Delphi XE DataSnap.DSServer[2] TDSServer[1] 介绍
Delphi XE DataSnap.DSServer[2] TDSServer[1] 介绍
- 管理传输和服务器类的创建和生存期。
- 此DataSnap服务器组件管理传输和服务器类的创建和生存期。
TDSServer = class(TDSCustomServer)
FAutoStart: Boolean;
FConnectEvent: TDSConnectEvent;
FPrepareEvent: TDSPrepareEvent;
FDisconnectEvent: TDSConnectEvent;
FErrorEvent: TDSErrorEvent;
FCallbacks: TObjectList<TDSCallbackTunnel>;
FSetupConverterEvent: TDSSetupConverterEvent;
FSetupReverterEvent: TDSSetupReverterEvent;
FRegConverters: TObjectDictionary<string, TConverterEvent>;
FRegReverters: TObjectDictionary<string, TReverterEvent>;
FChannelQueueSize: Integer;
FChannelResponseTimeout: Integer;
class var
FServerList: TDBXArrayList;
class procedure AddServer(Server: TDSCustomServer); static;
class procedure RemoveServer(Server: TDSCustomServer); static;
procedure ReadHideDSAdmin(Reader: TReader);
procedure ShutdownCallbacks;
/// <summary> Shutdown all the callbacks in the server before transport layer stops.</summary>
procedure TransportStopping(const Sender: TDSServerTransport); override;
procedure Loaded; override;
procedure Connecting(const ConnectEventObject: TDSConnectEventObject); override;
procedure Preparing(const PrepareEventObject: TDSPrepareEventObject); override;
procedure Disconnecting(const ConnectEventObject: TDSConnectEventObject); override;
procedure Error(const ErrorEventObject: TDSErrorEventObject); override;
function GetTraceInfoEvent: TDBXTraceEvent; virtual;
procedure SetTraceInfoEvent(const TraceInfoEvent: TDBXTraceEvent); virtual;
procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
/// Find the instance of the server by its component name.
class function FindServer(Name: string): TDSCustomServer; static;
/// Create an local, inprocess connection to this server with the connection
/// properties provided.
function GetServerConnection(const Properties: TDBXProperties): TDBXConnection; overload; override;
/// Start the server. This will call the Start method on all <c>TDSServerTransport</c>
/// component implementations and all <c>TDSServerClass</c> components that have set
/// their <c>Server</c> property to this instance.
/// This method is called automatically if/when the component is loaded if
/// the <c>AutoStart</c> property is set to true.
procedure Start; override;
/// Stop the server. This will call the Stop method on all <c>TDSServerTransport</c>
/// implementations and all <c>TDSServerClass</c> components that have set
/// their <c>Server</c> property to this instance.
procedure Stop; override;
/// <summary>
/// Registers a channel callback with current instance and returns the communication tunnel
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// It is expected that the callback is created per-need bases. When the first callback
/// registers with the client channel then and only then the callback tunnel is created. If
/// no client callback registers, no resources are allocated. Hence the need for CallbackId.
/// The function returns nil if there is already a channel created for the client id
/// </remarks>
function CreateChannelTunnel(const ChannelName: string; const ClientId: string;
const CallbackId: string; ChannelNames: TStringList;
const SecurityToken: string): TDSCallbackTunnel;
function RegisterChannelCallback(const ClientId: string; const CallbackId: string;
ChannelNames: TStringList; const SecurityToken: string): Boolean;
function GetCallbackTunnel(const ClientManagerId: string): TDSCallbackTunnel;
function CallbackTunnelOf(const ClientManagerId: string): TDSCallbackTunnel;
/// <summary>
/// Returns true if there is a tunnel for a given client id. False otherwise.
/// </summary>
function HasChannelCallback(const ClientId: string): Boolean;
/// <summary>
/// Unregisters the client channel based on channel name and client id
/// </summary>
procedure UnregisterChannelCallback(const ClientId: string;
const SecurityToken: string;
Owner: Boolean = false); overload;
/// <summary>
/// Unregisters a client callback. No notification or broadcasts will be possible after that
/// </summary>
procedure UnregisterChannelCallback(const ClientId: string;
const CallbackId: string; const SecurityToken: string); overload;
/// <summary>
/// Unregisters a client callback. No notification or broadcasts will be possible after that
/// </summary>
procedure UnregisterChannelCallback(Tunnel: TDSCallbackTunnel; DoBroadcast: Boolean = True); overload;
/// <summary> sends a message to all client callbacks </summary>
function BroadcastMessage(const ChannelName: string; const Msg: TJSONValue;
const ArgType: Integer = TDBXCallback.ArgJson): Boolean; overload;
function BroadcastObject(const ChannelName: string; const Msg: TObject): Boolean; overload;
/// <summary> sends a message to all client callbacks with a given registered callback id </summary>
function BroadcastMessage(const ChannelName: string; const CallbackId: string;
const Msg: TJSONValue; const ArgType: Integer = TDBXCallback.ArgJson): Boolean; overload;
function BroadcastObject(const ChannelName: string; const CallbackId: string;
const Msg: TObject): Boolean; overload;
/// <summary>deprecated. ChannelName is no longer required</summary>
/// <remarks> Call the version of NotifyCallback that doesn't take a ChannelName. </remarks>
function NotifyCallback(const ChannelName: string;
const ClientId: string;
const CallbackId: string;
const Msg: TJSONValue; out Response: TJSONValue;
Timeout: Cardinal = INFINITE;
const ArgType: Integer = TDBXCallback.ArgJson): Boolean; overload; deprecated 'ChannelName is no longer required';
/// <summary>deprecated. ChannelName is no longer required</summary>
/// <remarks> Call the version of NotifyObject that doesn't take a ChannelName. </remarks>
function NotifyObject(const ChannelName: string;
const ClientId: string;
const CallbackId: string;
const Msg: TObject; out Response: TObject;
Timeout: Cardinal = INFINITE): Boolean; overload; deprecated 'ChannelName is no longer required';
/// <summary>Synchroneous message delivery to a callback located in a client channel</summary>
/// <remarks> Returns false if the delivery fails </remarks>
function NotifyCallback(const ClientId: string;
const CallbackId: string;
const Msg: TJSONValue; out Response: TJSONValue;
Timeout: Cardinal = INFINITE;
const ArgType: Integer = TDBXCallback.ArgJson): Boolean; overload;
function NotifyObject(const ClientId: string;
const CallbackId: string;
const Msg: TObject; out Response: TObject;
Timeout: Cardinal = INFINITE): Boolean; overload;
/// <summary> Returns a list of all channel names</summary>
function GetAllChannelNames: TList<string>;
/// <summary> Returns a list of all callbacks available on that channel</summary>
function GetAllChannelCallbackId(const ChannelName: string): TList<string>;
/// <summary> Returns a list of all client channels registered with a given channel</summary>
function GetAllChannelClientId(const ChannelName: string): TList<string>;
/// <summary> Returns the marshaler for TObject parameters</summary>
function GetJSONMarshaler: TJSONMarshal;
/// <summary> Returns the un-marshaler for TObject parameters</summary>
function GetJSONUnMarshaler: TJSONUnMarshal;
/// <summary> Marshal argument using local marshaler</summary>
function MarshalData(Data: TObject): TJSONValue;
/// <summary> UnMarshal argument using local unmarshaler</summary>
function UnMarshalJSON(Data: TJSONValue): TObject;
property HideDSAdmin;
/// Use this event to receive notification that a server method is being
/// prepared for all <c>TDSServerClass</c> instances registered with
/// this server. See <c>TDSServerClass.OnPrepare</c> for more information.
property OnPrepare: TDSPrepareEvent read FPrepareEvent write FPrepareEvent;
/// Use this event to receive notifcation when a connection is opened.
/// If an exception is raised, in this event handler, the connection
/// will be denied.
property OnConnect: TDSConnectEvent read FConnectEvent write FConnectEvent;
/// Use this event to receive notifcation when a connection is closed.
property OnDisconnect: TDSConnectEvent read FDisconnectEvent write FDisconnectEvent;
/// Use this event to receive notifcation of execeptions that are raised
/// during the execution of a server method.
property OnError: TDSErrorEvent read FErrorEvent write FErrorEvent;
/// When set to true, this causes the server to be automatically started when
/// the <c>TDSServer</c> component is loaded.
property AutoStart: Boolean read FAutoStart write FAutoStart default True;
/// Event handler used for receiving trace events.
property OnTrace: TDBXTraceEvent read GetTraceInfoEvent write SetTraceInfoEvent;
/// The number of messages which can be queued for sending to a specific client at once.
/// If the queue reaches this size, all attempts to send to that client will fail until
/// the size of the queue decreases (one or more messages get sent.)
property ChannelQueueSize: Integer read FChannelQueueSize write FChannelQueueSize default 100;
/// The length in milliseconds to wait for a client's response to a heavyweight callback
/// message sent to them, before determining the client is lost or or disabled in some way,
/// and terminating the tunnel. Use a value of 0 to not automatically close a tunnel, unless
/// the session expires.
property ChannelResponseTimeout: Integer read FChannelResponseTimeout write FChannelResponseTimeout default 30000;
创建时间:2022.11.04 更新时间:
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