Weekly Contest 121
984. String Without AAA or BBB
Given two integers A
and B
, return any string S
such that:
has lengthA + B
and contains exactlyA
letters, and exactlyB
letters;- The substring
does not occur inS
; - The substring
does not occur inS
Example 1:
Input: A = 1, B = 2
Output: "abb"
Explanation: "abb", "bab" and "bba" are all correct answers.
Example 2:
Input: A = 4, B = 1
Output: "aabaa"
0 <= A <= 100
0 <= B <= 100
- It is guaranteed such an
exists for the givenA
Approach #1:
class Solution { public: string strWithout3a3b(int A, int B) { string ans = ""; char a = 'a'; char b = 'b'; if (B > A) { swap(A, B); swap(a, b); } while (A != 0 || B != 0) { if (A > 0) ans += a, A--; if (A > B) ans += a, A--; if (B > 0) ans += b, B--; if (B > A) ans += b, B--; } return ans; } };
981. Time Based Key-Value Store
Create a timebased key-value store class TimeMap
, that supports two operations.
1. set(string key, string value, int timestamp)
- Stores the
, along with the giventimestamp
2. get(string key, int timestamp)
- Returns a value such that
set(key, value, timestamp_prev)
was called previously, withtimestamp_prev <= timestamp
. - If there are multiple such values, it returns the one with the largest
. - If there are no values, it returns the empty string (
Example 1:
Input: inputs = ["TimeMap","set","get","get","set","get","get"], inputs = [[],["foo","bar",1],["foo",1],["foo",3],["foo","bar2",4],["foo",4],["foo",5]]
Output: [null,null,"bar","bar",null,"bar2","bar2"]
TimeMap kv;
kv.set("foo", "bar", 1); // store the key "foo" and value "bar" along with timestamp = 1
kv.get("foo", 1); // output "bar"
kv.get("foo", 3); // output "bar" since there is no value corresponding to foo at timestamp 3 and timestamp 2, then the only value is at timestamp 1 ie "bar"
kv.set("foo", "bar2", 4);
kv.get("foo", 4); // output "bar2"
kv.get("foo", 5); //output "bar2"
Example 2:
Input: inputs = ["TimeMap","set","set","get","get","get","get","get"], inputs = [[],["love","high",10],["love","low",20],["love",5],["love",10],["love",15],["love",20],["love",25]]
Output: [null,null,null,"","high","high","low","low"]
- All key/value strings are lowercase.
- All key/value strings have length in the range
[1, 100]
- The
for allTimeMap.set
operations are strictly increasing. 1 <= timestamp <= 10^7
functions will be called a total of120000
times (combined) per test case.
Approach #1:
class TimeMap { public: /** Initialize your data structure here. */ vector<string> ans; map<string, vector<pair<int, string>>> mp; TimeMap() { } void set(string key, string value, int timestamp) { mp[key].push_back({timestamp, value}); } string get(string key, int timestamp) { if (mp.count(key)) { for (int i = mp[key].size()-1; i >= 0 ; --i) { if (mp[key][i].first <= timestamp) { return mp[key][i].second; } } } return ""; } }; /** * Your TimeMap object will be instantiated and called as such: * TimeMap* obj = new TimeMap(); * obj->set(key,value,timestamp); * string param_2 = obj->get(key,timestamp); */
982. Triples with Bitwise AND Equal To Zero
Given an array of integers A
, find the number of triples of indices (i, j, k) such that:
0 <= i < A.length
0 <= j < A.length
0 <= k < A.length
A[i] & A[j] & A[k] == 0
, where&
represents the bitwise-AND operator.
Example 1:
Input: [2,1,3]
Output: 12
Explanation: We could choose the following i, j, k triples:
(i=0, j=0, k=1) : 2 & 2 & 1
(i=0, j=1, k=0) : 2 & 1 & 2
(i=0, j=1, k=1) : 2 & 1 & 1
(i=0, j=1, k=2) : 2 & 1 & 3
(i=0, j=2, k=1) : 2 & 3 & 1
(i=1, j=0, k=0) : 1 & 2 & 2
(i=1, j=0, k=1) : 1 & 2 & 1
(i=1, j=0, k=2) : 1 & 2 & 3
(i=1, j=1, k=0) : 1 & 1 & 2
(i=1, j=2, k=0) : 1 & 3 & 2
(i=2, j=0, k=1) : 3 & 2 & 1
(i=2, j=1, k=0) : 3 & 1 & 2
1 <= A.length <= 1000
0 <= A[i] < 2^16
Approach #1:
class Solution { public: int countTriplets(vector<int>& A) { int size = A.size(); int ans = 0; unordered_map<int, int> mp; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < size; ++j) { ++mp[A[i] & A[j]]; } } for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { for (auto m : mp) { if ((A[i] & m.first) == 0) ans += m.second; } } return ans; } };
983. Minimum Cost For Tickets
In a country popular for train travel, you have planned some train travelling one year in advance. The days of the year that you will travel is given as an array days
. Each day is an integer from 1
to 365
Train tickets are sold in 3 different ways:
- a 1-day pass is sold for
dollars; - a 7-day pass is sold for
dollars; - a 30-day pass is sold for
The passes allow that many days of consecutive travel. For example, if we get a 7-day pass on day 2, then we can travel for 7 days: day 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.
Return the minimum number of dollars you need to travel every day in the given list of days
Example 1:
Input: days = [1,4,6,7,8,20], costs = [2,7,15]
Output: 11
For example, here is one way to buy passes that lets you travel your travel plan:
On day 1, you bought a 1-day pass for costs[0] = $2, which covered day 1.
On day 3, you bought a 7-day pass for costs[1] = $7, which covered days 3, 4, ..., 9.
On day 20, you bought a 1-day pass for costs[0] = $2, which covered day 20.
In total you spent $11 and covered all the days of your travel.
Example 2:
Input: days = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,30,31], costs = [2,7,15]
Output: 17
For example, here is one way to buy passes that lets you travel your travel plan:
On day 1, you bought a 30-day pass for costs[2] = $15 which covered days 1, 2, ..., 30.
On day 31, you bought a 1-day pass for costs[0] = $2 which covered day 31.
In total you spent $17 and covered all the days of your travel.
1 <= days.length <= 365
1 <= days[i] <= 365
is in strictly increasing order.costs.length == 3
1 <= costs[i] <= 1000
Approach #1:
class Solution { public: int mincostTickets(vector<int>& days, vector<int>& costs) { vector<int> dp(366, 0); vector<bool> isday(366, false); for (int day: days) { isday[day] = true; } for (int i = 1; i <= 365; ++i) { if (!isday[i]) { dp[i] = dp[i-1]; continue; } dp[i] = costs[0] + dp[i-1]; if (i >= 7) { dp[i] = min(dp[i], costs[1]+dp[i-7]); } else { dp[i] = min(dp[i], costs[1]); } if (i >= 30) { dp[i] = min(dp[i], costs[2]+dp[i-30]); } else { dp[i] = min(dp[i], costs[2]); } } return dp[365]; } };