bootstrap-treeview 拖拽

/* =========================================================
 * bootstrap-treeview.js v1.2.0
 * =========================================================
 * Copyright 2013 Jonathan Miles
 * Project URL :
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * ========================================================= */

; (function ($, window, document, undefined) {

    /*global jQuery, console*/

    'use strict';

    var pluginName = 'treeview';

    var _default = {};

    _default.settings = {

        injectStyle: true,

        levels: 2,

        expandIcon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-plus',
        collapseIcon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-minus',
        emptyIcon: 'glyphicon',
        nodeIcon: '',
        selectedIcon: '',
        checkedIcon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-check',
        uncheckedIcon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-unchecked',

        color: undefined, // '#000000',
        backColor: undefined, // '#FFFFFF',
        borderColor: undefined, // '#dddddd',
        onhoverColor: '#F5F5F5',
        selectedColor: '#FFFFFF',
        selectedBackColor: '#428bca',
        searchResultColor: '#D9534F',
        searchResultBackColor: undefined, //'#FFFFFF',

        enableLinks: false,
        highlightSelected: true,
        highlightSearchResults: true,
        showBorder: true,
        showIcon: true,
        showCheckbox: false,
        showTags: false,
        multiSelect: false,

        // Event handlers
        onNodeChecked: undefined,
        onNodeCollapsed: undefined,
        onNodeDisabled: undefined,
        onNodeEnabled: undefined,
        onNodeExpanded: undefined,
        onNodeSelected: undefined,
        onNodeUnchecked: undefined,
        onNodeUnselected: undefined,
        onSearchComplete: undefined,
        onSearchCleared: undefined,
        onDragStart: undefined

    _default.options = {
        silent: false,
        ignoreChildren: false

    _default.searchOptions = {
        ignoreCase: true,
        exactMatch: false,
        revealResults: true

    var Tree = function (element, options) {

        this.$element = $(element);
        this.elementId =;
        this.styleId = this.elementId + '-style';


        return {

            // Options (public access)
            options: this.options,

            // Initialize / destroy methods
            init: $.proxy(this.init, this),
            remove: $.proxy(this.remove, this),

            // Get methods
            getNode: $.proxy(this.getNode, this),
            getParent: $.proxy(this.getParent, this),
            getSiblings: $.proxy(this.getSiblings, this),
            getSelected: $.proxy(this.getSelected, this),
            getUnselected: $.proxy(this.getUnselected, this),
            getExpanded: $.proxy(this.getExpanded, this),
            getCollapsed: $.proxy(this.getCollapsed, this),
            getChecked: $.proxy(this.getChecked, this),
            getUnchecked: $.proxy(this.getUnchecked, this),
            getDisabled: $.proxy(this.getDisabled, this),
            getEnabled: $.proxy(this.getEnabled, this),

            // Select methods
            selectNode: $.proxy(this.selectNode, this),
            unselectNode: $.proxy(this.unselectNode, this),
            toggleNodeSelected: $.proxy(this.toggleNodeSelected, this),

            // Expand / collapse methods
            collapseAll: $.proxy(this.collapseAll, this),
            collapseNode: $.proxy(this.collapseNode, this),
            expandAll: $.proxy(this.expandAll, this),
            expandNode: $.proxy(this.expandNode, this),
            toggleNodeExpanded: $.proxy(this.toggleNodeExpanded, this),
            revealNode: $.proxy(this.revealNode, this),

            // Expand / collapse methods
            checkAll: $.proxy(this.checkAll, this),
            checkNode: $.proxy(this.checkNode, this),
            uncheckAll: $.proxy(this.uncheckAll, this),
            uncheckNode: $.proxy(this.uncheckNode, this),
            toggleNodeChecked: $.proxy(this.toggleNodeChecked, this),

            // Disable / enable methods
            disableAll: $.proxy(this.disableAll, this),
            disableNode: $.proxy(this.disableNode, this),
            enableAll: $.proxy(this.enableAll, this),
            enableNode: $.proxy(this.enableNode, this),
            toggleNodeDisabled: $.proxy(this.toggleNodeDisabled, this),

            // Search methods
            search: $.proxy(, this),
            clearSearch: $.proxy(this.clearSearch, this)

    Tree.prototype.init = function (options) {

        this.tree = [];
        this.nodes = [];

        if ( {
            if (typeof === 'string') {
       = $.parseJSON(;
            this.tree = $.extend(true, [],;
        this.options = $.extend({}, _default.settings, options);

        this.setInitialStates({ nodes: this.tree }, 0);

    Tree.prototype.remove = function () {
        $.removeData(this, pluginName);
        $('#' + this.styleId).remove();

    Tree.prototype.destroy = function () {

        if (!this.initialized) return;

        this.$wrapper = null;

        // Switch off events

        // Reset this.initialized flag
        this.initialized = false;

    Tree.prototype.unsubscribeEvents = function () {


    Tree.prototype.subscribeEvents = function () {


        this.$element.on('click', $.proxy(this.clickHandler, this));

        if (typeof (this.options.onNodeChecked) === 'function') {
            this.$element.on('nodeChecked', this.options.onNodeChecked);

        if (typeof (this.options.onNodeCollapsed) === 'function') {
            this.$element.on('nodeCollapsed', this.options.onNodeCollapsed);

        if (typeof (this.options.onNodeDisabled) === 'function') {
            this.$element.on('nodeDisabled', this.options.onNodeDisabled);

        if (typeof (this.options.onNodeEnabled) === 'function') {
            this.$element.on('nodeEnabled', this.options.onNodeEnabled);

        if (typeof (this.options.onNodeExpanded) === 'function') {
            this.$element.on('nodeExpanded', this.options.onNodeExpanded);

        if (typeof (this.options.onNodeSelected) === 'function') {
            this.$element.on('nodeSelected', this.options.onNodeSelected);

        if (typeof (this.options.onNodeUnchecked) === 'function') {
            this.$element.on('nodeUnchecked', this.options.onNodeUnchecked);

        if (typeof (this.options.onNodeUnselected) === 'function') {
            this.$element.on('nodeUnselected', this.options.onNodeUnselected);

        if (typeof (this.options.onSearchComplete) === 'function') {
            this.$element.on('searchComplete', this.options.onSearchComplete);

        if (typeof (this.options.onSearchCleared) === 'function') {
            this.$element.on('searchCleared', this.options.onSearchCleared);

        Recurse the tree structure and ensure all nodes have
        valid initial states.  User defined states will be preserved.
        For performance we also take this opportunity to
        index nodes in a flattened structure
    Tree.prototype.setInitialStates = function (node, level) {

        if (!node.nodes) return;
        level += 1;

        var parent = node;
        var _this = this;
        $.each(node.nodes, function checkStates(index, node) {

            // nodeId : unique, incremental identifier
            node.nodeId = _this.nodes.length;

            // parentId : transversing up the tree
            node.parentId = parent.nodeId;

            // if not provided set selectable default value
            if (!node.hasOwnProperty('selectable')) {
                node.selectable = true;

            // where provided we should preserve states
            node.state = node.state || {};

            // set checked state; unless set always false
            if (!node.state.hasOwnProperty('checked')) {
                node.state.checked = false;

            // set enabled state; unless set always false
            if (!node.state.hasOwnProperty('disabled')) {
                node.state.disabled = false;

            // set expanded state; if not provided based on levels
            if (!node.state.hasOwnProperty('expanded')) {
                if (!node.state.disabled &&
                    (level < _this.options.levels) &&
                    (node.nodes && node.nodes.length > 0)) {
                    node.state.expanded = true;
                else {
                    node.state.expanded = false;

            // set selected state; unless set always false
            if (!node.state.hasOwnProperty('selected')) {
                node.state.selected = false;

            // index nodes in a flattened structure for use later

            // recurse child nodes and transverse the tree
            if (node.nodes) {
                _this.setInitialStates(node, level);

    Tree.prototype.clickHandler = function (event) {

        if (!this.options.enableLinks) event.preventDefault();

        var target = $(;
        var node = this.findNode(target);
        if (!node || node.state.disabled) return;

        var classList = target.attr('class') ? target.attr('class').split(' ') : [];
        if ((classList.indexOf('expand-icon') !== -1)) {

            this.toggleExpandedState(node, _default.options);
        else if ((classList.indexOf('check-icon') !== -1)) {

            this.toggleCheckedState(node, _default.options);
        else {

            if (node.selectable) {
                this.toggleSelectedState(node, _default.options);
            } else {
                this.toggleExpandedState(node, _default.options);


    // Looks up the DOM for the closest parent list item to retrieve the
    // data attribute nodeid, which is used to lookup the node in the flattened structure.
    Tree.prototype.findNode = function (target) {

        var nodeId = target.closest('li.list-group-item').attr('data-nodeid');
        var node = this.nodes[nodeId];

        if (!node) {
            console.log('Error: node does not exist');
        return node;

    Tree.prototype.toggleExpandedState = function (node, options) {
        if (!node) return;
        this.setExpandedState(node, !node.state.expanded, options);

    Tree.prototype.setExpandedState = function (node, state, options) {

        if (state === node.state.expanded) return;

        if (state && node.nodes) {

            // Expand a node
            node.state.expanded = true;
            if (!options.silent) {
                this.$element.trigger('nodeExpanded', $.extend(true, {}, node));
        else if (!state) {

            // Collapse a node
            node.state.expanded = false;
            if (!options.silent) {
                this.$element.trigger('nodeCollapsed', $.extend(true, {}, node));

            // Collapse child nodes
            if (node.nodes && !options.ignoreChildren) {
                $.each(node.nodes, $.proxy(function (index, node) {
                    this.setExpandedState(node, false, options);
                }, this));

    Tree.prototype.toggleSelectedState = function (node, options) {
        if (!node) return;
        this.setSelectedState(node, !node.state.selected, options);

    Tree.prototype.setSelectedState = function (node, state, options) {

        if (state === node.state.selected) return;

        if (state) {

            // If multiSelect false, unselect previously selected
            if (!this.options.multiSelect) {
                $.each(this.findNodes('true', 'g', 'state.selected'), $.proxy(function (index, node) {
                    this.setSelectedState(node, false, options);
                }, this));

            // Continue selecting node
            node.state.selected = true;
            if (!options.silent) {
                this.$element.trigger('nodeSelected', $.extend(true, {}, node));
        else {

            // Unselect node
            node.state.selected = false;
            if (!options.silent) {
                this.$element.trigger('nodeUnselected', $.extend(true, {}, node));

    Tree.prototype.toggleCheckedState = function (node, options) {
        if (!node) return;
        this.setCheckedState(node, !node.state.checked, options);

    Tree.prototype.setCheckedState = function (node, state, options) {

        if (state === node.state.checked) return;

        if (state) {

            // Check node
            node.state.checked = true;

            if (!options.silent) {
                this.$element.trigger('nodeChecked', $.extend(true, {}, node));
        else {

            // Uncheck node
            node.state.checked = false;
            if (!options.silent) {
                this.$element.trigger('nodeUnchecked', $.extend(true, {}, node));

    Tree.prototype.setDisabledState = function (node, state, options) {

        if (state === node.state.disabled) return;

        if (state) {

            // Disable node
            node.state.disabled = true;

            // Disable all other states
            this.setExpandedState(node, false, options);
            this.setSelectedState(node, false, options);
            this.setCheckedState(node, false, options);

            if (!options.silent) {
                this.$element.trigger('nodeDisabled', $.extend(true, {}, node));
        else {

            // Enabled node
            node.state.disabled = false;
            if (!options.silent) {
                this.$element.trigger('nodeEnabled', $.extend(true, {}, node));

    Tree.prototype.render = function () {

        if (!this.initialized) {

            // Setup first time only components
            this.$wrapper = $(this.template.list);


            this.initialized = true;


        // Build tree
        this.buildTree(this.tree, 0);

    // Starting from the root node, and recursing down the
    // structure we build the tree one node at a time
    Tree.prototype.buildTree = function (nodes, level) {

        if (!nodes) return;
        level += 1;

        var _this = this;
        $.each(nodes, function addNodes(id, node) {

            var treeItem = $(_this.template.item)
                .addClass('node-' + _this.elementId)
                .addClass(node.state.checked ? 'node-checked' : '')
                .addClass(node.state.disabled ? 'node-disabled' : '')
                .addClass(node.state.selected ? 'node-selected' : '')
                .addClass(node.searchResult ? 'search-result' : '')
                .attr('data-nodeid', node.nodeId)
                // .attr('data-parent-code', node.parentCode) //  这个是当前节点的父级节点的code,主要是为了实现父级拖拽的时候可以把子级同时移动 gz。
                .attr('data-level', node.dataLevel) // 这个是当前节点的层级数据,之前有就可以不写 gz。
                .attr('draggable', true) // 激发拖拽 gz
                .attr("ondrop", "drop(event)") // 结束拖拽 gz
                .attr("ondragover", "allowDrop(event)") // 拖拽中 gz
                .attr("ondragstart", "drag(event)") // 目标开始拖拽事件 gz
                .attr("ondragenter", "dragEnter(event)") //当拖拽对象进入投放区时触发
                .attr("ondragleave", "dragLeave(event)") //元素被拖出了投放区时触发
                .attr('style', _this.buildStyleOverride(node));

            // Add indent/spacer to mimic tree structure
            for (var i = 0; i < (level - 1); i++) {

            // Add expand, collapse or empty spacer icons
            var classList = [];
            if (node.nodes) {
                if (node.state.expanded) {
                else {
            else {

                    .addClass(classList.join(' '))

            // Add node icon
            if (_this.options.showIcon) {

                var classList = ['node-icon'];

                classList.push(node.icon || _this.options.nodeIcon);
                if (node.state.selected) {
                    classList.push(node.selectedIcon || _this.options.selectedIcon ||
                        node.icon || _this.options.nodeIcon);

                        .addClass(classList.join(' '))

            // Add check / unchecked icon
            if (_this.options.showCheckbox) {

                var classList = ['check-icon'];
                if (node.state.checked) {
                else {

                        .addClass(classList.join(' '))

            // Add text
            if (_this.options.enableLinks) {
                // Add hyperlink
                        .attr('href', node.href)
            else {
                // otherwise just text

            // Add tags as badges
            if (_this.options.showTags && node.tags) {
                $.each(node.tags, function addTag(id, tag) {

            // Add item to the tree

            // Recursively add child ndoes
            if (node.nodes && node.state.expanded && !node.state.disabled) {
                return _this.buildTree(node.nodes, level);

    // Define any node level style override for
    // 1. selectedNode
    // 2. node|data assigned color overrides
    Tree.prototype.buildStyleOverride = function (node) {

        if (node.state.disabled) return '';

        var color = node.color;
        var backColor = node.backColor;

        if (this.options.highlightSelected && node.state.selected) {
            if (this.options.selectedColor) {
                color = this.options.selectedColor;
            if (this.options.selectedBackColor) {
                backColor = this.options.selectedBackColor;

        if (this.options.highlightSearchResults && node.searchResult && !node.state.disabled) {
            if (this.options.searchResultColor) {
                color = this.options.searchResultColor;
            if (this.options.searchResultBackColor) {
                backColor = this.options.searchResultBackColor;

        return 'color:' + color +
            ';background-color:' + backColor + ';';

    // Add inline style into head
    Tree.prototype.injectStyle = function () {

        if (this.options.injectStyle && !document.getElementById(this.styleId)) {
            $('<style type="text/css" id="' + this.styleId + '"> ' + this.buildStyle() + ' </style>').appendTo('head');

    // Construct trees style based on user options
    Tree.prototype.buildStyle = function () {

        var style = '.node-' + this.elementId + '{';

        if (this.options.color) {
            style += 'color:' + this.options.color + ';';

        if (this.options.backColor) {
            style += 'background-color:' + this.options.backColor + ';';

        if (!this.options.showBorder) {
            style += 'border:none;';
        else if (this.options.borderColor) {
            style += 'border:1px solid ' + this.options.borderColor + ';';
        style += '}';

        if (this.options.onhoverColor) {
            style += '.node-' + this.elementId + ':not(.node-disabled):hover{' +
                'background-color:' + this.options.onhoverColor + ';' +

        return this.css + style;

    Tree.prototype.template = {
        list: '<ul class="list-group"></ul>',
        item: '<li class="list-group-item"></li>',
        indent: '<span class="indent"></span>',
        icon: '<span class="icon"></span>',
        link: '<a href="#" style="color:inherit;"></a>',
        badge: '<span class="badge"></span>'

    Tree.prototype.css = '.treeview .list-group-item{cursor:pointer}.treeview span.indent{margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px}.treeview span.icon{width:12px;margin-right:5px}.treeview .node-disabled{color:silver;cursor:not-allowed}'

        Returns a single node object that matches the given node id.
        @param {Number} nodeId - A node's unique identifier
        @return {Object} node - Matching node
    Tree.prototype.getNode = function (nodeId) {
        return this.nodes[nodeId];

        Returns the parent node of a given node, if valid otherwise returns undefined.
        @param {Object|Number} identifier - A valid node or node id
        @returns {Object} node - The parent node
    Tree.prototype.getParent = function (identifier) {
        var node = this.identifyNode(identifier);
        return this.nodes[node.parentId];

        Returns an array of sibling nodes for a given node, if valid otherwise returns undefined.
        @param {Object|Number} identifier - A valid node or node id
        @returns {Array} nodes - Sibling nodes
    Tree.prototype.getSiblings = function (identifier) {
        var node = this.identifyNode(identifier);
        var parent = this.getParent(node);
        var nodes = parent ? parent.nodes : this.tree;
        return nodes.filter(function (obj) {
            return obj.nodeId !== node.nodeId;

        Returns an array of selected nodes.
        @returns {Array} nodes - Selected nodes
    Tree.prototype.getSelected = function () {
        return this.findNodes('true', 'g', 'state.selected');

        Returns an array of unselected nodes.
        @returns {Array} nodes - Unselected nodes
    Tree.prototype.getUnselected = function () {
        return this.findNodes('false', 'g', 'state.selected');

        Returns an array of expanded nodes.
        @returns {Array} nodes - Expanded nodes
    Tree.prototype.getExpanded = function () {
        return this.findNodes('true', 'g', 'state.expanded');

        Returns an array of collapsed nodes.
        @returns {Array} nodes - Collapsed nodes
    Tree.prototype.getCollapsed = function () {
        return this.findNodes('false', 'g', 'state.expanded');

        Returns an array of checked nodes.
        @returns {Array} nodes - Checked nodes
    Tree.prototype.getChecked = function () {
        return this.findNodes('true', 'g', 'state.checked');

        Returns an array of unchecked nodes.
        @returns {Array} nodes - Unchecked nodes
    Tree.prototype.getUnchecked = function () {
        return this.findNodes('false', 'g', 'state.checked');

        Returns an array of disabled nodes.
        @returns {Array} nodes - Disabled nodes
    Tree.prototype.getDisabled = function () {
        return this.findNodes('true', 'g', 'state.disabled');

        Returns an array of enabled nodes.
        @returns {Array} nodes - Enabled nodes
    Tree.prototype.getEnabled = function () {
        return this.findNodes('false', 'g', 'state.disabled');

        Set a node state to selected
        @param {Object|Number} identifiers - A valid node, node id or array of node identifiers
        @param {optional Object} options
    Tree.prototype.selectNode = function (identifiers, options) {
        this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) {
            this.setSelectedState(node, true, options);
        }, this));


        Set a node state to unselected
        @param {Object|Number} identifiers - A valid node, node id or array of node identifiers
        @param {optional Object} options
    Tree.prototype.unselectNode = function (identifiers, options) {
        this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) {
            this.setSelectedState(node, false, options);
        }, this));


        Toggles a node selected state; selecting if unselected, unselecting if selected.
        @param {Object|Number} identifiers - A valid node, node id or array of node identifiers
        @param {optional Object} options
    Tree.prototype.toggleNodeSelected = function (identifiers, options) {
        this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) {
            this.toggleSelectedState(node, options);
        }, this));


        Collapse all tree nodes
        @param {optional Object} options
    Tree.prototype.collapseAll = function (options) {
        var identifiers = this.findNodes('true', 'g', 'state.expanded');
        this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) {
            this.setExpandedState(node, false, options);
        }, this));


        Collapse a given tree node
        @param {Object|Number} identifiers - A valid node, node id or array of node identifiers
        @param {optional Object} options
    Tree.prototype.collapseNode = function (identifiers, options) {
        this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) {
            this.setExpandedState(node, false, options);
        }, this));


        Expand all tree nodes
        @param {optional Object} options
    Tree.prototype.expandAll = function (options) {
        options = $.extend({}, _default.options, options);

        if (options && options.levels) {
            this.expandLevels(this.tree, options.levels, options);
        else {
            var identifiers = this.findNodes('false', 'g', 'state.expanded');
            this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) {
                this.setExpandedState(node, true, options);
            }, this));


        Expand a given tree node
        @param {Object|Number} identifiers - A valid node, node id or array of node identifiers
        @param {optional Object} options
    Tree.prototype.expandNode = function (identifiers, options) {
        this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) {
            this.setExpandedState(node, true, options);
            if (node.nodes && (options && options.levels)) {
                this.expandLevels(node.nodes, options.levels - 1, options);
        }, this));


    Tree.prototype.expandLevels = function (nodes, level, options) {
        options = $.extend({}, _default.options, options);

        $.each(nodes, $.proxy(function (index, node) {
            this.setExpandedState(node, (level > 0) ? true : false, options);
            if (node.nodes) {
                this.expandLevels(node.nodes, level - 1, options);
        }, this));

        Reveals a given tree node, expanding the tree from node to root.
        @param {Object|Number|Array} identifiers - A valid node, node id or array of node identifiers
        @param {optional Object} options
    Tree.prototype.revealNode = function (identifiers, options) {
        this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) {
            var parentNode = this.getParent(node);
            while (parentNode) {
                this.setExpandedState(parentNode, true, options);
                parentNode = this.getParent(parentNode);
        }, this));


        Toggles a nodes expanded state; collapsing if expanded, expanding if collapsed.
        @param {Object|Number} identifiers - A valid node, node id or array of node identifiers
        @param {optional Object} options
    Tree.prototype.toggleNodeExpanded = function (identifiers, options) {
        this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) {
            this.toggleExpandedState(node, options);
        }, this));


        Check all tree nodes
        @param {optional Object} options
    Tree.prototype.checkAll = function (options) {
        var identifiers = this.findNodes('false', 'g', 'state.checked');
        this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) {
            this.setCheckedState(node, true, options);
        }, this));


        Check a given tree node
        @param {Object|Number} identifiers - A valid node, node id or array of node identifiers
        @param {optional Object} options
    Tree.prototype.checkNode = function (identifiers, options) {
        this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) {
            this.setCheckedState(node, true, options);
        }, this));


        Uncheck all tree nodes
        @param {optional Object} options
    Tree.prototype.uncheckAll = function (options) {
        var identifiers = this.findNodes('true', 'g', 'state.checked');
        this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) {
            this.setCheckedState(node, false, options);
        }, this));


        Uncheck a given tree node
        @param {Object|Number} identifiers - A valid node, node id or array of node identifiers
        @param {optional Object} options
    Tree.prototype.uncheckNode = function (identifiers, options) {
        this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) {
            this.setCheckedState(node, false, options);
        }, this));


        Toggles a nodes checked state; checking if unchecked, unchecking if checked.
        @param {Object|Number} identifiers - A valid node, node id or array of node identifiers
        @param {optional Object} options
    Tree.prototype.toggleNodeChecked = function (identifiers, options) {
        this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) {
            this.toggleCheckedState(node, options);
        }, this));


        Disable all tree nodes
        @param {optional Object} options
    Tree.prototype.disableAll = function (options) {
        var identifiers = this.findNodes('false', 'g', 'state.disabled');
        this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) {
            this.setDisabledState(node, true, options);
        }, this));


        Disable a given tree node
        @param {Object|Number} identifiers - A valid node, node id or array of node identifiers
        @param {optional Object} options
    Tree.prototype.disableNode = function (identifiers, options) {
        this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) {
            this.setDisabledState(node, true, options);
        }, this));


        Enable all tree nodes
        @param {optional Object} options
    Tree.prototype.enableAll = function (options) {
        var identifiers = this.findNodes('true', 'g', 'state.disabled');
        this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) {
            this.setDisabledState(node, false, options);
        }, this));


        Enable a given tree node
        @param {Object|Number} identifiers - A valid node, node id or array of node identifiers
        @param {optional Object} options
    Tree.prototype.enableNode = function (identifiers, options) {
        this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) {
            this.setDisabledState(node, false, options);
        }, this));


        Toggles a nodes disabled state; disabling is enabled, enabling if disabled.
        @param {Object|Number} identifiers - A valid node, node id or array of node identifiers
        @param {optional Object} options
    Tree.prototype.toggleNodeDisabled = function (identifiers, options) {
        this.forEachIdentifier(identifiers, options, $.proxy(function (node, options) {
            this.setDisabledState(node, !node.state.disabled, options);
        }, this));


        Common code for processing multiple identifiers
    Tree.prototype.forEachIdentifier = function (identifiers, options, callback) {

        options = $.extend({}, _default.options, options);

        if (!(identifiers instanceof Array)) {
            identifiers = [identifiers];

        $.each(identifiers, $.proxy(function (index, identifier) {
            callback(this.identifyNode(identifier), options);
        }, this));

        Identifies a node from either a node id or object
    Tree.prototype.identifyNode = function (identifier) {
        return ((typeof identifier) === 'number') ?
            this.nodes[identifier] :

        Searches the tree for nodes (text) that match given criteria
        @param {String} pattern - A given string to match against
        @param {optional Object} options - Search criteria options
        @return {Array} nodes - Matching nodes
    */ = function (pattern, options) {
        options = $.extend({}, _default.searchOptions, options);

        this.clearSearch({ render: false });

        var results = [];
        if (pattern && pattern.length > 0) {

            if (options.exactMatch) {
                pattern = '^' + pattern + '$';

            var modifier = 'g';
            if (options.ignoreCase) {
                modifier += 'i';

            results = this.findNodes(pattern, modifier);

            // Add searchResult property to all matching nodes
            // This will be used to apply custom styles
            // and when identifying result to be cleared
            $.each(results, function (index, node) {
                node.searchResult = true;

        // If revealResults, then render is triggered from revealNode
        // otherwise we just call render.
        if (options.revealResults) {
        else {

        this.$element.trigger('searchComplete', $.extend(true, {}, results));

        return results;

        Clears previous search results
    Tree.prototype.clearSearch = function (options) {

        options = $.extend({}, { render: true }, options);

        var results = $.each(this.findNodes('true', 'g', 'searchResult'), function (index, node) {
            node.searchResult = false;

        if (options.render) {

        this.$element.trigger('searchCleared', $.extend(true, {}, results));

        Find nodes that match a given criteria
        @param {String} pattern - A given string to match against
        @param {optional String} modifier - Valid RegEx modifiers
        @param {optional String} attribute - Attribute to compare pattern against
        @return {Array} nodes - Nodes that match your criteria
    Tree.prototype.findNodes = function (pattern, modifier, attribute) {

        modifier = modifier || 'g';
        attribute = attribute || 'text';

        var _this = this;
        return $.grep(this.nodes, function (node) {
            var val = _this.getNodeValue(node, attribute);
            if (typeof val === 'string') {
                return val.match(new RegExp(pattern, modifier));

        Recursive find for retrieving nested attributes values
        All values are return as strings, unless invalid
        @param {Object} obj - Typically a node, could be any object
        @param {String} attr - Identifies an object property using dot notation
        @return {String} value - Matching attributes string representation
    Tree.prototype.getNodeValue = function (obj, attr) {
        var index = attr.indexOf('.');
        if (index > 0) {
            var _obj = obj[attr.substring(0, index)];
            var _attr = attr.substring(index + 1, attr.length);
            return this.getNodeValue(_obj, _attr);
        else {
            if (obj.hasOwnProperty(attr)) {
                return obj[attr].toString();
            else {
                return undefined;

    var logError = function (message) {
        if (window.console) {

    // Prevent against multiple instantiations,
    // handle updates and method calls
    $.fn[pluginName] = function (options, args) {

        var result;

        this.each(function () {
            var _this = $.data(this, pluginName);
            if (typeof options === 'string') {
                if (!_this) {
                    logError('Not initialized, can not call method : ' + options);
                else if (!$.isFunction(_this[options]) || options.charAt(0) === '_') {
                    logError('No such method : ' + options);
                else {
                    if (!(args instanceof Array)) {
                        args = [args];
                    result = _this[options].apply(_this, args);
            else if (typeof options === 'boolean') {
                result = _this;
            else {
                $.data(this, pluginName, new Tree(this, $.extend(true, {}, options)));

        return result || this;

})(jQuery, window, document);



<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>Bootstrap Tree View</title>
    <link href="./packages/treeview/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <!-- <link href="./css/bootstrap-treeview.css" rel="stylesheet"> -->


    <div class="container">
        <h1>Bootstrap Tree View</h1>
        <div id="treeview1" class=""></div>

    <script src="./packages/treeview/jquery.js"></script>
    <script src="./packages/treeview/bootstrap-treeview.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var defaultData = [{
                text: 'Parent 1',
                href: '#parent1',
                code: 'code1',
                id: 1,
                parentCode: 'code1',
                dataLevel: 1,
                nodes: [{
                        text: 'Child 1',
                        href: '#child1',
                        tag: "child1",
                        dataLevel: 2,
                        nodes: [{
                                text: 'Grandchild 1',
                                href: '#grandchild1',
                                dataLevel: 3,
                                text: 'Grandchild 2',
                                href: '#grandchild2',
                                dataLevel: 3,
                                text: 'Grandchild 3',
                                href: '#grandchild3',
                                dataLevel: 3,
                        text: 'Child 2',
                        href: '#child2',
                        dataLevel: 2,


            data: defaultData,


        function allowDrop(ev) {

        function drag(ev) {
            let _nodeid =['data-nodeid'].nodeValue; // 获取要移动元素的层级
            let _level =['data-level'].nodeValue; // 获取要移动元素的节点id
            ev.dataTransfer.setData("nodeid", _nodeid); // 存储要移动元素的层级
            ev.dataTransfer.setData("level", _level); // 存储要移动元素的节点id

        function drop(ev) {
            let _nodeid =['data-nodeid'].nodeValue;
            let _level =['data-level'].nodeValue;
            let data_level = ev.dataTransfer.getData("level"); // 要移动元素的层级
            var data_nodeid = ev.dataTransfer.getData("nodeid"); // 要移动元素的节点id
            console.log(_level, data_level);
            if (data_level === _level) {
                $("li[data-nodeid='" + _nodeid + "']").insertAfter($("li[data-nodeid='" + data_nodeid +
            } else {
        // 当拖拽对象进入投放区时触发
        function dragEnter(ev) {
            $("style", "border:solid 1px red")
        // 元素被拖出了投放区时触发
        function dragLeave(ev) {
            $("style", "border:solid 1px #dddddd")



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