Windows下编译FileZilla 3


Compiling FileZilla 3 under Windows

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This documentation explains how to setup a build environment for FileZilla 3 and how to compile it under Windows using MinGW. It will take some time to get everything working, but you will be able to use the build environment for other programs too.

For this guide we assume c:\dev as root directory where we install everything into.



*  1 Setting up the build environment

*  1.1 MinGW

*  1.2 MSYS

*  1.3 MSYS Developer Toolkit

*  1.4 Compilation flags

*  1.5 Autotools

§  1.5.1 Downloading

§  1.5.2 Libtool

§  1.5.3 Autoconf

§  1.5.4 Automake

*  1.6 Libiconv

*  1.7 Libidn

*  1.8 gettext

*  1.9 Libgpg and gettext patch

*  1.10 Libgcrypt

*  1.11 GnuTLS

*  1.12 Cleanup

*  2 Installing wxWidgets

*  2.1 Downloading

*  2.2 Installing

*  2.3 Setting environment variables

*  3 Installing NSIS

*  4 Installing Subversion

*  5 Compiling FileZilla 3

*  5.1 Download FZ3 from SVN

*  5.2 Generate configure

*  5.3 Compile FileZilla 3

*  5.4 Generate installer

*  6 Troubleshooting


 Setting up the build environment

This includes the compiler and the required tools to build FileZilla 3 and its dependancies. For all packages we download, you will have to download the binary version, not the source version.


Download latest MinGW version and install it: Choose c:\dev\mingw as installation directory. Select "candidate" package version and check the g++ option on the packages list.


Download latest MSYS and install it: Chose c:\dev\msys as installation directory. Leave all other options unchanged. During the postinstall script, please carefully answer all questions. Important: Do not skip questions with enter.

 MSYS Developer Toolkit

Download and install MSYS Developer Toolkit executable: Install to c:\dev\msys as well.

 Compilation flags

Start msys. Type in the following commands:

echo "export LDFLAGS=-L/local/lib" > ~/.profile

echo "export CPPFLAGS=-I/local/include" >> ~/.profile




Download the following files to c:\dev\download:

Start msys again and enter the following commands:

mkdir /usr/src


Start msys and enter the following commands:

cd /usr/src

tar -xvzf /c/dev/download/libtool-1.5.22.tar.gz

cd libtool-1.5.22

./configure --prefix=

make -j3

make install


Enter the following commands:

cd /usr/src

tar -xvzf /c/dev/download/autoconf-2.61.tar.gz

cd autoconf-2.61

./configure --prefix=


make install


Enter the following commands:

cd /usr/src

tar -xvzf /c/dev/download/automake-1.10.tar.gz

cd automake-1.10

./configure --prefix=


make install


Compile and install libiconv. Download from to c:\dev\download

cd /usr/src

tar -xvzf /c/dev/download/libiconv-1.11.tar.gz

cd libiconv-1.11

./configure --disable-shared --enable-static

make -j3

make install


Download to c:\dev\download. Type the following inside msys:

cd /usr/src

tar -xvzf /c/dev/download/libidn-0.6.9.tar.gz

cd libidn-0.6.9

./configure --disable-shared --enable-static

make -j3

make install


Download to c:\dev\download. Download to c:\dev\download\localename.c.patch Type the following inside msys:

cd /usr/src

tar -xvzf /c/dev/download/gettext-0.16.1.tar.gz

cd gettext-0.16.1/gettext-runtime/intl

patch -i /c/dev/download/localename.c.patch

cd ../..

./configure --disable-shared --enable-static

make -j3

make install

 Libgpg and gettext patch

Download and to c:\dev\download. Type the following inside msys:

cd /usr/src

tar -xvjf /c/dev/download/libgpg-error-1.5.tar.bz2

cd libgpg-error-1.5

patch -i /c/dev/download/w32-gettext.c.patch -p0

./configure --disable-shared --enable-static --disable-nls

make -j3

make install


Download to c:\dev\download. Type the following inside msys:

cd /usr/src

tar -xvjf /c/dev/download/libgcrypt-1.3.1.tar.bz2

cd libgcrypt-1.3.1

./configure --disable-shared --enable-static --disable-nls --disable-asm


make install


Download and to c:\dev\download. Type the following inside msys:

cd /usr/src

tar -xvjf /c/dev/download/gnutls-2.1.6.tar.bz2

cd gnutls-2.1.6

patch -p0 -i /c/dev/download/gnutls.patch

./configure --disable-shared --enable-static --disable-nls --disable-cxx

touch lib/libgnutls-25.def

echo > lgl/vasprintf.c

echo > lgl/vasnprintf.c


make install


cd /

rm -rf /usr/src

And now you're done, you've successfully setup a build environment which can be used to compile FileZilla 3. Only dependency missing is wxWidgets, which is the topic for the next section.

 Installing wxWidgets


Download latest wxWidgets version from


We might upgrade wxWidgets often, so we will install it into it's own prefix:

mkdir -p /opt/wxWidgets

mkdir ~/source

cd ~/source

tar -xvjf /c/dev/download/wxWidgets-2.8.6.tar.bz2

cd wxWidgets-2.8.6

mkdir compile

cd compile

../configure --prefix=/opt/wxWidgets --enable-unicode --disable-shared


make install

Remark: If you want to run FZ3 on Windows ME or older, you have to replace --enable-unicode with --disable-unicode. But there is no guarantee that FileZilla will work properly without unicode support.

 Setting environment variables

Type the following inside msys:

echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/opt/wxWidgets/bin"' >> ~/.profile

echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/wxWidgets/lib' >> ~/.profile

source ~/.profile

And that finishes the wxWidgets installation. Lets move on to installing NSIS.

 Installing NSIS

Download and install NSIS from [1]. Follow their instructions.

 Installing Subversion


Extract the archive using Explorer to c:\dev\download

Copy the contents of c:\dev\download\svn-win32-1.4.5 to c:\dev\msys

Use the following command inside msys to check if it's working:

svn --version

 Compiling FileZilla 3

 Download FZ3 from SVN

Type the following inside msys:

 Generate configure

Type the following inside msys:

cd FileZilla3


 Compile FileZilla 3

Type the following inside msys:

mkdir compile

cd compile

../configure --prefix=/opt/FileZilla3


The resulting executable will be quite big due to debugging information. You can remove the debug info with the strip command:

strip src/interface/filezilla.exe

strip src/interface/putty/fzsftp.exe

 Generate installer

Rightclick compile/data/install.nsi in Explorer and use "Compile NSIS Script" from context menu.


If you run into problems, please make sure you've followed each step exactly how it is explained and that you haven't missed any steps along the way.

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posted @ 2008-02-13 15:38  h2appy  阅读(2879)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报