[lean scala]|How to create a SBT project with Intellij IDEA
this article show you how to create a SBT project with IDEA.
2.Scala 2.11.8
3.Intellij IDEA 2016.3
1.create a new project from: File>New>Project
2.open a new window:New Project,select the Scala and SBT
3.click Next,then type the Project name(scala-demo) and select the right version of Scala(2.11.8)
4.click Finish button
5.IDEA will create a standard SBT Project :
6.right click on the test folder: src>test>scala,creata a new package(name:test):
7.creae a new Scala class in the package: test:
import org.scalatest.{FunSpec, Matchers}
class RuleSpec extends FunSpec with Matchers {
describe("World") {
it ("should not be work" ) {
true should be(true)
8.Some error will show in IDEA,go to config the file:build.sbt,append these code:
libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" % "scalatest_2.11" % "2.2.1" % "test"
9.open the build.sbt,click >Enable auto-import
10.run the RulSpec(Ctrl+Shift+F10),you will see the green line,Well Done!
~~~~Congrats! Now you had created a SBT project for further adventure!
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