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迁移Redis单机到Redis Cluster

Posted on   高&玉  阅读(1895)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

1 前言

线上有套Redis 5.x单机在运行,为了能实现Redis高可用和以后能横向扩展放弃Redis主从、Redis哨兵,决定将Redis单机迁移到Redis Cluster。

此方案适用于Redis 5.X、6.X版本。



  • 使用RDB、AOF迁移:
    • 步骤较多,相对复杂;
    • 对Redis单机与Redis Cluster之间网络要求不高;
    • 停机时间长。
  • 使用Redis-shake迁移:
    • 相对简单;
    • 需保证Redis单机与Redis Cluster之间网络能通;
    • 停机时间短。

2 使用RDB、AOF迁移


2.1 移动哈希槽

Redis Cluster总共有16384个哈希槽,16384哈希槽是平均分布在Master节点上,我的Redis Cluster是6个节点(3个Master,3个Slave,Master与Slave之间是主从关系)。


查看Redis Cluster节点信息和哈希槽分布情况

[redis]# redis-cli -p 6381 -a Passwd@123 --cluster check
Warning: Using a password with '-a' or '-u' option on the command line interface may not be safe. (0939488f...) -> 0 keys | 5461 slots | 1 slaves. (cab3f65e...) -> 0 keys | 5461 slots | 1 slaves. (3b02d1d4...) -> 0 keys | 5462 slots | 1 slaves.
[OK] 0 keys in 3 masters.
0.00 keys per slot on average.
>>> Performing Cluster Check (using node
M: 0939488f471b96bca4feffff01a9f179e10041a5
   slots:[0-5460] (5461 slots) master
   1 additional replica(s)
M: cab3f65e28f8f42dd78e1bb2ea6bb417960db600
   slots:[10923-16383] (5461 slots) master
   1 additional replica(s)
S: 6c18fdfd69e67df4340437169738e8e00e67e4dd
   slots: (0 slots) slave
   replicates 3b02d1d43f219759e76df2804d4ed160f602a7ea
S: bf2fe8ffbbb22772c600af19ce7ce15a89d26ba5
   slots: (0 slots) slave
   replicates cab3f65e28f8f42dd78e1bb2ea6bb417960db600
S: d83e5f8dc57cb6c8fbc4ed2dd667835cbf6b7542
   slots: (0 slots) slave
   replicates 0939488f471b96bca4feffff01a9f179e10041a5
M: 3b02d1d43f219759e76df2804d4ed160f602a7ea
   slots:[5461-10922] (5462 slots) master
   1 additional replica(s)
[OK] All nodes agree about slots configuration.
>>> Check for open slots...
>>> Check slots coverage...
[OK] All 16384 slots covered.



[redis]# redis-cli -p 6381 -a Passwd@123 --cluster reshard
Warning: Using a password with '-a' or '-u' option on the command line interface may not be safe.
>>> Performing Cluster Check (using node
M: cab3f65e28f8f42dd78e1bb2ea6bb417960db600
   slots:[10923-16383] (5461 slots) master
   1 additional replica(s)
S: d83e5f8dc57cb6c8fbc4ed2dd667835cbf6b7542
   slots: (0 slots) slave
   replicates 0939488f471b96bca4feffff01a9f179e10041a5
M: 3b02d1d43f219759e76df2804d4ed160f602a7ea
   slots: (0 slots) master
S: bf2fe8ffbbb22772c600af19ce7ce15a89d26ba5
   slots: (0 slots) slave
   replicates cab3f65e28f8f42dd78e1bb2ea6bb417960db600
S: 6c18fdfd69e67df4340437169738e8e00e67e4dd
   slots: (0 slots) slave
   replicates 0939488f471b96bca4feffff01a9f179e10041a5
M: 0939488f471b96bca4feffff01a9f179e10041a5
   slots:[0-10922] (10923 slots) master
   2 additional replica(s)
[OK] All nodes agree about slots configuration.
>>> Check for open slots...
>>> Check slots coverage...
[OK] All 16384 slots covered.
How many slots do you want to move (from 1 to 16384)? 5461	#指定移动哈希槽的数量
What is the receiving node ID? 0939488f471b96bca4feffff01a9f179e10041a5 #指定接收端的Redis ID
Please enter all the source node IDs.
  Type 'all' to use all the nodes as source nodes for the hash slots.
  Type 'done' once you entered all the source nodes IDs.
Source node #1: 3b02d1d43f219759e76df2804d4ed160f602a7ea	#指定源端Redis ID
Source node #2: done
Do you want to proceed with the proposed reshard plan (yes/no)? yes	#输入“yes”继续进行reshard



[redis]# redis-cli -p 6381 -a Passwd@123 --cluster reshard
Warning: Using a password with '-a' or '-u' option on the command line interface may not be safe.
>>> Performing Cluster Check (using node
M: cab3f65e28f8f42dd78e1bb2ea6bb417960db600
   slots:[10923-16383] (5461 slots) master
   1 additional replica(s)
S: d83e5f8dc57cb6c8fbc4ed2dd667835cbf6b7542
   slots: (0 slots) slave
   replicates 0939488f471b96bca4feffff01a9f179e10041a5
M: 3b02d1d43f219759e76df2804d4ed160f602a7ea
   slots: (0 slots) master
S: bf2fe8ffbbb22772c600af19ce7ce15a89d26ba5
   slots: (0 slots) slave
   replicates cab3f65e28f8f42dd78e1bb2ea6bb417960db600
S: 6c18fdfd69e67df4340437169738e8e00e67e4dd
   slots: (0 slots) slave
   replicates 0939488f471b96bca4feffff01a9f179e10041a5
M: 0939488f471b96bca4feffff01a9f179e10041a5
   slots:[0-10922] (10923 slots) master
   2 additional replica(s)
[OK] All nodes agree about slots configuration.
>>> Check for open slots...
>>> Check slots coverage...
[OK] All 16384 slots covered.
How many slots do you want to move (from 1 to 16384)? 5461	#指定移动哈希槽的数量
What is the receiving node ID? 0939488f471b96bca4feffff01a9f179e10041a5	#指定接收端的Redis ID
Please enter all the source node IDs.
  Type 'all' to use all the nodes as source nodes for the hash slots.
  Type 'done' once you entered all the source nodes IDs.
Source node #1: cab3f65e28f8f42dd78e1bb2ea6bb417960db600	#指定源端Redis ID
Source node #2: done
Do you want to proceed with the proposed reshard plan (yes/no)? yes	#输入“yes”继续进行reshard



[redis]# redis-cli -p 6381 -a Passwd@123 --cluster check
Warning: Using a password with '-a' or '-u' option on the command line interface may not be safe. (cab3f65e...) -> 0 keys | 0 slots | 0 slaves. (3b02d1d4...) -> 0 keys | 0 slots | 0 slaves. (0939488f...) -> 0 keys | 16384 slots | 3 slaves.
[OK] 0 keys in 3 masters.
0.00 keys per slot on average.
>>> Performing Cluster Check (using node
M: cab3f65e28f8f42dd78e1bb2ea6bb417960db600
   slots: (0 slots) master
S: d83e5f8dc57cb6c8fbc4ed2dd667835cbf6b7542
   slots: (0 slots) slave
   replicates 0939488f471b96bca4feffff01a9f179e10041a5
M: 3b02d1d43f219759e76df2804d4ed160f602a7ea
   slots: (0 slots) master
S: bf2fe8ffbbb22772c600af19ce7ce15a89d26ba5
   slots: (0 slots) slave
   replicates 0939488f471b96bca4feffff01a9f179e10041a5
S: 6c18fdfd69e67df4340437169738e8e00e67e4dd
   slots: (0 slots) slave
   replicates 0939488f471b96bca4feffff01a9f179e10041a5
M: 0939488f471b96bca4feffff01a9f179e10041a5
   slots:[0-16383] (16384 slots) master
   3 additional replica(s)
[OK] All nodes agree about slots configuration.
>>> Check for open slots...
>>> Check slots coverage...
[OK] All 16384 slots covered.


2.2 传输RDB、AOF


重启Redis Cluster(会自动加载单机的RDB、AOF到Redis Cluster节点)。

2.3 重新分布哈希槽


[redis]# redis-cli -p 6381 -a Passwd@123 --cluster check
Warning: Using a password with '-a' or '-u' option on the command line interface may not be safe. (cab3f65e...) -> 0 keys | 0 slots | 0 slaves. (0939488f...) -> 0 keys | 16384 slots | 3 slaves. (3b02d1d4...) -> 0 keys | 0 slots | 0 slaves.
[OK] 0 keys in 3 masters.
0.00 keys per slot on average.
>>> Performing Cluster Check (using node
M: cab3f65e28f8f42dd78e1bb2ea6bb417960db600
   slots: (0 slots) master
S: d83e5f8dc57cb6c8fbc4ed2dd667835cbf6b7542
   slots: (0 slots) slave
   replicates 0939488f471b96bca4feffff01a9f179e10041a5
M: 0939488f471b96bca4feffff01a9f179e10041a5
   slots:[0-16383] (16384 slots) master
   3 additional replica(s)
M: 3b02d1d43f219759e76df2804d4ed160f602a7ea
   slots: (0 slots) master
S: bf2fe8ffbbb22772c600af19ce7ce15a89d26ba5
   slots: (0 slots) slave
   replicates 0939488f471b96bca4feffff01a9f179e10041a5
S: 6c18fdfd69e67df4340437169738e8e00e67e4dd
   slots: (0 slots) slave
   replicates 0939488f471b96bca4feffff01a9f179e10041a5
[OK] All nodes agree about slots configuration.
>>> Check for open slots...
>>> Check slots coverage...
[OK] All 16384 slots covered.




[redis]# redis-cli -p 6381 -a Passwd@123 --cluster rebalance --cluster-use-empty-masters
Warning: Using a password with '-a' or '-u' option on the command line interface may not be safe.
>>> Performing Cluster Check (using node
[OK] All nodes agree about slots configuration.
>>> Check for open slots...
>>> Check slots coverage...
[OK] All 16384 slots covered.
>>> Rebalancing across 3 nodes. Total weight = 3.00
Moving 5462 slots from to
Moving 5461 slots from to



[redis]# redis-cli -p 6381 -a Passwd@123 --cluster check
Warning: Using a password with '-a' or '-u' option on the command line interface may not be safe. (0939488f...) -> 0 keys | 5461 slots | 1 slaves. (3b02d1d4...) -> 0 keys | 5462 slots | 1 slaves. (cab3f65e...) -> 0 keys | 5461 slots | 1 slaves.
[OK] 0 keys in 3 masters.
0.00 keys per slot on average.
>>> Performing Cluster Check (using node
M: 0939488f471b96bca4feffff01a9f179e10041a5
   slots:[10923-16383] (5461 slots) master
   1 additional replica(s)
M: 3b02d1d43f219759e76df2804d4ed160f602a7ea
   slots:[0-5461] (5462 slots) master
   1 additional replica(s)
S: bf2fe8ffbbb22772c600af19ce7ce15a89d26ba5
   slots: (0 slots) slave
   replicates cab3f65e28f8f42dd78e1bb2ea6bb417960db600
M: cab3f65e28f8f42dd78e1bb2ea6bb417960db600
   slots:[5462-10922] (5461 slots) master
   1 additional replica(s)
S: d83e5f8dc57cb6c8fbc4ed2dd667835cbf6b7542
   slots: (0 slots) slave
   replicates 0939488f471b96bca4feffff01a9f179e10041a5
S: 6c18fdfd69e67df4340437169738e8e00e67e4dd
   slots: (0 slots) slave
   replicates 3b02d1d43f219759e76df2804d4ed160f602a7ea
[OK] All nodes agree about slots configuration.
>>> Check for open slots...
>>> Check slots coverage...
[OK] All 16384 slots covered.


至此,迁移Redis单机到Redis Cluster完成。

3 使用Redis-shake迁移

3.1 介绍

3.1.1 介绍



redis-shake is a tool for synchronizing data between two redis databases. Redis-shake 是一个用于在两个 redis之 间同步数据的工具,满足用户非常灵活的同步、迁移需求。

3.1.2 基本功能


  • 恢复restore:将RDB文件恢复到目的redis数据库。
  • 备份dump:将源redis的全量数据通过RDB文件备份起来。
  • 解析decode:对RDB文件进行读取,并以json格式解析存储。
  • 同步sync:支持源redis和目的redis的数据同步,支持全量和增量数据的迁移,支持从云下到阿里云云上的同步,也支持云下到云下不同环境的同步,支持单节点、主从版、集群版之间的互相同步。需要注意的是,如果源端是集群版,可以启动一个RedisShake,从不同的db结点进行拉取,同时源端不能开启move slot功能;对于目的端,如果是集群版,写入可以是1个或者多个db结点。
  • 同步rump:支持源redis和目的redis的数据同步,仅支持全量的迁移。采用scan和restore命令进行迁移,支持不同云厂商不同redis版本的迁移。

3.1.3 基本原理










如果源端是集群模式,只需要启动一个redis-shake进行拉取,同时不能开启源端的move slot操作。如果目的端是集群模式,可以写入到一个结点,然后再进行slot的迁移,当然也可以多对多写入。


3.2 迁移

3.2.1 安装redis-shake

[root]# wget https://github.com/alibaba/RedisShake/releases/download/release-v2.1.1-20210903/release-v2.1.1-20210903.tar.gz
[root]# tar -zxvf release-v2.1.1-20210903.tar.gz


3.2.2 配置参数文件


[root]# cd release-v2.1.1-20210903
[root]# vi redis-shake.conf
source.type = standalone		#源端架构类型
source.address =		#源端IP:PORT
source.password_raw = Passwd@123	#源端密码
target.type = cluster			#目的端架构类型
target.address =;;	#目的端IP:PORT(Redis Cluster的Master或者Slave)
target.password_raw = Passwd@123	#目的端密码
key_exists = rewrite	#如果目的端有同样的键值对,则覆盖

[root]# cat redis-shake.conf

# This file is the configuration of redis-shake.

# If you have any problem, please visit: https://github.com/alibaba/RedisShake/wiki/FAQ
# 有疑问请先查阅:https://github.com/alibaba/RedisShake/wiki/FAQ

# current configuration version, do not modify.
# 当前配置文件的版本号,请不要修改该值。
conf.version = 1

# id
id = redis-shake

# The log file name, if left blank, it will be printed to stdout,
# otherwise it will be printed to the specified file.
# 日志文件名,留空则会打印到 stdout,否则打印到指定文件。
# for example:
#   log.file =
#   log.file = /var/log/redis-shake.log
log.file = /var/log/redis-shake.log

# log level: "none", "error", "warn", "info", "debug".
# default is "info".
# 日志等级,可选:none error warn info debug
# 默认为:info
log.level = info

# 进程文件存储目录,留空则会输出到当前目录,
# 注意这个是目录,真正生成的 pid 是 {pid_path}/{id}.pid
# 例如:
#   pid_path = ./
#   pid_path = /var/run/
pid_path = 

# pprof port.
system_profile = 9310

# restful port, set -1 means disable, in `restore` mode RedisShake will exit once finish restoring RDB only if this value
# is -1, otherwise, it'll wait forever.
# restful port, 查看 metric 端口, -1 表示不启用. 如果是`restore`模式,只有设置为-1才会在完成RDB恢复后退出,否则会一直block。
#   查看 redis-shake 使用的配置
# 查看 redis-shake 的同步情况
http_profile = 9320

# parallel routines number used in RDB file syncing. default is 64.
# 启动多少个并发线程同步一个RDB文件。
parallel = 32

# source redis configuration.
# used in `dump`, `sync` and `rump`.
# source redis type, e.g. "standalone" (default), "sentinel" or "cluster".
#   1. "standalone": standalone db mode.
#   2. "sentinel": the redis address is read from sentinel.
#   3. "cluster": the source redis has several db.
#   4. "proxy": the proxy address, currently, only used in "rump" mode.
# used in `dump`, `sync` and `rump`.
# 源端 Redis 的类型,可选:standalone sentinel cluster proxy
# 注意:proxy 只用于 rump 模式。
source.type = standalone

# ip:port
# the source address can be the following:
#   1. single db address. for "standalone" type.
#   2. ${sentinel_master_name}:${master or slave}@sentinel single/cluster address, e.g., mymaster:master@;, or @; for "sentinel" type.
#   3. cluster that has several db nodes split by semicolon(;). for "cluster" type. e.g.,;
#   4. proxy address(used in "rump" mode only). for "proxy" type.
# 源redis地址。对于sentinel或者开源cluster模式,输入格式为"master名字:拉取角色为master或者slave@sentinel的地址",别的cluster
# 架构,比如codis, twemproxy, aliyun proxy等需要配置所有master或者slave的db地址。
# 源端 redis 的地址
#   1. standalone 模式配置 ip:port, 例如:
#   2. cluster 模式需要配置所有 nodes 的 ip:port, 例如: source.address =;
source.address =

# source password, left blank means no password.
# 源端密码,留空表示无密码。
source.password_raw =

# auth type, don't modify it
source.auth_type = auth
# tls enable, true or false. Currently, only support standalone.
# open source redis does NOT support tls so far, but some cloud versions do.
source.tls_enable = false
# input RDB file.
# used in `decode` and `restore`.
# if the input is list split by semicolon(;), redis-shake will restore the list one by one.
# 如果是decode或者restore,这个参数表示读取的rdb文件。支持输入列表,例如:rdb.0;rdb.1;rdb.2
# redis-shake将会挨个进行恢复。
source.rdb.input =
# the concurrence of RDB syncing, default is len(source.address) or len(source.rdb.input).
# used in `dump`, `sync` and `restore`. 0 means default.
# This is useless when source.type isn't cluster or only input is only one RDB.
# 拉取的并发度,如果是`dump`或者`sync`,默认是source.address中db的个数,`restore`模式默认len(source.rdb.input)。
# 假如db节点/输入的rdb有5个,但rdb.parallel=3,那么一次只会
# 并发拉取3个db的全量数据,直到某个db的rdb拉取完毕并进入增量,才会拉取第4个db节点的rdb,
# 以此类推,最后会有len(source.address)或者len(rdb.input)个增量线程同时存在。
source.rdb.parallel = 0
# for special cloud vendor: ucloud
# used in `decode` and `restore`.
# ucloud集群版的rdb文件添加了slot前缀,进行特判剥离: ucloud_cluster。
source.rdb.special_cloud = 

# target redis configuration. used in `restore`, `sync` and `rump`.
# the type of target redis can be "standalone", "proxy" or "cluster".
#   1. "standalone": standalone db mode.
#   2. "sentinel": the redis address is read from sentinel.
#   3. "cluster": open source cluster (not supported currently).
#   4. "proxy": proxy layer ahead redis. Data will be inserted in a round-robin way if more than 1 proxy given.
# 目的redis的类型,支持standalone,sentinel,cluster和proxy四种模式。
target.type = cluster
# ip:port
# the target address can be the following:
#   1. single db address. for "standalone" type.
#   2. ${sentinel_master_name}:${master or slave}@sentinel single/cluster address, e.g., mymaster:master@;, or @; for "sentinel" type.
#   3. cluster that has several db nodes split by semicolon(;). for "cluster" type.
#   4. proxy address. for "proxy" type.
target.address =;;

# target password, left blank means no password.
# 目的端密码,留空表示无密码。
target.password_raw = Gaoyu@029

# auth type, don't modify it
target.auth_type = auth
# all the data will be written into this db. < 0 means disable.
target.db = 0

# Format: 0-5;1-3 ,Indicates that the data of the source db0 is written to the target db5, and 
# the data of the source db1 is all written to the target db3. 
# Note: When target.db is specified, target.dbmap will not take effect.
# 例如 0-5;1-3 表示源端 db0 的数据会被写入目的端 db5, 源端 db1 的数据会被写入目的端 db3
# 当 target.db 开启的时候 target.dbmap 不会生效.
target.dbmap =

# tls enable, true or false. Currently, only support standalone.
# open source redis does NOT support tls so far, but some cloud versions do.
target.tls_enable = false
# output RDB file prefix.
# used in `decode` and `dump`.
# 如果是decode或者dump,这个参数表示输出的rdb前缀,比如输入有3个db,那么dump分别是:
# ${output_rdb}.0, ${output_rdb}.1, ${output_rdb}.2
target.rdb.output = local_dump
# some redis proxy like twemproxy doesn't support to fetch version, so please set it here.
# e.g., target.version = 4.0
target.version =

# use for expire key, set the time gap when source and target timestamp are not the same.
# 用于处理过期的键值,当迁移两端不一致的时候,目的端需要加上这个值
fake_time =

# how to solve when destination restore has the same key.
# rewrite: overwrite. 
# none: panic directly.
# ignore: skip this key. not used in rump mode.
# used in `restore`, `sync` and `rump`.
# 当源目的有重复 key 时是否进行覆写, 可选值:
#   1. rewrite: 源端覆盖目的端
#   2. none: 一旦发生进程直接退出
#   3. ignore: 保留目的端key,忽略源端的同步 key. 该值在 rump 模式下不会生效.
key_exists = rewrite

# filter db, key, slot, lua.
# filter db.
# used in `restore`, `sync` and `rump`.
# e.g., "0;5;10" means match db0, db5 and db10.
# at most one of `filter.db.whitelist` and `filter.db.blacklist` parameters can be given.
# if the filter.db.whitelist is not empty, the given db list will be passed while others filtered.
# if the filter.db.blacklist is not empty, the given db list will be filtered while others passed.
# all dbs will be passed if no condition given.
# 指定的db被通过,比如0;5;10将会使db0, db5, db10通过, 其他的被过滤
filter.db.whitelist =
# 指定的db被过滤,比如0;5;10将会使db0, db5, db10过滤,其他的被通过
filter.db.blacklist =
# filter key with prefix string. multiple keys are separated by ';'.
# e.g., "abc;bzz" match let "abc", "abc1", "abcxxx", "bzz" and "bzzwww".
# used in `restore`, `sync` and `rump`.
# at most one of `filter.key.whitelist` and `filter.key.blacklist` parameters can be given.
# if the filter.key.whitelist is not empty, the given keys will be passed while others filtered.
# if the filter.key.blacklist is not empty, the given keys will be filtered while others passed.
# all the namespace will be passed if no condition given.
# 支持按前缀过滤key,只让指定前缀的key通过,分号分隔。比如指定abc,将会通过abc, abc1, abcxxx
filter.key.whitelist =
# 支持按前缀过滤key,不让指定前缀的key通过,分号分隔。比如指定abc,将会阻塞abc, abc1, abcxxx
filter.key.blacklist =
# filter given slot, multiple slots are separated by ';'.
# e.g., 1;2;3
# used in `sync`.
# 指定过滤slot,只让指定的slot通过
filter.slot =
# filter lua script. true means not pass. However, in redis 5.0, the lua 
# converts to transaction(multi+{commands}+exec) which will be passed.
# 控制不让lua脚本通过,true表示不通过
filter.lua = false

# big key threshold, the default is 500 * 1024 * 1024 bytes. If the value is bigger than
# this given value, all the field will be spilt and write into the target in order. If
# the target Redis type is Codis, this should be set to 1, please checkout FAQ to find 
# the reason.
# 正常key如果不大,那么都是直接调用restore写入到目的端,如果key对应的value字节超过了给定
# 的值,那么会分批依次一个一个写入。如果目的端是Codis,这个需要置为1,具体原因请查看FAQ。
# 如果目的端大版本小于源端,也建议设置为1。
big_key_threshold = 524288000

# enable metric
# used in `sync`.
# 是否启用metric
metric = true
# print in log
# 是否将metric打印到log中
metric.print_log = false

# sender information.
# sender flush buffer size of byte.
# used in `sync`.
# 发送缓存的字节长度,超过这个阈值将会强行刷缓存发送
sender.size = 104857600
# sender flush buffer size of oplog number.
# used in `sync`. flush sender buffer when bigger than this threshold.
# 发送缓存的报文个数,超过这个阈值将会强行刷缓存发送,对于目的端是cluster的情况,这个值
# 的调大将会占用部分内存。
sender.count = 4095
# delay channel size. once one oplog is sent to target redis, the oplog id and timestamp will also
# stored in this delay queue. this timestamp will be used to calculate the time delay when receiving
# ack from target redis.
# used in `sync`.
# 用于metric统计时延的队列
sender.delay_channel_size = 65535

# enable keep_alive option in TCP when connecting redis.
# the unit is second.
# 0 means disable.
# TCP keep-alive保活参数,单位秒,0表示不启用。
keep_alive = 0

# used in `rump`.
# number of keys captured each time. default is 100.
# 每次scan的个数,不配置则默认100.
scan.key_number = 50
# used in `rump`.
# we support some special redis types that don't use default `scan` command like alibaba cloud and tencent cloud.
# 有些版本具有特殊的格式,与普通的scan命令有所不同,我们进行了特殊的适配。目前支持腾讯云的集群版"tencent_cluster"
# 和阿里云的集群版"aliyun_cluster",注释主从版不需要配置,只针对集群版。
scan.special_cloud =
# used in `rump`.
# we support to fetching data from given file which marks the key list.
# 有些云版本,既不支持sync/psync,也不支持scan,我们支持从文件中进行读取所有key列表并进行抓取:一行一个key。
scan.key_file =

# limit the rate of transmission. Only used in `rump` currently.
# e.g., qps = 1000 means pass 1000 keys per second. default is 500,000(0 means default)
qps = 200000

# enable resume from break point, please visit xxx to see more details.
# 断点续传开关
resume_from_break_point = false

# ----------------splitter----------------
# below variables are useless for current open source version so don't set.

# replace hash tag.
# used in `sync`.
replace_hash_tag = false

3.2.3 迁移


[root]# ./redis-shake.linux -type=sync -conf=redis-shake.conf


2021/12/02 23:53:58 [WARN] source.auth_type[auth] != auth
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [WARN] target.auth_type[auth] != auth
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [INFO] the target redis type is cluster, all db syncing to db0
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [INFO] input password is empty, skip auth address[] with type[auth].
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [INFO] input password is empty, skip auth address[] with type[auth].
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [INFO] source rdb[] checksum[yes]
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [WARN] 
\                             \           _         ______ |
 \                             \        /   \___-=O'/|O'/__|
  \   RedisShake, here we go !! \_______\          / | /    )
  /                             /        '/-==__ _/__|/__=-|  -GM
 /        Alibaba Cloud        /         *             \ | |
/                             /                        (o)
if you have any problem, please visit https://github.com/alibaba/RedisShake/wiki/FAQ

2021/12/02 23:53:58 [INFO] redis-shake configuration: {"ConfVersion":1,"Id":"redis-shake","LogFile":"","LogLevel":"info","SystemProfile":9310,"HttpProfile":9320,"Parallel":32,"SourceType":"standalone","SourceAddress":"","SourcePasswordRaw":"***","SourcePasswordEncoding":"***","SourceAuthType":"auth","SourceTLSEnable":false,"SourceRdbInput":[],"SourceRdbParallel":1,"SourceRdbSpecialCloud":"","TargetAddress":";;","TargetPasswordRaw":"***","TargetPasswordEncoding":"***","TargetDBString":"0","TargetDBMapString":"","TargetAuthType":"auth","TargetType":"cluster","TargetTLSEnable":false,"TargetRdbOutput":"local_dump","TargetVersion":"6.2.1","FakeTime":"","KeyExists":"rewrite","FilterDBWhitelist":[],"FilterDBBlacklist":[],"FilterKeyWhitelist":[],"FilterKeyBlacklist":[],"FilterSlot":[],"FilterLua":false,"BigKeyThreshold":524288000,"Metric":true,"MetricPrintLog":false,"SenderSize":104857600,"SenderCount":4095,"SenderDelayChannelSize":65535,"KeepAlive":0,"PidPath":"","ScanKeyNumber":50,"ScanSpecialCloud":"","ScanKeyFile":"","Qps":200000,"ResumeFromBreakPoint":false,"Psync":true,"NCpu":0,"HeartbeatUrl":"","HeartbeatInterval":10,"HeartbeatExternal":"","HeartbeatNetworkInterface":"","ReplaceHashTag":false,"ExtraInfo":false,"SockFileName":"","SockFileSize":0,"FilterKey":null,"FilterDB":"","Rewrite":false,"SourceAddressList":[""],"TargetAddressList":["","",""],"SourceVersion":"5.0.12","HeartbeatIp":"","ShiftTime":0,"TargetReplace":false,"TargetDB":0,"Version":"develop,cc226f841e2e244c48246ebfcfd5a50396b59710,go1.15.7,2021-09-03_10:06:55","Type":"sync","TargetDBMap":null}
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] starts syncing data from to [] with http[9321], enableResumeFromBreakPoint[false], slot boundary[-1, -1]
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [INFO] input password is empty, skip auth address[] with type[auth].
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] psync connect '' with auth type[auth] OK!
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] psync send listening port[9320] OK!
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] try to send 'psync' command: run-id[?], offset[-1]
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [INFO] Event:FullSyncStart	Id:redis-shake	
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] psync runid = a579ea824ae5845c709d093d75467cfee86753e0, offset = 849589400, fullsync
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] rdb file size = 276
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [INFO] Aux information key:redis-ver value:5.0.12
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [INFO] Aux information key:redis-bits value:64
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [INFO] Aux information key:ctime value:1638460438
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [INFO] Aux information key:used-mem value:1902536
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [INFO] Aux information key:repl-stream-db value:0
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [INFO] Aux information key:repl-id value:a579ea824ae5845c709d093d75467cfee86753e0
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [INFO] Aux information key:repl-offset value:849589400
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [INFO] Aux information key:aof-preamble value:0
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [INFO] db_size:8 expire_size:0
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] total = 276B -         276B [100%]  entry=8           
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] sync rdb done
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] FlushEvent:IncrSyncStart	Id:redis-shake	
2021/12/02 23:53:58 [INFO] input password is empty, skip auth address[] with type[auth].
2021/12/02 23:53:59 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] sync:  +forwardCommands=0      +filterCommands=0      +writeBytes=0
2021/12/02 23:54:00 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] sync:  +forwardCommands=0      +filterCommands=0      +writeBytes=0
2021/12/02 23:54:46 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] sync:  +forwardCommands=0      +filterCommands=0      +writeBytes=0
sh2021/12/02 23:54:47 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] sync:  +forwardCommands=0      +filterCommands=0      +writeBytes=0
gui	42021/12/02 23:54:48 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] sync:  +forwardCommands=1      +filterCommands=0      +writeBytes=4
2021/12/02 23:54:49 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] sync:  +forwardCommands=0      +filterCommands=0      +writeBytes=0
redis-2021/12/02 23:54:50 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] sync:  +forwardCommands=0      +filterCommands=0      +writeBytes=0
cl2021/12/02 23:54:51 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] sync:  +forwardCommands=0      +filterCommands=0      +writeBytes=0
2021/12/02 23:54:52 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] sync:  +forwardCommands=0      +filterCommands=0      +writeBytes=0
2021/12/02 23:54:53 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] sync:  +forwardCommands=0      +filterCommands=0      +writeBytes=0
keys 2021/12/02 23:54:54 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] sync:  +forwardCommands=0      +filterCommands=0      +writeBytes=0
2021/12/02 23:54:55 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] sync:  +forwardCommands=0      +filterCommands=0      +writeBytes=0
set 2021/12/02 23:54:56 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] sync:  +forwardCommands=0      +filterCommands=0      +writeBytes=0
2021/12/02 23:54:57 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] sync:  +forwardCommands=0      +filterCommands=0      +writeBytes=0
2021/12/02 23:54:58 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] sync:  +forwardCommands=1      +filterCommands=0      +writeBytes=4
key12021/12/02 23:54:59 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] sync:  +forwardCommands=0      +filterCommands=0      +writeBytes=0
00 2021/12/02 23:55:00 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] sync:  +forwardCommands=0      +filterCommands=0      +writeBytes=0
name102021/12/02 23:55:01 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] sync:  +forwardCommands=0      +filterCommands=0      +writeBytes=0
2021/12/02 23:55:02 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] sync:  +forwardCommands=2      +filterCommands=0      +writeBytes=23
2021/12/02 23:55:03 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] sync:  +forwardCommands=0      +filterCommands=0      +writeBytes=0
2021/12/02 23:55:04 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] sync:  +forwardCommands=0      +filterCommands=0      +writeBytes=0
2021/12/02 23:55:05 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] sync:  +forwardCommands=0      +filterCommands=0      +writeBytes=0
2021/12/02 23:55:06 [INFO] DbSyncer[0] sync:  +forwardCommands=0      +filterCommands=0      +writeBytes=0

4 redis-full-check校验工具

4.1 介绍

4.1.1 简介



4.1.2 基本原理





       下图是基本的数据流图,redis-full-check内部分为多轮比较,也就是黄色框所指示的部分。每次比较,会先抓取比较的key,第一轮是从源库中进行抓取,后面轮次是从sqlite3 db中进行抓取;抓取key之后是分别抓取key对应的field和value进行对比,然后将存在差异的部分存入sqlite3 db中,用于下次比较。

4.1.3 不一致类型





  • lack_target : key存在于源库,但不存在于目的库。
  • type: key存在于源库和目的库,但是类型不一致。
  • value: key存在于源库和目的库,且类型一致,但是value不一致。




  • string: value不同。
  • hash: 存在field,满足下面3个条件之一:
    • field存在于源端,但不存在与目的端。
    • field存在于目的端,但不存在与源端。
    • field同时存在于源和目的端,但是value不同。
  • set/zset:与hash类似。
  • list: 与hash类似。


  • lack_source: field存在于源端key,field不存在与目的端key。
  • lack_target: field不存在与源端key,field存在于目的端key。
  • value: field存在于源端key和目的端key,但是field对应的value不同。

4.1.4 比较原理


  • KeyOutline:只对比key值是否相等。
  • ValueOutline:只对比value值的长度是否相等。
  • FullValue:对比key值、value长度、value值是否相等。



  • 第一轮,首先找出在源库上所有的key,然后分别从源库和目的库抓取进行比较。
  • 第二轮开始迭代比较,只比较上一轮结束后仍然不一致的key和field。
    • 对于key不一致的情况,包括lack_source ,lack_target 和type,从源库和目的库重新取key、value进行比较。
    • value不一致的string,重新比较key:从源和目的取key、value比较。
    • value不一致的hash、set和zset,只重新比较不一致的field,之前已经比较且相同的filed不再比较。这是为了防止对于大key情况下,如果更新频繁,将会导致校验永远不通过的情况。
    • value不一致的list,重新比较key:从源和目的取key、value比较。
  • 每轮之间会停止一定的时间(Interval)。



  • len <= 5192,直接取全量field、value进行比较,使用如下命令:hgetall,smembers,zrange 0 -1 withscores,lrange 0 -1。
  • len > 5192,使用hscan,sscan,zscan,lrange分批取field和value。

4.2 校验

4.2.1 安装




[root]# wget https://github.com/alibaba/RedisFullCheck/releases/download/release-v1.4.8-20200212/redis-full-check-1.4.8.tar.gz
[root]# tar -zxvf redis-full-check-1.4.8.tar.gz
[root]# redis-full-check-1.4.8
[root]# ./redis-full-check --help
  redis-full-check [OPTIONS]

Application Options:
  -s, --source=SOURCE                   Set host:port of source redis. If db type is cluster, split by semicolon(;'), e.g.,
                              ;; We also support auto-detection, so "master@" or
                                        "slave@" means choose master or slave. Only need to give a role in the master or slave.
  -p, --sourcepassword=Password         Set source redis password
      --sourceauthtype=AUTH-TYPE        useless for opensource redis, valid value:auth/adminauth (default: auth)
      --sourcedbtype=                   0: db, 1: cluster 2: aliyun proxy, 3: tencent proxy (default: 0)
      --sourcedbfilterlist=             db white list that need to be compared, -1 means fetch all, "0;5;15" means fetch db 0, 5, and 15 (default: -1)
  -t, --target=TARGET                   Set host:port of target redis. If db type is cluster, split by semicolon(;'), e.g.,
                              ;; We also support auto-detection, so "master@" or
                                        "slave@" means choose master or slave. Only need to give a role in the master or slave.
  -a, --targetpassword=Password         Set target redis password
      --targetauthtype=AUTH-TYPE        useless for opensource redis, valid value:auth/adminauth (default: auth)
      --targetdbtype=                   0: db, 1: cluster 2: aliyun proxy 3: tencent proxy (default: 0)
      --targetdbfilterlist=             db white list that need to be compared, -1 means fetch all, "0;5;15" means fetch db 0, 5, and 15 (default: -1)
  -d, --db=Sqlite3-DB-FILE              sqlite3 db file for store result. If exist, it will be removed and a new file is created. (default: result.db)
      --result=FILE                     store all diff result into the file, format is 'db	diff-type	key	field'
      --comparetimes=COUNT              Total compare count, at least 1. In the first round, all keys will be compared. The subsequent rounds of the
                                        comparison will be done on the previous results. (default: 3)
  -m, --comparemode=                    compare mode, 1: compare full value, 2: only compare value length, 3: only compare keys outline, 4: compare full
                                        value, but only compare value length when meets big key (default: 2)
      --id=                             used in metric, run id, useless for open source (default: unknown)
      --jobid=                          used in metric, job id, useless for open source (default: unknown)
      --taskid=                         used in metric, task id, useless for open source (default: unknown)
  -q, --qps=                            max batch qps limit: e.g., if qps is 10, full-check fetches 10 * $batch keys every second (default: 15000)
      --interval=Second                 The time interval for each round of comparison(Second) (default: 5)
      --batchcount=COUNT                the count of key/field per batch compare, valid value [1, 10000] (default: 256)
      --parallel=COUNT                  concurrent goroutine number for comparison, valid value [1, 100] (default: 5)
      --log=FILE                        log file, if not specified, log is put to console
      --loglevel=LEVEL                  log level: 'debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error', default is 'info'
      --metric                          print metric in log
  -f, --filterlist=FILTER               if the filter list isn't empty, all elements in list will be synced. The input should be split by '|'. The end of
                                        the string is followed by a * to indicate a prefix match, otherwise it is a full match. e.g.: 'abc*|efg|m*'
                                        matches 'abc', 'abc1', 'efg', 'm', 'mxyz', but 'efgh', 'p' aren't'
      --systemprofile=SYSTEM-PROFILE    port that used to print golang inner head and stack message (default: 20445)
  -v, --version

Help Options:
  -h, --help                            Show this help message



-s, --source=SOURCE               源redis库地址(ip:port),如果是集群版,那么需要以分号(;)分割不同的db,只需要配置主或者从的其中之一。例如:;;。
-p, --sourcepassword=Password     源redis库密码
    --sourceauthtype=AUTH-TYPE    源库管理权限,开源reids下此参数无用。
    --sourcedbtype=               源库的类别,0:db(standalone单节点、主从),1: cluster(集群版),2: 阿里云
    --sourcedbfilterlist=         源库需要抓取的逻辑db白名单,以分号(;)分割,例如:0;5;15表示db0,db5和db15都会被抓取
-t, --target=TARGET               目的redis库地址(ip:port)
-a, --targetpassword=Password     目的redis库密码
    --targetauthtype=AUTH-TYPE    目的库管理权限,开源reids下此参数无用。
    --targetdbtype=               参考sourcedbtype
    --targetdbfilterlist=         参考sourcedbfilterlist
-d, --db=Sqlite3-DB-FILE          对于差异的key存储的sqlite3 db的位置,默认result.db
    --comparetimes=COUNT          比较轮数
-m, --comparemode=                比较模式,1表示全量比较,2表示只对比value的长度,3只对比key是否存在,4全量比较的情况下,忽略大key的比较
    --id=                         用于打metric
    --jobid=                      用于打metric
    --taskid=                     用于打metric
-q, --qps=                        qps限速阈值
    --interval=Second             每轮之间的时间间隔
    --batchcount=COUNT            批量聚合的数量
    --parallel=COUNT              比较的并发协程数,默认5
    --log=FILE                    log文件
    --result=FILE                 不一致结果记录到result文件中,格式:'db    diff-type    key    field'
    --metric=FILE                 metric文件
    --bigkeythreshold=COUNT       大key拆分的阈值,用于comparemode=4
-f, --filterlist=FILTER           需要比较的key列表,以分号(;)分割。例如:"abc*|efg|m*"表示对比'abc', 'abc1', 'efg', 'm', 'mxyz',不对比'efgh', 'p'。
-v, --version

4.2.2 校验


[root]# ./redis-full-check --source= --sourcepassword= --sourcedbtype=0 --target=";;" --targetpassword=Gaoyu@029 --targetdbtype=1 --comparemode=1 --qps=10 --batchcount=1000 --parallel=10
[root@guizhou_hp-pop-10-150-57-9 redis-full-check-1.4.8]# ./redis-full-check --source= --sourcepassword= --sourcedbtype=0 --target=";;" --targetpassword=Gaoyu@029 --targetdbtype=1 --comparemode=1 --qps=10 --batchcount=1000 --parallel=10
[INFO 2021-12-03-10:47:25 main.go:65]: init log success
[INFO 2021-12-03-10:47:25 main.go:168]: configuration: {  auth 0 -1;; Gaoyu@029 auth 1 -1 result.db  3 1 unknown unknown unknown 10 5 1000 10   false 16384  20445 false}
[INFO 2021-12-03-10:47:25 main.go:170]: ---------
[INFO 2021-12-03-10:47:25 full_check.go:238]: sourceDbType=0, p.sourcePhysicalDBList=[meaningless]
[INFO 2021-12-03-10:47:25 full_check.go:243]: db=0:keys=9
[INFO 2021-12-03-10:47:25 full_check.go:253]: ---------------- start 1th time compare
[INFO 2021-12-03-10:47:25 full_check.go:278]: start compare db 0
[INFO 2021-12-03-10:47:25 scan.go:20]: build connection[source redis addr: []]
[INFO 2021-12-03-10:47:26 full_check.go:203]: stat:
times:1, db:0, dbkeys:9, finish:33%, finished:true
KeyScan:{9 9 0}
KeyEqualInProcess|string|equal|{9 9 0}

[INFO 2021-12-03-10:47:26 full_check.go:250]: wait 5 seconds before start
[INFO 2021-12-03-10:47:31 full_check.go:253]: ---------------- start 2th time compare
[INFO 2021-12-03-10:47:31 full_check.go:278]: start compare db 0
[INFO 2021-12-03-10:47:31 full_check.go:203]: stat:
times:2, db:0, finished:true
KeyScan:{0 0 0}

[INFO 2021-12-03-10:47:31 full_check.go:250]: wait 5 seconds before start
[INFO 2021-12-03-10:47:36 full_check.go:253]: ---------------- start 3th time compare
[INFO 2021-12-03-10:47:36 full_check.go:278]: start compare db 0
[INFO 2021-12-03-10:47:36 full_check.go:203]: stat:
times:3, db:0, finished:true
KeyScan:{0 0 0}

[INFO 2021-12-03-10:47:36 full_check.go:328]: --------------- finished! ----------------
all finish successfully, totally 0 key(s) and 0 field(s) conflict



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