1307. Verbal Arithmetic Puzzle





  • Each character is decoded as one digit (0 - 9).
  • Every pair of different characters they must map to different digits.
  • Each words[i] and result are decoded as one number without leading zeros.(二位数以上的数,不得以0开头)
  • Sum of numbers on left side (words) will equal to the number on right side (result). 
Example 1:
Input: words = ["SEND","MORE"], result = "MONEY"
Output: true
Explanation: Map 'S'-> 9, 'E'->5, 'N'->6, 'D'->7, 'M'->1, 'O'->0, 'R'->8, 'Y'->'2'
Such that: "SEND" + "MORE" = "MONEY" ,  9567 + 1085 = 10652

Example 2:
Input: words = ["SIX","SEVEN","SEVEN"], result = "TWENTY"
Output: true
Explanation: Map 'S'-> 6, 'I'->5, 'X'->0, 'E'->8, 'V'->7, 'N'->2, 'T'->1, 'W'->'3', 'Y'->4
Such that: "SIX" + "SEVEN" + "SEVEN" = "TWENTY" ,  650 + 68782 + 68782 = 138214

Example 3:
Input: words = ["THIS","IS","TOO"], result = "FUNNY"
Output: true

Example 4:
Input: words = ["LEET","CODE"], result = "POINT"
Output: false
2 <= words.length <= 5
1 <= words[i].length, result.length <= 7
words[i], result contain only uppercase English letters.
The number of different characters used in the expression is at most 10.



  • 状态:每个字符串的第pos位,相加后+进位flg后,得到的ans是否=result[pos]
  • 选择:
    • 加数:w[pos]:未使用过的所有数digopt[i]==1(可用,0为不可用)
      • 递归,继续找本 pos 位。
    • 结果:result[pos]:w1[pos]+..+wn[pos]+flg = ans? && digopt[ans]==1 :将ans加入编码中。
      • 递归,找下一位 pos+1 位
  • 递归结束条件:pos=result的最高位。
    • 若 flg==0 则找到一个解。

⚠️ 注意:


数位加法和字符串位置相反,因此pos代表数位(0:个位,1:十位...) spos代表字符串位(0:最高位)

spos = w.length()-1-pos;




 1 class Solution {
 2 public:
 3     //int count = 0;
 4     /*void print_intend() {
 5         for(int i=0; i<count; i++) {
 6             printf("  ");
 7         }
 8     }*/
 9     void backtrack(bool& res, int pos, int flg, vector<int>& map, vector<int>& optdig,
10               vector<string>& words, string& result) {
11         if(pos == result.size()) {
12             if(flg==0){
13                 if(result.length() != 1 && map[result[0]-'A'] == 0) res = false;
14                 else res = true;
15             } 
16           //  print_intend();
17           //  printf("return res=%d\n",res);
18             return;
19         }
20         int ans = flg;
21         int spos;
22         for(string w:words) {
23             spos = w.length()-1-pos;
24             if(spos<0) continue;
25             if(map[w[spos]-'A'] != -1) ans+=map[w[spos]-'A'];
26             else {
27                 for(int i=0; i<10; i++) {
28                     if(w[spos]==w[0] && i==0 && w.length() != 1) continue;
29                     if(optdig[i]==0) continue;
30                     map[w[spos]-'A'] = i;
31                     optdig[i] = 0;//used, unavaliable
32             //count++;
33             //print_intend();
34             //printf("[%c]=%d\n",w[spos],i);
35             //print_intend();
36             //printf("pos=%d, optdig.size=%d, flg=%d, [line:%d]\n",pos,optdig.size(),flg, __LINE__);
37                     backtrack(res, pos, flg, map, optdig, words, result);
38             //count--;
39                     optdig[i] = 1;//can use, avaliable
40                     map[w[spos]-'A'] = -1;
41                     if(res==true) return;
42                 }
43             //print_intend();
44             //printf("return res=%d [try param final failure]\n",res);
45                 return;
46             }
47         }
48         flg = ans/10;
49         ans = ans%10;
50         spos = result.length()-1-pos;
51         if(map[result[spos]-'A'] == ans) {
52             //count++;
53             //print_intend();
54             //printf("pos=%d, optdig.size=%d, flg=%d, [line:%d]\n",pos,optdig.size(),flg, __LINE__);
55             backtrack(res, pos+1, flg, map, optdig, words, result);
56            // count--;
57         } else if(map[result[spos]-'A'] != -1 || optdig[ans] == 0) {
58             //print_intend();
59             //printf("return res=%d [try failure]\n",res);
60             return;
61         } else if(result[spos]==result[0] && ans==0 && result.length() != 1) {
62             //print_intend();
63             //printf("return res=%d [try head 0 failure]\n",res);
64             return;
65         } else {
66             map[result[spos]-'A'] = ans;
67             optdig[ans] = 0;//used, unavaliable
68             //count++;
69             //print_intend();
70             //printf("[%c]=%d\n",result[spos],ans);
71             //print_intend();
72             //printf("pos=%d, optdig.size=%d, flg=%d, [line:%d]\n",pos,optdig.size(),flg, __LINE__);
73                 backtrack(res, pos+1, flg, map, optdig, words, result);
74             //count--;
75                 optdig[ans] = 1;//can use, avaliable
76                 map[result[spos]-'A'] = -1;
77                 if(res==true) return;
78         }
79             //print_intend();
80             //printf("return res=%d [try res final failure]\n",res);
81         return;
82     }
83     bool isSolvable(vector<string>& words, string result) {
84         bool res = false;
85         vector<int> map(26,-1);
86         vector<int> optdig(10,1);
87         for(string w:words) {
88             if(w.length()>result.length()) return false;
89         }
90         backtrack(res, 0, 0, map, optdig, words, result);
91         return res;
92     }
93 };


posted @ 2021-02-07 12:37  habibah_chang  阅读(72)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报