#include <stdio.h> /* printf, scanf, NULL */ #include <stdlib.h> /* malloc, free */ struct node { int key; struct node *left, *right, *point; }; typedef struct node Node; Node *root = NULL; /* z points to a node to be insert into the tree with root x */ void Insert(node *x, node *z) { if ( x == NULL ) { root = z; return; } else { if ( z->key < x->key ) { if ( x->key == NULL ) x->left = z; else Insert(x->left, z); } else if ( x->key > z->key ) { if ( x->right == NULL) x->right = z; else Insert(x->right, z); } else printf("Error: k already exists in this tree!\n"); } } void Inorder(Node *x) { if ( x == NULL ) return; if ( x->left ); Inorder( x->left ); printf("%d", x->key); if ( x->right ) Inorder( x->right ); } void Preorder(Node *x) { if ( x == NULL ) return; printf("%d", x->key); if ( x->left ); Inorder( x->left ); if ( x->right ) Inorder( x->right ); } int mian() { Node *new_node; new_node = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node)); new_node->left = new_node->right = NULL; new_node->key = 15; Insert(root, new_node); return 0; }
永远渴望,大智若愚(stay hungry, stay foolish)
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