Cycle Count Interface Table - MTL_CC_ENTRIES_INTERFACE
The MTL_CC_ENTRIES_INTERFACE table serves as the interface between users and Oracle Inventory's Enter/Approve Cycle Count Request functionality. Users populate the interface table, and a PL/SQLconcurrent program, launched by the user, processes the information in this table, inserts/updates the MTL_CYCLE_COUNT_ENTRIES table, and spawns adjustment material transactions, if necessary.
Expected behavior
Cycle count open interface brings the counts in the count entries form and populating mtl_cycle_count_entries table with correct data.
Inventory responsibility>populate MTL_CC_ENTRIES_INTERFACE table with records to be imported>Request>run INVCCEOI - Cycle Count Entries Open Interface concurrent program>this will launch MTL_CCEOI_WORKER- Cycle Count Entries Open Interface Worker concurrent
program>check the status of request and see it is error
Code Process: