matplotlib(6)-- subplot创建; subplot2grid ;GridSpec ;不同subplot坐标轴共享
1 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 2 3 # example 1: 4 ############################### 5 plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4)) 6 # plt.subplot(n_rows, n_cols, plot_num) 7 plt.subplot(2, 2, 1) 8 plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1]) 9 10 plt.subplot(2, 2, 2) 11 plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 2]) 12 13 plt.subplot(2, 2, 3) 14 plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 3]) 15 16 plt.subplot(2, 2, 4) 17 plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 4]) 18 19 plt.tight_layout() 20 21 # example 2: 22 ############################### 23 plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4)) 24 # figure splits into 2 rows, 1 col, plot to the 1st sub-fig 25 plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) 26 plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1]) 27 # figure splits into 2 rows, 3 col, plot to the 4th sub-fig 28 plt.subplot(2, 3, 4) 29 plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 2]) 30 # figure splits into 2 rows, 3 col, plot to the 5th sub-fig 31 plt.subplot(2, 3, 5) 32 plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 3]) 33 # figure splits into 2 rows, 3 col, plot to the 6th sub-fig 34 plt.subplot(2, 3, 6) 35 plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 4]) 36 37 plt.tight_layout() 38 39
1 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 2 import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec 3 4 # method 1: subplot2grid 5 ########################## 6 plt.figure() 7 #整个figure为 3*3 8 ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 3), (0, 0), colspan=3) #ax1起始是第一行第一列,占一行三列 9 #plt.subplot2grid(shape, loc, rowspan=1, colspan=1, fig=None, **kwargs) 10 #参数解释: 11 # shape : sequence of 2 ints 12 # loc : sequence of 2 ints 13 # rowspan : int Number of rows for the axis to span to the right. 14 # colspan : int Number of columns for the axis to span downwards. 15 # rowspan、colspan默认值为1 16 ax1.plot([1, 2], [1, 2]) 17 ax1.set_title('ax1_title') 18 ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 3), (1, 0), colspan=2) #ax2起始为第二行第一列,占一行两列 19 ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 3), (1, 2), rowspan=2) #ax3起始为第二行第三列,占两行一列 20 ax4 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 3), (2, 0)) #ax4起始为第三行第一列,占一行一列,散点图 21 ax4.scatter([1, 2], [2, 2]) 22 ax4.set_xlabel('ax4_x') 23 ax4.set_ylabel('ax4_y') 24 ax5 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 3), (2, 1)) #ax5起始为第三行第二列,占一行一列 25 26 # method 2: gridspec 27 ######################### 28 plt.figure() 29 gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 3) 30 # use index from 0 31 ax6 = plt.subplot(gs[0, :]) 32 ax7 = plt.subplot(gs[1, :2]) 33 ax8 = plt.subplot(gs[1:, 2]) 34 ax9 = plt.subplot(gs[-1, 0]) 35 ax10 = plt.subplot(gs[-1, -2]) 36 37 #这里理解矩阵切片相关知识很好理解,矩阵切片相关知识,参考博客 38 39 # method 3: easy to define structure 40 #################################### 41 f, ((ax11, ax12), (ax13, ax14)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex = True, sharey = True) #不同subplot共享x,y轴 42 ax11.scatter([1,2], [1,2]) 43 44 plt.tight_layout() 45