1)函数1:选择角色1 曹操 2张飞 3 刘备
2)函数2:角色猜拳1剪刀 2石头 3布 玩家输入一个1-3的数字
3)函数3:电脑出拳 随机产生1个1-3的数字,提示电脑出拳结果
5)最后结束的时候输出结果 角色赢几局 电脑赢几局,平局几次 游戏结束
class ren_VS_jiqi: def role_choice(self): self.roles = {1:'曹操',2:'张飞',3:'刘备'} self.role_num = int(input('请选择角色1 曹操 2张飞 3 刘备:')) return self.roles[self.role_num] def role_punch(self): # self.role = self.role_choice() while True: punch = {'1': '剪刀', '2': '石头', '3': '布'} role_punch1 = input('请猜拳1剪刀 2石头 3布:') if role_punch1 in punch.keys(): print('%s出的拳是:%s' %(self.roles[self.role_num],punch[role_punch1])) break else: print('输入有误,请重新输入!') continue return role_punch1 def machine_punch(self): import random punch1 = {'1': '剪刀', '2': '石头', '3': '布'} machine_punch = str(random.randint(1,3)) print("机器出拳:%s" % punch1[machine_punch]) return machine_punch def R_Vs_M(self): role = self.role_choice() result_reny = 0 #人赢 result_jiqiy = 0 #机器赢 result_ping = 0 #平局 while True: ren_num = int(self.role_punch()) jiqi_num = int(self.machine_punch()) if ren_num != jiqi_num: if ren_num == 1 and jiqi_num ==3: result_reny +=1 elif ren_num == 2 and jiqi_num == 1: result_reny +=1 elif ren_num == 3 and jiqi_num == 1: result_reny +=1 else: result_jiqiy +=1 else: result_ping +=1 choice=input("是否要继续猜拳?按y继续,按n退出") if choice=='y': continue else: break print("对战结束:%s赢了%s局,电脑赢了%s局,平了%s局"%(self.roles[self.role_num],result_reny,result_jiqiy,result_ping)) ren_VS_jiqi().R_Vs_M()
class HumanVSMachine: def choose_role(self): while True: role_info={"1":"曹操","2":"张飞","3":"刘备"} role_num=input("请选择你喜欢的角色:1:曹操 2:张飞 3:刘备") if role_num in role_info.keys(): print("你选择的角色是%s"%role_info[role_num]) break else: print("角色选择错误,请重新选择!") continue #返回一个值 返回角色值 return role_info[role_num] #方法一: def cq(self,role,mode):#mode=1 人出拳 mode=2 就是电脑出拳 import random cq_info={"1":"石头","2":"剪刀","3":"布"} if mode==1: cq_num=input("请输入对应的数字出拳:1石头 2剪刀 3布") elif mode==2: cq_num=str(random.randint(1,3)) if cq_num in cq_info.keys(): print(role+"出的是%s"%cq_info[cq_num]) else: print("出拳错误!") return cq_num # 方法二: # def role_cq(self,role_name): # cq_num=input("请输入对应的数字出拳:1剪刀 2石头 3布") # cq_info={"1":"剪刀","2":"石头","3":"布"} # if cq_num in cq_info.keys(): # print(role_name+",你出的是%s"%cq_info[cq_num]) # else: # print("出拳错误!") # return cq_num # # def machine_cq(self): # cq_num=str(random.randint(1,3))#需要转换一下格式 # cq_info={"1":"剪刀","2":"石头","3":"布"} # if cq_num in cq_info.keys(): # print("电脑出的是%s"%cq_info[cq_num]) # else: # print("出拳错误!") # return cq_num#字符串 def human_vs_machine(self): #人机对战 role=self.choose_role()#角色 #变量: human_win=0 ping=0 machine_win=0 while True: #方法一: # human_cq=int(self.role_cq(role))#角色出拳 # machine_cq=int(self.machine_cq())#机器出拳 #方法二 human_cq=int(self.cq(role,1)) machine_cq=int(self.cq("电脑",2)) if human_cq!=machine_cq:#数值比较 1 石头 2 剪刀 3布 if human_cq==1 and machine_cq==2: human_win+=1 elif human_cq==2 and machine_cq==3: human_win+=1 elif human_cq==3 and machine_cq==1: human_win+=1 else: machine_win+=1 else: ping+=1 choice=input("是否要继续猜拳?按y继续,按n退出") if choice=='y': continue else: break print("对战结束:人赢了%s局,电脑赢了%s局,平了%s局"%(human_win,machine_win,ping)) HumanVSMachine().human_vs_machine()