
tar的参数X用来指定排除的文件及目录,排除的文件及目录在excludefiles 文件中指定
[/vobs/cems]=341=> ls
ant javadoc
ant_excludes.xml linkxmlfiles.ksh
build logs
build.xml lost+found
cemsversion.txt package.xml    
clean_doems-ts.xml rmi_includes-common.xml
clean_domain.xml rmi_includes-server.xml
com rmi_includes.xml
compile_c.mak rmi_jrmp_includes-common.xml
config rmi_jrmp_includes-design.xml
database rmi_jrmp_includes-server.xml rmi_jrmp_includes.xml
findbugs_stylesheet.xsl rtdir
gps test
help thirdparty
install xml
[/vobs/cems]=342=> echo install > ~/tar_exclude_files
[/vobs/cems]=343=> cat ~/tar_exclude_files 
[/vobs/cems]=344=> tar -cvfX vob_1804fc.tar ~/tar_exclude_files *
bash-3.00$ ls -lu
total 31
drwxr-xr-x 6 hg staff 6 Dec 5 10:47 enom
-rw-r--r-- 1 hg other 54 Dec 22 10:58 rmi.policy
-rw-r--r-- 1 hg other 5869 Dec 22 10:59 RMITest.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 hg other 1602 Nov 9 10:57 server.crt
drwxr-xr-x 5 hg staff 6 Dec 5 10:47 tmp
bash-3.00$ man ls
-u              Uses time of last access instead of last modif-
                  ication for sorting (with the -t option) or
                  printing (with the -l option).
  • Format conversion: convert an image from one format to another (e.g. PNG to JPEG).
  • Transform: resize, rotate, crop, flip or trim an image.
  • e.g.
    xxx@EVB499BAE8857C /cygdrive/c/Users/xxx/Pictures/Camera
    $ls *.jpg
    IMG_20111229_100734.jpg* IMG_20111229_100807.jpg* IMG_20111229_100842.jpg*
    IMG_20111229_100741.jpg* IMG_20111229_100815.jpg* IMG_20111229_100848.jpg*
    IMG_20111229_100748.jpg* IMG_20111229_100825.jpg*
    IMG_20111229_100758.jpg* IMG_20111229_100835.jpg*
    xxx@EVB499BAE8857C /cygdrive/c/Users/xxx/Pictures/Camera
    $for f in `ls *.jpg`; do convert $f -resize 800x600 $f ;done
    xxx@EVB499BAE8857C /cygdrive/c/Users/xxx/Pictures/Camera
    $for f in `ls *.jpg`; do convert $f -rotate 90 $f ;done
    java->editor->Mark Occurrences
    @echo off
    rem using the Display Changer tool to enable the secondary diaplay and make it left to the primary display
    set dc="C:\tools\DisplayChanger_4.3.1_XiaZaiBa\Display Changer\dc.exe"
    rem start enable primary display
    %dc% -monitor="\\.\DISPLAY1" -primary
    rem start enable secondary display
    %dc% -monitor="\\.\DISPLAY2" -max -secondary -left -ty=0 -apply
    echo "Secondary dispaly enabled"

    Attachment List


      posted @ 2012-02-07 15:41  郭太东  阅读(186)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报