Delphi 系统[1]关键字和保留字

Delphi 系统[1]保留字和关键字


  • 关键字,编译器已内置的相关函数,不推荐用作标识符(有特别意义的标识符,有时又叫保留字),否则可能会出现异常错误.
  • 保留字,指在高级语言中已经定义过的字,使用者不能再将这些字作为变量名或过程名使用。


2.1 Delphi 保留字:

and            array          as             asm
begin          case           class          const
constructor    destructor     dispinterface  div
do             downto         else           end
except         exports        file           finalization
finally        for            function       goto
if             implementation in             inherited
initialization inline         interface      is
label          library        mod            nil
not            object         of             or
out            packed         procedure      program
property       raise          record         repeat
resourcestring set            shl            shr
string         then           threadvar      to
try            type           unit           until
uses           var            while          with

2.2 Delphi 关键字:

absolute       abstract       assembler      automated
cdecl          contains       default        dispid
dynamic        export         external       far
forward        implements     index          message
name           near           nodefault      on
overload       override       package        pascal
private        protected      public         published
read           readonly       register       reintroduce
requires       resident       safecall       stdcall
stored         virtual        write          writeonly



创建时间:2021.08.10  更新时间:2021.08.11-12

posted on 2021-08-10 17:06  滔Roy  阅读(546)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
