

1. tbh:to be honest 老實說

Tbh, I don’t think Jerry will be able to graduate this year.
老實說,我不覺得 Jerry 今年可以畢業。

2. lmao:laugh my ass off 笑到不行、超爆笑

大家應該都看過 “lol” (laugh out loud) 這個表示大笑的三個字母,但除了 lol,其實你也可以用 lmao 呦!字面上的意思就是「把屁股都笑掉了」,就代表超級好笑、笑到不行的意思囉!

A: That annoying professor fell off his chair in front of 300 students!
B: lmao!
A: 那個超討人厭的教授在 300 個學生面前從椅子上跌下來耶!
B: 也太爆笑了吧!

3. btw:by the way 順帶一提

John is so rude! How can he do something like that? Btw, there’s no way I’m going to forgive him.
John 也太沒禮貌了吧!他怎麼可以做出那種事?順帶一提,我是絕對不會原諒他的。

4. ttyl:talk to you later 晚點聊

Gotta get going. Ttyl!

5. idk:I don’t know 我不知道

Idk if she’s gonna make it tonight or not.

6. aka:as known as 也就是、以…為人所知

Chris, aka Alex’s boyfriend, is going to move to another country.
Chris,也就是 Alex的男朋友,即將搬去另一個國家了。



7. plz:please 拜託

Daddy, can you come pick me up? Plz!

8. thx:thanks 謝謝

Can you drop this to the postoffice on your way home? Thx!

9. tmr:tomorrow 明天

Let’s catch up tmr.

10. ppl:people 人們、大家

I feel like I really get along with these ppl.

posted @ 2020-09-16 09:33  DrewBetter  阅读(4017)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报