770. Basic Calculator IV

Given an expression such as expression = "e + 8 - a + 5" and an evaluation map such as {"e": 1} (given in terms of evalvars = ["e"] and evalints = [1]), return a list of tokens representing the simplified expression, such as ["-1*a","14"]

  • An expression alternates chunks and symbols, with a space separating each chunk and symbol.
  • A chunk is either an expression in parentheses, a variable, or a non-negative integer.
  • A variable is a string of lowercase letters (not including digits.) Note that variables can be multiple letters, and note that variables never have a leading coefficient or unary operator like "2x" or "-x".

Expressions are evaluated in the usual order: brackets first, then multiplication, then addition and subtraction. For example, expression = "1 + 2 * 3" has an answer of ["7"].

The format of the output is as follows:

  • For each term of free variables with non-zero coefficient, we write the free variables within a term in sorted order lexicographically. For example, we would never write a term like "b*a*c", only "a*b*c".
  • Terms have degree equal to the number of free variables being multiplied, counting multiplicity. (For example, "a*a*b*c"has degree 4.) We write the largest degree terms of our answer first, breaking ties by lexicographic order ignoring the leading coefficient of the term.
  • The leading coefficient of the term is placed directly to the left with an asterisk separating it from the variables (if they exist.)  A leading coefficient of 1 is still printed.
  • An example of a well formatted answer is ["-2*a*a*a", "3*a*a*b", "3*b*b", "4*a", "5*c", "-6"] 
  • Terms (including constant terms) with coefficient 0 are not included.  For example, an expression of "0" has an output of [].



Input: expression = "e + 8 - a + 5", evalvars = ["e"], evalints = [1]
Output: ["-1*a","14"]

Input: expression = "e - 8 + temperature - pressure",
evalvars = ["e", "temperature"], evalints = [1, 12]
Output: ["-1*pressure","5"]

Input: expression = "(e + 8) * (e - 8)", evalvars = [], evalints = []
Output: ["1*e*e","-64"]

Input: expression = "7 - 7", evalvars = [], evalints = []
Output: []

Input: expression = "a * b * c + b * a * c * 4", evalvars = [], evalints = []
Output: ["5*a*b*c"]

Input: expression = "((a - b) * (b - c) + (c - a)) * ((a - b) + (b - c) * (c - a))",
evalvars = [], evalints = []
Output: ["-1*a*a*b*b","2*a*a*b*c","-1*a*a*c*c","1*a*b*b*b","-1*a*b*b*c","-1*a*b*c*c","1*a*c*c*c","-1*b*b*b*c","2*b*b*c*c","-1*b*c*c*c","2*a*a*b","-2*a*a*c","-2*a*b*b","2*a*c*c","1*b*b*b","-1*b*b*c","1*b*c*c","-1*c*c*c","-1*a*a","1*a*b","1*a*c","-1*b*c"]



  1. expression will have length in range [1, 250].
  2. evalvars, evalints will have equal lengths in range [0, 100].


Approach #1: Simulate. [Java]

class Solution {
    Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
    class Term {
        int para = 1;
        List<String> var = new ArrayList<>();
        public String toString() {
            if (para == 0) return "";
            String ans = "";
            for (String s : var) ans += "*" + s;
            return para + ans;
        boolean equals(Term that) {
            if (this.var.size() != that.var.size()) return false;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.var.size(); ++i) 
                if (!this.var.get(i).equals(that.var.get(i))) return false;
            return true;
        int compareTo(Term that) {
            if (this.var.size() > that.var.size()) return -1;
            if (this.var.size() < that.var.size()) return 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.var.size(); ++i) {
                int x = this.var.get(i).compareTo(that.var.get(i));
                if (x != 0) return x;
            return 0;
        Term times(Term that) {
            Term pro = new Term(this.para * that.para);
            for (String s : this.var) pro.var.add(new String(s));
            for (String s : that.var) pro.var.add(new String(s));
            return pro;
        Term (int x) { para = x; }
        Term (String s) {
            if (map.containsKey(s)) para = map.get(s);
            else var.add(s);
        Term (Term that) {
            this.para = that.para;
            this.var = new ArrayList<>(that.var);
    class Expression {
        List<Term> list = new ArrayList<>();
        char oper = '+';
        Expression(int x) { list.add(new Term(x)); }
        Expression(String s) { list.add(new Term(s)); }
        Expression(List<Term> l) { list = l; }
        Expression times(Expression that) {
            List<Term> c = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Term t1 : this.list)
                for (Term t2 : that.list)
            c = combine(c);
            return new Expression(c);
        Expression plus(Expression that, int sgn) {
            List<Term> c = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Term t : this.list) c.add(new Term(t));
            for (Term t : that.list) {
                Term t2 = new Term(t);
                t2.para = t2.para * sgn;
            c = combine(c);
            return new Expression(c);
        Expression cal(Expression that) {
            if (oper == '+') return plus(that, 1);
            if (oper == '-') return plus(that, -1);
            return times(that);
        List<String> toList() {
            List<String> ans = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Term t : list) {
                String s = t.toString();
                if (s.length() > 0) ans.add(s);
            return ans;
        List<Term> combine(List<Term> a) {
            Collections.sort(a, (t1, t2)->(t1.compareTo(t2)));
            List<Term> c = new ArrayList<>();
            for (Term t : a) {
                if (c.size() != 0 && t.equals(c.get(c.size() - 1)))
                    c.get(c.size() - 1).para += t.para;
                    c.add(new Term(t));
            return c;
    public List<String> basicCalculatorIV(String expression, String[] evalvars, int[] evalints) {
        for (int i = 0; i < evalvars.length; ++i) 
            map.put(evalvars[i], evalints[i]);
        int i = 0, l = expression.length();
        Stack<Expression> stack = new Stack<>();
        Stack<Integer> priStack = new Stack<>();
        Expression zero = new Expression(0);
        int pri = 0;
        while (i < l) {
            char ch = expression.charAt(i);
            if (Character.isDigit(ch)) {
                int num = 0;
                while (i < l && Character.isDigit(expression.charAt(i))) {
                    num = num * 10 + (expression.charAt(i) - 48);
                stack.add(new Expression(num));
            if (Character.isLetter(ch)) {
                String s = "";
                while (i < l && Character.isLetter(expression.charAt(i))) {
                    s += expression.charAt(i);
                stack.add(new Expression(s));
            if (ch == '(') pri += 2;
            if (ch == ')') pri -= 2;
            if (ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '*') {
                int nowPri = pri;
                if (ch == '*') nowPri++;
                while (!priStack.isEmpty() && nowPri < priStack.peek()) {
                    Expression now = stack.pop(), last = stack.pop();
                stack.peek().oper = ch;
        while (stack.size() > 1) {
            Expression now = stack.pop(), last = stack.pop();
        return stack.peek().toList();



Using stack to implement the arithmetic operation.

We can give each operator a priority number, + and - is 0, while * is 1. When an operator is inside "()", its priority increases by 2 for every "()".

For example:


the operator priorities are:

*   -   +   *   +   *

1  2   3  7   2   3

always do the operation with highest priority first.

class Trem if for each single term in our final answer.

class Expression is a list of class Terms.

We can do +-* for two Expressions.





posted @ 2019-04-28 16:06  Veritas_des_Liberty  阅读(810)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报