Delphi XE System.Generics.Collections[1] - 介绍
Delphi XE System.Generics.Collections[1] - 介绍
TArray |
Class that contains static methods for searching and sorting a generic array. 类,该类包含用于搜索和排序泛型数组的静态方法。 |
TDictionary |
Collection of key-value pairs.//键值对的集合。 |
TEnumerable |
TEnumerable is an abstract class inherited by all enumerable containers. TEnumerable是由所有可枚举容器继承的抽象类。 |
TEnumerator |
TEnumerator is the abstract class implemented by all enumerator classes. TEnumerator是由所有枚举器类实现的抽象类。 |
TList | Ordered list.//有序列表。 |
TObjectDictionary | Collection of key and/or value objects.//键和/或值对象的集合。 |
TObjectList | Ordered list of objects. //对象的有序列表。 |
TObjectQueue | Queue of objects.//对象队列 |
TObjectStack | Last in, first out stack of objects.//后进先出的对象堆栈。 |
TQueue | Queue implemented over array, using wrapping.//使用包装在数组上实现队列 |
TStack | Last in, first out stack.//后进先出堆栈 |
TThreadedQueue | Represents a generic threaded queue.//表示通用线程队列 |
TThreadList | Represents a generic thread-safe list.//表示通用线程安全列表 |
ErrorArgumentOutOfRange | |
InCircularRange |
InCircularRange is an internal function used by the Remove method. InCircularRange是Remove方法使用的内部函数 |
PListHelper | |
PObject | PObject is a pointer type to a TObject class. //PObject是指向TObject类的指针类型。 |
PQueueHelper | |
PStackHelper | |
System_Generics_Collections__02 | |
TCollectionNotification | Type of change to collection for OnNotify event. //OnNotify事件的集合更改类型 |
TDictionaryOwnerships | Set of ownerships for TObjectDictionary. //TObjectDictionary的所有权集 |
TListHelper | Internal helper with non-generic methods to handle TList instances. //使用非泛型方法处理TList实例的内部助手 |
TPair | TPair is a record holding a key-value pair. //TPair是保存键值对的记录 |
TQueueHelper | Internal helper with non-generic methods to handle TQueue instances. //使用非泛型方法处理TQueue实例的内部助手 |
TStackHelper | Internal helper with non-generic methods to handle TStack instances. //使用非泛型方法处理TStack实例的内部助手 |
创建时间:2022.11.03 更新时间:
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