from 「The Surprising Power of Atomic Habits」

  1. 良い習慣も、悪い習慣も、時間に従って、倍の効果にできる 1.1 の365乗は37.78 0.99 の365乗は00.03
  2. 良い習慣を努力して続く間、linearな成果を見たいが、よくあるのは、見えない。そのため、失望になりやすい 事実は、「"critical threshold" or "Plateau of Latent Potential"」とのものがあるから、長い期間で、効果は見えないが、努力の実は実にどんどん積んでいる、一瞬的に、その臨界点に着くと、指数な進捗は見える。 氷は室温の26度環境で置くと 27、28度 → なんでも変わらない 29ー31度 → なんでも変わらない 32度 → 溶けた水滴は出てくる

How to Develop a good habit / Destroy a bad habit?

The Habit Loop

  1. Cue [Noticing]

    例:last experiment of had a good dish in a new restaurant

    1. ✅ Obvious

    2. ❎ Invisible

      例:the restaurant has moved other place.

  2. Carving [Wanting]

    例:you want to try the same dish again

    1. ✅ Attractive

    2. ❎ Unattractive

      例:the restaurant changed chef, so that the dish is not good any more.

  3. Response [Doing]

    例:order the same dish again

    1. ✅ Easy

    2. ❎ Difficult

      例:the price of the dish becomes expensive

  4. Reward [Liking] (→go to 1 and continue the Loop)

    例:you eat it again

    1. ✅ Satisfying

    2. ❎ Unsatisfying

      例:the dish is not good enough as last experiment.

How to be aware of your habits:

unconscious level→conscious level

[Pointing and Calling System]

The Habits Scorecard

  1. Take inventory of your daily activities
  2. Determine good, bad, and neutral habits
    • Good Habits ➕
    • Bad Habits ➖
    • Neutral Habits 🟰
  3. Verbalize it
    1. The action you are about to do

    2. The desired action you should take

    3. The consequences of the action you are about to do


      To Stop a Bad Habit:

      When pick up a cookie, you can say:

      1. Eat cookies(Will)
      2. Do not eat cookies(Should)
      3. Weight gain(Will Results)

      To Increase a Good Habit:

      When you’re going to do laundry, you can say:

      1. Do Laundry + Tomorrow (Will + Time)
      2. Need to do laundry(Should)
      3. Keep room clean and organized(Will Results)

Tip: how to Stay Impartial

  • Put on different hats
    • (To play another role expect for your normal role)
  • Write in third person
    • I/Me→Her/She
  • View in different perspective
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