;NOTE: This ASM file is generated by:
; Simple C minus Compiler v1.0
; CopyRight (C) 2002-2008 Lonelyforest. All rights reseved.
; Because its not perfect, so this file maybe have bug! use it carefully!
; __read_int_
; ==========================
;Proc For Read a int decimal, result in BX
__read_int_ proc near
local minus:byte, count:byte
;minus is falg to input number
push ax
push cx
push dx
mov minus, '+' ;flag, +
mov bx, 0
mov count, 5d ;number of digits
mov ah, 1 ;input from keyboard
int 21h ;call DOS
cmp al, '+'
je _new_char_ ;maybe have bug!
cmp al, '-'
jne _continue_read_
mov minus, '-'
jmp _new_char_
sub al, 30h ;ASCII to Binary
jl _exit_read_ ;jump exit if < 0
cmp al, 9d ;is it > 9d ?
jg _exit_read_ ;yes
cbw ;byte in al to word in ax
;digit now in (ax)
xchg ax,bx ;trade digit & number
mov cx, 10d
mul cx
xchg ax,bx ;trade number & digit
;Add digit in AX to number in BX
add bx, ax ;add digit to number
dec count
jnz _new_char_ ;get next digit if < 5
_exit_read_: ;should process minus!!!
cmp minus, '-'
jne not_negative_r
neg bx ;negetive
mov ah, 2h
mov dl, 0ah ;linefeed
int 21h
mov dl, 0dh ;carriage return after read
int 21h
pop dx ;recover registers
pop cx
pop ax
;result number in bx
__read_int_ endp ;end of proc __read_int_
;NOTE: This ASM file is generated by:
; Simple C minus Compiler v1.0
; CopyRight (C) 2002-2008 Lonelyforest. All rights reseved.
; Because its not perfect, so this file maybe have bug! use it carefully!
; __read_int_
; ==========================
;Proc For Read a int decimal, result in BX
__read_int_ proc near
local minus:byte, count:byte
;minus is falg to input number
push ax
push cx
push dx
mov minus, '+' ;flag, +
mov bx, 0
mov count, 5d ;number of digits
mov ah, 1 ;input from keyboard
int 21h ;call DOS
cmp al, '+'
je _new_char_ ;maybe have bug!
cmp al, '-'
jne _continue_read_
mov minus, '-'
jmp _new_char_
sub al, 30h ;ASCII to Binary
jl _exit_read_ ;jump exit if < 0
cmp al, 9d ;is it > 9d ?
jg _exit_read_ ;yes
cbw ;byte in al to word in ax
;digit now in (ax)
xchg ax,bx ;trade digit & number
mov cx, 10d
mul cx
xchg ax,bx ;trade number & digit
;Add digit in AX to number in BX
add bx, ax ;add digit to number
dec count
jnz _new_char_ ;get next digit if < 5
_exit_read_: ;should process minus!!!
cmp minus, '-'
jne not_negative_r
neg bx ;negetive
mov ah, 2h
mov dl, 0ah ;linefeed
int 21h
mov dl, 0dh ;carriage return after read
int 21h
pop dx ;recover registers
pop cx
pop ax
;result number in bx
__read_int_ endp ;end of proc __read_int_