
#include <windows.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
#include<cstring>using namespace std;
typedef unsigned char uint8;struct octNode
    long long cnt, rSum, gSum, bSum;
    bool isLeaf;
    int depth;
    octNode* child[8];
    octNode* pre;
    octNode* next;

        cnt = 0;
        rSum = 0;
        gSum = 0;
        bSum = 0;
        isLeaf = false;
        depth = 0;
        pre = NULL;
        next = NULL;
        memset(child, NULL, sizeof(child));
    octNode(int d)
        cnt = 0;
        rSum = 0;
        gSum = 0;
        bSum = 0;
        isLeaf = false;
        depth = d;
        pre = NULL;
        next = NULL;
        memset(child, NULL, sizeof(child));
    octNode(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b)
        cnt = 1;
        rSum = r;
        gSum = g;
        bSum = b;
        isLeaf = true;
        depth = 9;
        pre = NULL;
        next = NULL;
        memset(child, NULL, sizeof(child));
class octTree
    octNode* root;                                                        //八叉树的根
    int colors;                                                            //当前的颜色总数
    int maxColors;                                                        //最大颜色数
    octNode** head;public:
    octTree(int maxColorNum);
    ~octTree() ;
    void insertColor(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b);                        //插入一个颜色
    uint8 generatePalette(RGBQUAD* pal);        //生成调色板
    void deleteNode(octNode* p);
    void  newNode(int d);
};void octTree::deleteNode(octNode* p)
    if (p == NULL)
    if (p->isLeaf == true)
        delete p;
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    delete p;
}void octTree::newNode(int d)
    root = new octNode();
    colors = 0;
    maxColors = d;
    head = new octNode * [9];

    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
        if (i == 0)
            head[i] = root;
            head[i] = NULL;
octTree::octTree(int maxColorNum)
}void octTree::insertColor(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b)

    int* num = new int[8];

    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        num[i] = 0;
        uint8 m = 1 << (7 - i);
        if (m & r)
            num[i] += 4;
        if (m & g)
            num[i] += 2;
        if (m & b)
            num[i] += 1;
    octNode * p = root;
    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
        if (p->isLeaf == true)
            p->cnt = p->cnt + 1;
            p->rSum = p->rSum + r;
            p->gSum = p->gSum + g;
            p->bSum = p->bSum + b;
        else     //p->isLeaf==false        {
            if (p->child[num[i]] == NULL)
                if (i < 7)
                    p->child[num[i]] = new octNode(i + 1);
                    octNode * q = p->child[num[i]];
                    if (head[i + 1] == NULL)
                        head[i + 1] = q;
                        head[i + 1]->pre = q;
                        q->next = head[i + 1];
                        head[i + 1] = q;

                    p = p->child[num[i]];
                else if (i == 7)
                    p->child[num[i]] = new octNode(r, g, b);
                    p = p->child[num[i]];

                    if (head[i] == NULL)
                        head[i] = p;
                        head[i]->pre = p;
                        p->next = head[i];
                        head[i] = p;
            else //p->child[num[i]] != NULL            {
                p = p->child[num[i]];

    double per = 0;
    int temp1 = colors - maxColors;
    int temp2 = colors;
    while (colors > maxColors)
        double x= (double)(temp2 - colors) * 100 / temp1;
        if (x - per >= 10)
            per = x;
            printf("\b\b\b%2d%%", per);
        for (int u = 7; u > 0; u--)
            if (head[u] == NULL)


            octNode* p2 = head[u];
            for (; p2 != NULL; p2 = p2->next)
                if (p2->isLeaf==false)
            if (p2 == NULL)

            int childNum = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                if (p2->child[i] != NULL)
                    p2->cnt += p2->child[i]->cnt;
                    p2->rSum += p2->child[i]->rSum;
                    p2->gSum += p2->child[i]->gSum;
                    p2->bSum += p2->child[i]->bSum;

                    if (p2->child[i]->pre != NULL)
                        p2->child[i]->pre->next = p2->child[i]->next;
                    if (p2->child[i]->next != NULL)
                        p2->child[i]->next->pre = p2->child[i]->pre;
                    if (p2->child[i] == head[u + 1])
                        head[u + 1] = p2->child[i]->next;
                    p2->child[i] = NULL;
            p2->isLeaf = true;
            colors -= (childNum - 1);



int  func(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, RGBQUAD * pal, int i)
    int R = (int)(r - pal[i].rgbRed) * (r - pal[i].rgbRed);
    int G = (int)(g - pal[i].rgbGreen) * (g - pal[i].rgbGreen);
    int B = (int)(b - pal[i].rgbBlue) * (b - pal[i].rgbBlue);
    return R + G + B;
uint8 selectClosestColor(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, RGBQUAD * pal)

    int I = 0;
    int V = func(r, g, b, pal, 0);
    for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
        if (func(r, g, b, pal, i) < V)
            I = i;
            V = func(r, g, b, pal, i);
    return (uint8)I;
uint8 octTree::generatePalette(RGBQUAD * pal)                     //生成调色板{
    int number = 0;
    for (int L = 8; L >= 0; L--)
        for (octNode* p = head[L]; p != NULL; p = p->next)
            if (p == NULL)
                return number;
            if (!p->isLeaf)
            pal[number].rgbRed = p->rSum / p->cnt;
            pal[number].rgbGreen = p->gSum / p->cnt;
            pal[number].rgbBlue = p->bSum / p->cnt;
            pal[number].rgbReserved = 0;
    return number;
}int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    if (argc < 3)
        printf("using: exe[0], input file[1], output file[2]\n");
        return -1;
    BITMAPFILEHEADER bf, * pbf;//输入、输出文件的文件头
    BITMAPINFOHEADER bi, * pbi;//输入、输出文件的信息头
    RGBQUAD* pRGBQuad;//待生成的调色板指针
    uint8* pImage;//转换后的图象数据
    DWORD bfSize;//文件大小
    LONG biWidth, biHeight;//图象宽度、高度
    DWORD biSizeImage;//图象的大小,以字节为单位,每行字节数必须是4的整数倍
    unsigned long biFullWidth;//每行字节数必须是4的整数倍

    char* inputName, * outputName;
    FILE* fpIn, * fpOut;
    //inputName = (char*)"source.BMP";
    //outputName = (char*)"result.BMP";
    inputName = argv[1];
    outputName = argv[2];
    printf("Opening %s ... ", inputName);
    if (!(fpIn = fopen(inputName, "rb")))
        printf("\nCan't open %s!\n", inputName);
        return -1;

    printf("Creating %s ... ", outputName);
    if (!(fpOut = fopen(outputName, "wb")))
        printf("\nCan't create %s!\n", outputName);
        return -1;

    fread(&bf, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 1, fpIn);
    fread(&bi, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, fpIn);

    biWidth = bi.biWidth;
    biHeight = bi.biHeight;
    biFullWidth = ceil(biWidth / 4.) * 4;//bmp文件每一行的字节数必须是4的整数倍
    biSizeImage = biFullWidth * biHeight;
    bfSize = biFullWidth * biHeight + 54 + 256 * 4;//图象文件的大小,包含文件头、信息头

    pbf->bfType = 19778;
    pbf->bfSize = bfSize;
    pbf->bfReserved1 = 0;
    pbf->bfReserved2 = 0;
    pbf->bfOffBits = 54 + 256 * 4;
    if (fwrite(pbf, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 1, fpOut) != 1)
        printf("\nCan't write bitmap file header!\n");
        return -1;

    pbi->biSize = 40;
    pbi->biWidth = biWidth;
    pbi->biHeight = biHeight;
    pbi->biPlanes = 1;
    pbi->biBitCount = 8;
    pbi->biCompression = 0;
    pbi->biSizeImage = biSizeImage;
    pbi->biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
    pbi->biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
    pbi->biClrUsed = 0;
    pbi->biClrImportant = 0;
    if (fwrite(pbi, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, fpOut) != 1)
        printf("\nCan't write bitmap info header!\n");
        return -1;

    printf("Building Color OctTree ...  ");
    octTree* tree;
    tree = new octTree(256);
    uint8 RGB[3];
    for (int i = 0; i < bi.biHeight; i++)
        fseek(fpIn, bf.bfOffBits + i * ceil(biWidth * 3 / 4.) * 4, 0);
        for (int j = 0; j < bi.biWidth; j++)
            fread(&RGB, 3, 1, fpIn);
            tree->insertColor(RGB[2], RGB[1], RGB[0]);

    printf("Generating palette ... ");
    pRGBQuad = new RGBQUAD[256];

    if (fwrite(pRGBQuad, 256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD), 1, fpOut) != 1)
        printf("\nCan't write palette!\n");
        return -1;

    printf("Generating the output image ... ");
    pImage = new uint8[biSizeImage];
    memset(pImage, 0, biSizeImage);
    for (int i = 0; i < bi.biHeight; i++)
        fseek(fpIn, bf.bfOffBits + i * ceil(biWidth * 3 / 4.) * 4, 0);
        for (int j = 0; j < bi.biWidth; j++)
            fread(&RGB, 3, 1, fpIn);
            pImage[i * biFullWidth + j] = selectClosestColor(RGB[2], RGB[1], RGB[0], pRGBQuad);
    if (fwrite(pImage, biSizeImage, 1, fpOut) != 1)
        printf("\nCan't write image data!\n");

        return -1;

    delete tree;
    delete pbf;
    delete pbi;
    delete[] pRGBQuad;
    delete[] pImage;
    printf("All done!\n");
    return 0;




#include <windows.h>

#include <cstdio>

#include <cmath>



#include<cstring>using namespace std;

typedef unsigned char uint8;struct octNode


    long long cnt, rSum, gSum, bSum;

    bool isLeaf;

    int depth;

    octNode* child[8];

    octNode* pre;

    octNode* next;




        cnt = 0;

        rSum = 0;

        gSum = 0;

        bSum = 0;

        isLeaf = false;

        depth = 0;

        pre = NULL;

        next = NULL;

        memset(child, NULL, sizeof(child));


    octNode(int d)


        cnt = 0;

        rSum = 0;

        gSum = 0;

        bSum = 0;

        isLeaf = false;

        depth = d;

        pre = NULL;

        next = NULL;

        memset(child, NULL, sizeof(child));


    octNode(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b)


        cnt = 1;

        rSum = r;

        gSum = g;

        bSum = b;

        isLeaf = true;

        depth = 9;

        pre = NULL;

        next = NULL;

        memset(child, NULL, sizeof(child));



class octTree


    octNode* root;                                                        //八叉树的根

    int colors;                                                            //当前的颜色总数

    int maxColors;                                                        //最大颜色数

    octNode** head;public:


    octTree(int maxColorNum);

    ~octTree() ;

    void insertColor(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b);                        //插入一个颜色

    uint8 generatePalette(RGBQUAD* pal);        //生成调色板

    void deleteNode(octNode* p);

    void  newNode(int d);

};void octTree::deleteNode(octNode* p)


    if (p == NULL)




    if (p->isLeaf == true)



        delete p;



    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)




    delete p;

}void octTree::newNode(int d)


    root = new octNode();

    colors = 0;

    maxColors = d;

    head = new octNode * [9];


    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)


        if (i == 0)


            head[i] = root;




            head[i] = NULL;









octTree::octTree(int maxColorNum)







}void octTree::insertColor(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b)



    int* num = new int[8];


    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)


        num[i] = 0;

        uint8 m = 1 << (7 - i);

        if (m & r)

            num[i] += 4;

        if (m & g)

            num[i] += 2;

        if (m & b)

            num[i] += 1;


    octNode * p = root;

    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)


        if (p->isLeaf == true)


            p->cnt = p->cnt + 1;

            p->rSum = p->rSum + r;

            p->gSum = p->gSum + g;

            p->bSum = p->bSum + b;


        else     //p->isLeaf==false        {

            if (p->child[num[i]] == NULL)


                if (i < 7)


                    p->child[num[i]] = new octNode(i + 1);

                    octNode * q = p->child[num[i]];

                    if (head[i + 1] == NULL)


                        head[i + 1] = q;




                        head[i + 1]->pre = q;

                        q->next = head[i + 1];

                        head[i + 1] = q;



                    p = p->child[num[i]];


                else if (i == 7)


                    p->child[num[i]] = new octNode(r, g, b);


                    p = p->child[num[i]];



                    if (head[i] == NULL)


                        head[i] = p;




                        head[i]->pre = p;

                        p->next = head[i];

                        head[i] = p;









            else //p->child[num[i]] = NULL            {

                p = p->child[num[i]];





    double per = 0;

    int temp1 = colors - maxColors;

    int temp2 = colors;


    while (colors > maxColors)


        double x= (double)(temp2 - colors) * 100 / temp1;

        if (x - per >= 10)


            per = x;

            printf("\b\b\b%2d%%", per);


        for (int u = 7; u > 0; u--)


            if (head[u] == NULL)






            octNode* p2 = head[u];

            for (; p2 != NULL; p2 = p2->next)


                if (p2->isLeaf==false)





            if (p2 == NULL)





            int childNum = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)


                if (p2->child[i] != NULL)


                    p2->cnt += p2->child[i]->cnt;

                    p2->rSum += p2->child[i]->rSum;

                    p2->gSum += p2->child[i]->gSum;

                    p2->bSum += p2->child[i]->bSum;


                    if (p2->child[i]->pre != NULL)


                        p2->child[i]->pre->next = p2->child[i]->next;


                    if (p2->child[i]->next != NULL)


                        p2->child[i]->next->pre = p2->child[i]->pre;


                    if (p2->child[i] == head[u + 1])


                        head[u + 1] = p2->child[i]->next;


                    p2->child[i] = NULL;




            p2->isLeaf = true;

            colors -= (childNum - 1);









int  func(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, RGBQUAD * pal, int i)


    int R = (int)(r - pal[i].rgbRed) * (r - pal[i].rgbRed);

    int G = (int)(g - pal[i].rgbGreen) * (g - pal[i].rgbGreen);

    int B = (int)(b - pal[i].rgbBlue) * (b - pal[i].rgbBlue);

    return R + G + B;


uint8 selectClosestColor(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, RGBQUAD * pal)



    int I = 0;

    int V = func(r, g, b, pal, 0);

    for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)


        if (func(r, g, b, pal, i) < V)


            I = i;

            V = func(r, g, b, pal, i);



    return (uint8)I;


uint8 octTree::generatePalette(RGBQUAD * pal)                     //生成调色板{

    int number = 0;

    for (int L = 8; L >= 0; L--)


        for (octNode* p = head[L]; p != NULL; p = p->next)


            if (p == NULL)


                return number;


            if (!p->isLeaf)


            pal[number].rgbRed = p->rSum / p->cnt;

            pal[number].rgbGreen = p->gSum / p->cnt;

            pal[number].rgbBlue = p->bSum / p->cnt;

            pal[number].rgbReserved = 0;




    return number;

}int main(int argc, char* argv[])



    if (argc < 3)


        printf("using: exe[0], input file[1], output file[2]\n");

        return -1;



    BITMAPFILEHEADER bf, * pbf;//输入、输出文件的文件头

    BITMAPINFOHEADER bi, * pbi;//输入、输出文件的信息头

    RGBQUAD* pRGBQuad;//待生成的调色板指针

    uint8* pImage;//转换后的图象数据

    DWORD bfSize;//文件大小

    LONG biWidth, biHeight;//图象宽度、高度

    DWORD biSizeImage;//图象的大小,以字节为单位,每行字节数必须是4的整数倍

    unsigned long biFullWidth;//每行字节数必须是4的整数倍



    char* inputName, * outputName;

    FILE* fpIn, * fpOut;

    //inputName = (char*)"source.BMP";

    //outputName = (char*)"result.BMP";

    inputName = argv[1];

    outputName = argv[2];

    printf("Opening %s ... ", inputName);

    if (!(fpIn = fopen(inputName, "rb")))


        printf("\nCan't open %s!\n", inputName);

        return -1;





    printf("Creating %s ... ", outputName);

    if (!(fpOut = fopen(outputName, "wb")))


        printf("\nCan't create %s!\n", outputName);

        return -1;





    fread(&bf, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 1, fpIn);

    fread(&bi, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, fpIn);



    biWidth = bi.biWidth;

    biHeight = bi.biHeight;

    biFullWidth = ceil(biWidth / 4.) * 4;//bmp文件每一行的字节数必须是4的整数倍

    biSizeImage = biFullWidth * biHeight;

    bfSize = biFullWidth * biHeight + 54 + 256 * 4;//图象文件的大小,包含文件头、信息头




    pbf->bfType = 19778;

    pbf->bfSize = bfSize;

    pbf->bfReserved1 = 0;

    pbf->bfReserved2 = 0;

    pbf->bfOffBits = 54 + 256 * 4;


    if (fwrite(pbf, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER), 1, fpOut) != 1)


        printf("\nCan't write bitmap file header!\n");


        return -1;





    pbi->biSize = 40;

    pbi->biWidth = biWidth;

    pbi->biHeight = biHeight;

    pbi->biPlanes = 1;

    pbi->biBitCount = 8;

    pbi->biCompression = 0;

    pbi->biSizeImage = biSizeImage;

    pbi->biXPelsPerMeter = 0;

    pbi->biYPelsPerMeter = 0;

    pbi->biClrUsed = 0;

    pbi->biClrImportant = 0;


    if (fwrite(pbi, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER), 1, fpOut) != 1)


        printf("\nCan't write bitmap info header!\n");


        return -1;




    printf("Building Color OctTree ...  ");

    octTree* tree;

    tree = new octTree(256);

    uint8 RGB[3];


    for (int i = 0; i < bi.biHeight; i++)


        fseek(fpIn, bf.bfOffBits + i * ceil(biWidth * 3 / 4.) * 4, 0);

        for (int j = 0; j < bi.biWidth; j++)



            fread(&RGB, 3, 1, fpIn);

            tree->insertColor(RGB[2], RGB[1], RGB[0]);






    printf("Generating palette ... ");

    pRGBQuad = new RGBQUAD[256];




    if (fwrite(pRGBQuad, 256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD), 1, fpOut) != 1)


        printf("\nCan't write palette!\n");


        return -1;





    printf("Generating the output image ... ");

    pImage = new uint8[biSizeImage];

    memset(pImage, 0, biSizeImage);

    for (int i = 0; i < bi.biHeight; i++)


        fseek(fpIn, bf.bfOffBits + i * ceil(biWidth * 3 / 4.) * 4, 0);

        for (int j = 0; j < bi.biWidth; j++)



            fread(&RGB, 3, 1, fpIn);

            pImage[i * biFullWidth + j] = selectClosestColor(RGB[2], RGB[1], RGB[0], pRGBQuad);




    if (fwrite(pImage, biSizeImage, 1, fpOut) != 1)


        printf("\nCan't write image data!\n");



        return -1;





    delete tree;

    delete pbf;

    delete pbi;

    delete[] pRGBQuad;

    delete[] pImage;



    printf("All done!\n");

    return 0;




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