ALTER function [dbo].[fn_IP](@ip varchar(40)) returns bigint begin return parsename(@ip,4)*cast(16777216 as bigint)+parsename(@ip,3)*65536+parsename(@ip,2)*256+parsename(@ip,1) end
USE [Win083228X] GO /****** Object: Trigger [dbo].[UpdateIPLID] Script Date: 08/13/2012 11:30:31 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER trigger [dbo].[UpdateIPLID] on [dbo].[VisitedLog] after insert as --保存新插入到VisitedLog表中其在IPLocation表中所对应的LID declare @n int; --新插入IP的值 declare @IP varchar(40); --保存把IP转换成数字的值 declare @nIP bigint; --新插入VID的值 declare @nID int; --是否第一次登陆 declare @nFirst tinyint; --新插入的IP现在数据库里有多少条 declare @nNUM int; declare @FromSite varchar(10); select @nID=VID,@IP=IP,@FromSite=FromSite from inserted select @nIP=dbo.fn_IP(@IP); begin try select @nNUM=count(*) from VisitedLog where IP=@IP and FromSite=@FromSite if @nNUM>1 set @nFirst=0 else set @nFirst=1 select @n=IPLocation.LID from IPLocation where @nIP between nIPBegin and nIPEnd; Update VisitedLog set LID=@n,nIP=@nIP,nFirst=@nFirst where VID=@nID end try begin catch Update VisitedLog set LID=@n where VID=''; end catch