate<date'2015-09-11';
启用constraint_exclusion = partition参数(默认启用partition),指定计划只会扫描需要的分区
postgres=# set constraint_exclusion = partition;
postgres=# explain select * from log_history where logdate<date'2015-09-11';
Append (cost=0.00..198.39 rows=3468 width=12)
-> Seq Scan on log_history (cost=0.00..3.55 rows=68 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2015-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2011 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2015-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2012 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2015-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2013 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2015-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2014 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2015-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2015 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2015-09-11'::date)
postgres=# set constraint_exclusion = off;
postgres=# explain select * from log_history where logdate<date'2015-09-11';
Append (cost=0.00..431.79 rows=7548 width=12)
-> Seq Scan on log_history (cost=0.00..3.55 rows=68 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2015-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2011 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2015-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2012 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2015-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2013 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2015-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2014 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2015-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2015 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2015-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2016 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2015-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2017 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2015-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2018 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2015-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2019 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2015-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2020 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2015-09-11'::date)
-> Seq Scan on log_history_2021 (cost=0.00..35.50 rows=680 width=12)
Filter: (logdate < '2015-09-11'::date)
VACUUM或ANALYZE tbl_partition只会对主表起作用,要想分析表,需要分别分析每个分区表。
postgres=# select relname,last_vacuum,last_analyze from pg_stat_all_tables where relname like 'log_history%';
relname | last_vacuum | last_analyze
log_history | |
log_history_2011 | |
log_history_2012 | |
log_history_2013 | |
log_history_2014 | |
log_history_2015 | |
log_history_2016 | |
log_history_2017 | |
log_history_2018 | |
log_history_2019 | |
log_history_2020 | |
log_history_2021 | |
postgres=# vacuum log_history;
postgres=# select relname,last_vacuum,last_analyze from pg_stat_all_tables where relname like 'log_history%';
relname | last_vacuum | last_analyze
log_history | 2021-12-27 11:36:17.562586+08 |
log_history_2011 | |
log_history_2012 | |
log_history_2013 | |
log_history_2014 | |
log_history_2015 | |
log_history_2016 | |
log_history_2017 | |
log_history_2018 | |
log_history_2019 | |
log_history_2020 | |
log_history_2021 | |
postgres=# vacuum log_history;
postgres=# vacuum log_history_2011;
postgres=# vacuum log_history_2012;
postgres=# vacuum log_history_2013;
postgres=# vacuum log_history_2014;
postgres=# vacuum log_history_2015;
postgres=# vacuum log_history_2016;
postgres=# vacuum log_history_2017;
postgres=# vacuum log_history_2018;
postgres=# vacuum log_history_2019;
postgres=# vacuum log_history_2020;
postgres=# vacuum log_history_2021;
postgres=# select relname,last_vacuum,last_analyze from pg_stat_all_tables where relname like 'log_history%';
relname | last_vacuum | last_analyze
log_history | 2021-12-27 11:38:03.134217+08 |
log_history_2011 | 2021-12-27 11:38:03.134608+08 |
log_history_2012 | 2021-12-27 11:38:03.134919+08 |
log_history_2013 | 2021-12-27 11:38:03.135219+08 |
log_history_2014 | 2021-12-27 11:38:03.135507+08 |
log_history_2015 | 2021-12-27 11:38:03.135794+08 |
log_history_2016 | 2021-12-27 11:38:03.136088+08 |
log_history_2017 | 2021-12-27 11:38:03.136377+08 |
log_history_2018 | 2021-12-27 11:38:03.136668+08 |
log_history_2019 | 2021-12-27 11:38:03.136965+08 |
log_history_2020 | 2021-12-27 11:38:03.22314+08 |
log_history_2021 | 2021-12-27 11:38:03.435743+08 |
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