1.基本命令:mkdir , cp -r ***, ln -s ***, 等等
2.sh_get_nav ***, sh_get_orbits***, sh_get_rinex***
3.sh_crx2rnx -f ***
5.sh_setup *****
links.day 2013 031 TEST 连接处理数据所需要的各种年表
LINKS.DAY creates generic GAMIT links a day directory to an
experiment tables directory
e.g. ut1. ==> ../tables/ut1.
l[expt][y].[day] ==> ../tables/lfile.
Link of session.info is optional to allow creating a new one
with MAKEXP.
Use LINKS.COM to link directly to standard tables
links.day year day expt
year, day, expt = year, day-of-year, 4-char experiment name
for L-file linkname, set to l[expt][y].[day]
links.day 1992 181 trex
NOTES: 1. If you plan to run MAKEXP to produce session.info from
input, you must remove the link (rm session.info)
after running this script and before running MAKEXP
2. Also links to a read-only "core" file in gs/tables to block
HP machines from dumping core
3. Now links autcln.cmd to ../tables. In order to protect saved
manual edit_site_sv entries, however, an existing autcln.cmd
file is not removed before attempting the link.
4. Query added Jan 98 to avoid overwriting station.info, session.info,
sestbl., and sittbl.