QIDO-RS - Search

6.7.1 QIDO-RS - Search Request

The specific resources to be used for the search actions shall be as follows:

  • Resource

    • SearchForStudies

      • {+SERVICE}/studies{?query*,fuzzymatching,limit,offset}

    • SearchForSeries

      • {+SERVICE}/studies/{StudyInstanceUID}/series{?query*,fuzzymatching,limit,offset}

      • {+SERVICE}/series{?query*,fuzzymatching,limit,offset}

    • SearchForInstances

      • {+SERVICE}/studies/{StudyInstanceUID}/series/{SeriesInstanceUID}/instances{?query*,fuzzymatching,limit,offset}

      • {+SERVICE}/studies/{StudyInstanceUID}/instances{?query*,fuzzymatching,limit,offset}

      • {+SERVICE}/instances{?query*,fuzzymatching,limit,offset}


    • {+SERVICE} is the base URL for the QIDO RESTful service. This may be a combination of protocol (http or https), authority, and path.

    • {StudyInstanceUID} is the unique Study Instance UID for a single study.

    • {SeriesInstanceUID} is the unique Series Instance UID for a single series.

  • Method

    • GET

  • Headers

    • Accept - The Media Type of the query results. The types allowed for this request header are:

      • multipart/related; type="application/dicom+xml"

        Specifies that the results should be DICOM PS3.19 XML (one part per result)

      • application/dicom+json (default)

        Specifies that the results should be DICOM JSON as defined in Annex F (the one and only part contains all results)

      A QIDO-RS provider shall support both Accept header values

    • Cache-control: no-cache (recommended)

      If included, specifies that search results returned should be current and not cached.

  • {query}

    • {attributeID}={value}

      0-n / {attributeID}={value} pairs allowed

    • includefield={attributeID} | all

      0-n includefield / {attributeID} pairs allowed, where "all" indicates that all available attributes should be included for each response.

    Each {attributeID} must refer to one of:

    • Patient IE attributes

    • Study IE attributes

    • Series IE attributes (SearchForSeries or SearchForInstances requests only)

    • Composite Instance IE attributes (SearchForInstances requests only)

    • Additional Query/Retrieve Attributes (Section C.3.4 in PS3.4 )

    • Timezone Offset From UTC (0008,0201)

    See Section for {attributeID} and {value} encoding rules

  • fuzzymatching=true | false

  • limit={limit}

    The “limit” parameter value is an unsigned integer, which specifies the maximum number of results the origin server shall return. If the “limit” parameter is not present the origin server shall return the maximum number of results in a single response that it supports.

  • offset={offset}

    The “offset” parameter value is an unsigned integer, which specifies the number of results the origin server shall skip before the first returned result. If the “offset” query parameter is not present, its value is 0





posted @ 2019-03-25 10:04  h2z  阅读(574)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报