ModbusTCP从站(服务端)扫描工具 python实现
from pymodbus.client import ModbusTcpClient from pymodbus.exceptions import ModbusIOException, ConnectionException, NoSuchSlaveException import time def read_holding_registers(client, slave_address): """尝试读取指定从站的保持寄存器40001的数据""" try: # 使用client.read_holding_registers函数读取保持寄存器 result = client.read_holding_registers(0, 1, slave_address) # 检查result是否为ModbusIOException,如果是,则直接处理异常,不尝试访问registers属性 if isinstance(result, ModbusIOException): raise result # 重新抛出异常以便在外部统一处理 print(f"Slave {slave_address}: {result.registers[0]}") except ConnectionException as e: # 如果连接问题或无此从站,则捕获异常并打印信息 print(f"Error connecting to or reading from Slave {slave_address}: {e}") except ModbusIOException as e: # 其他Modbus通信错误 print(f"Error communicating with Slave {slave_address}: {e}") except NoSuchSlaveException as e: # NoSuchSlaveException print(f"NoSuchSlaveException with Slave {slave_address}: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": # 初始化TCP客户端,这里以默认端口502为例 client = ModbusTcpClient('localhost', port=502) # 请将'localhost'替换为实际的Modbus TCP服务器IP地址 # 连接到Modbus TCP设备 if client.connect(): print("Connected to Modbus TCP device.") # 循环遍历从站地址1至247 for slave_address in range(1, 248): read_holding_registers(client, slave_address) time.sleep(0.200) # 延迟200毫秒 # 关闭连接 client.close() else: print("Failed to connect to the Modbus TCP device.")
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