

    select <字段1,字段2....> from <表名>
        where <表达式>
        group by field 分组
        having 筛选
        order by fileld  排序
     limit 限制条数

  from>where>group by>having>select>distinct>orderby>limit

  1.from #找到表
  2.where #通过where指定的约束条件,去表中提取记录 by #进行分组,如果没有group by,则按整体为一组
  4.having   #将分组的结果进行过滤   #执行select
  6.distinct #去重
  7.order by  #进行排序
  8.limit    #限制结果的显示条数

#查看帮助:help select

mysql> help select
Name: 'SELECT'
    select_expr [, select_expr] ...
    [FROM table_references
      [PARTITION partition_list]]
    [WHERE where_condition]
    [GROUP BY {col_name | expr | position}
      [ASC | DESC], ... [WITH ROLLUP]]
    [HAVING where_condition]
    [ORDER BY {col_name | expr | position}
      [ASC | DESC], ...]
    [LIMIT {[offset,] row_count | row_count OFFSET offset}]
    [PROCEDURE procedure_name(argument_list)]

into_option: {
    INTO OUTFILE 'file_name'
        [CHARACTER SET charset_name]
  | INTO DUMPFILE 'file_name'
  | INTO var_name [, var_name] ...
View Code



#1.比较运算符:>、<、 >=、 <>、!=


mysql> select id,name from staff where id > 5;

mysql> select id,name from staff where id <= 10;

#2.between 10 and 20 :值在10到20之间


mysql> select name,salary from staff where salary between 10000 and 20000;
#2.查看工资不在1万到2万之间的员工 mysql
> select name,salary from staff where salary not between 10000 and 20000;,20,30) :值是10或20或30


mysql> select name,salary from staff where salary=3000 or salary=5000 or salary=4000 or salary=9000;

mysql> select name,staff from staff where salary not in(3000,3500,4000); 'fdfdsf': parttern可以是%或_。 %表示任意多字符,_表示一个字符


mysql> select * from staff where name like 'wu%';

#5.逻辑运算符,在多个条件直接可以使用逻辑运算符 and(且) or(或) not(不) 


mysql> select name,age,salary from staff where post='IT' and salary=10000 or salary=9000 or salary=30000;

mysql> select name,age,salary from staff where post='IT' and not salary=110000 


1. 查看岗位是teacher的员工姓名、年龄
        mysql> select name,age from staff where post='teacher';
2. 查看岗位是teacher且年龄大于30岁的员工姓名、年龄
        mysql> select name,age from staff where post='teacher' and age > 30;
3. 查看岗位是teacher且薪资在9000-10000范围内的员工姓名、年龄、薪资
        mysql> select name,age,salary from staff where post='teacher' and salary betweeen 9000 and 10000
4. 查看岗位描述不为NULL的员工信息
        mysql> select * from staff where post_comment is not null;
5. 查看岗位是teacher且薪资是10000或9000或30000的员工姓名、年龄、薪资
        mysql> select name,age,salary from staff where post='teacher' and salary=10000 or salary=9000 or salary=30000;
6. 查看岗位是teacher且薪资不是10000或9000或30000的员工姓名、年龄、薪资
        mysql> select name,age,salary from staff where post='teacher' and not salary=110000 or salary=9000 or salary=30000
7. 查看岗位是teacher且名字是wu开头的员工姓名、年薪
        mysql> select name,salary*12 from staff where post='teacher' and name like 'wu%';
View Code by分组查询



#注意2:进行分组后,如group by post,只能查看post字段,如果要查看组内信息,需要借助聚合函数





  1.登录进去改mysql>set global sql_mode='ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY';



mysql> select @@global.sql_mode;
| @@global.sql_mode  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select * from staff group by post; #报错
mysql> select post from staff group by post; #查看当前字段不报错




1.max()  #求最大值
2.min()  #求最小值
3.avg()  #求平均值
4.sum()    #求和
5.count()  #求总个数
6.group_concat()  #查字段


select post,count(id) from staff group by post;

select post,max(salary) from staff group by post;

select post,min(salary) from staff group by post;

select post,avg(salary) from staff group by post;

select post,sum(salary) from staff group by post;


1. 查询岗位名以及岗位包含的所有员工名字
    mysql> select post,group_concat(name) from staff group by post;

2. 查询岗位名以及各岗位内包含的员工个数
    mysql> select post,count(1) from staff group by post;

3. 查询公司内男员工和女员工的个数
    mysql> select group_concat(sex) from staff;

4. 查询岗位名以及各岗位的平均薪资
    mysql> select post,avg(salary) from staff group by post;

5. 查询岗位名以及各岗位的最高薪资
    mysql> select post,max(salary) from staff group by post;

6. 查询岗位名以及各岗位的最低薪资
    mysql> select post,min(salary) from staff group by post;
View Code



1.执行优先级从高到低:where > group by > having
2.where发生在分组group by之前,因而where中可以有任意字段,但是不能使用聚合函数
3.having发生在分组group by之后,因而having中可以使用分组的字段,无法直接取到其他字段,可以使用聚合函数


mysql> select * from staff having salary>10000;


1. 查询各岗位内包含的员工个数小于2的岗位名、岗位内包含员工名字、个数
    select post,group_concat(name),count(1) from staff group by post having count(1) < 2;

2. 查询各岗位平均薪资大于10000的岗位名、平均工资
    select post,avg(salary) from staff group by post having avg(salary) > 10000;

3. 查询各岗位平均薪资大于10000且小于20000的岗位名、平均工资
select post,avg(salary) from staff group by post having avg(salary) between 10000 and 20000;
View Code

1.4.order by查询排序




mysql> select id,name,age from employee order by age;

mysql> select id,name,age from employee order by age desc;



mysql> select id,name,age from staff order by age asc,id desc;



mysql> select id,name from staff order by id asc limit 3;
| id | name    |
|  1 | guo     |
|  2 | ke      |
|  3 | wu      |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select id,name from staff order by id asc limit 0,5;
| id | name      |
|  1 | guo       |
|  2 | ke        |
|  3 | wu        |
|  4 | yan       |
|  5 | liu       |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select id,name from staff order by id asc limit 5,5;
| id | name       |
|  6 | jing       |
|  7 | xin        |
|  8 | xiae       |
|  9 | 歪个        |
| 10 | 丫的        |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)




    ON 表1.字段 = 表2.字段;



create table department(
id int,
name varchar(20) 

create table employee(
id int primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(20),
sex enum('male','female') not null default 'male',
age int,
dep_id int

insert into department values

insert into employee(name,sex,age,dep_id) values

mysql> desc department;
| Field | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id    | int(11)     | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| name  | varchar(20) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> desc employee;
| Field  | Type                  | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id     | int(11)               | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| name   | varchar(20)           | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| sex    | enum('male','female') | NO   |     | male    |                |
| age    | int(11)               | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
| dep_id | int(11)               | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from department;
| id   | name         |
|  200 | 技术         |
|  201 | 人力资源     |
|  202 | 销售         |
|  203 | 运营         |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from employee;
| id | name  | sex    | age  | dep_id |
|  1 | guo   | male   |   18 |    200 |
|  2 | ke    | female |   48 |    201 |
|  3 | wu    | male   |   38 |    201 |
|  4 | liu   | female |   28 |    202 |
|  5 | zhang | male   |   18 |    200 |
|  6 | xiao  | female |   18 |    204 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
View Code



mysql> select * from employee,department





#找两张表共有的部分 mysql
> select * from employee inner join department on employee.dep_id =; +----+-------+--------+------+--------+------+--------------+ | id | name | sex | age | dep_id | id | name | +----+-------+--------+------+--------+------+--------------+ | 1 | guo | male | 18 | 200 | 200 | 技术 | | 2 | ke | female | 48 | 201 | 201 | 人力资源 | | 3 | wu | male | 38 | 201 | 201 | 人力资源 | | 4 | liu | female | 28 | 202 | 202 | 销售 | | 5 | zhang | male | 18 | 200 | 200 | 技术 | +----+-------+--------+------+--------+------+--------------+ 5 rows in set (0.00 sec)



mysql> select * from employee left join department on employee.dep_id =; +----+-------+--------+------+--------+------+--------------+ | id | name | sex | age | dep_id | id | name | +----+-------+--------+------+--------+------+--------------+ | 1 | guo | male | 18 | 200 | 200 | 技术 | | 5 | zhang | male | 18 | 200 | 200 | 技术 | | 2 | ke | female | 48 | 201 | 201 | 人力资源 | | 3 | wu | male | 38 | 201 | 201 | 人力资源 | | 4 | liu | female | 28 | 202 | 202 | 销售 | | 6 | xiao | female | 18 | 204 | NULL | NULL | +----+-------+--------+------+--------+------+--------------+ 6 rows in set (0.00 sec)



mysql> select * from employee right join department on employee.dep_id =; +------+-------+--------+------+--------+------+--------------+ | id | name | sex | age | dep_id | id | name | +------+-------+--------+------+--------+------+--------------+ | 1 | guo | male | 18 | 200 | 200 | 技术 | | 2 | ke | female | 48 | 201 | 201 | 人力资源 | | 3 | wu | male | 38 | 201 | 201 | 人力资源 | | 4 | liu | female | 28 | 202 | 202 | 销售 | | 5 | zhang | male | 18 | 200 | 200 | 技术 | | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 203 | 运营 | +------+-------+--------+------+--------+------+--------------+ 6 rows in set (0.00 sec)



mysql> select * from employee left join department on employee.dep_id = union select * from employee right join department on employee.dep_id =; +------+-------+--------+------+--------+------+--------------+ | id | name | sex | age | dep_id | id | name | +------+-------+--------+------+--------+------+--------------+ | 1 | guo | male | 18 | 200 | 200 | 技术 | | 5 | zhang | male | 18 | 200 | 200 | 技术 | | 2 | ke | female | 48 | 201 | 201 | 人力资源 | | 3 | wu | male | 38 | 201 | 201 | 人力资源 | | 4 | liu | female | 28 | 202 | 202 | 销售 | | 6 | xiao | female | 18 | 204 | NULL | NULL | | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 203 | 运营 | +------+-------+--------+------+--------+------+--------------+ 7 rows in set (0.00 sec)



mysql> select,  from employee,department where employee.dep_id = and  age > 25;
| name | name         |
| ke   | 人力资源      |
| wu   | 人力资源      |
| liu  | 销售         |
3 rows in set (0.01 sec)



mysql> select, from employee,department where employee.dep_id = and age > 25 order by age asc;
| name | name         |
| liu  | 销售         |
| wu   | 人力资源     |
| ke   | 人力资源     |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)






mysql> select id,name from department where id in (select dep_id from employee group by dep_id having avg(age) > 25);
| id   | name         |
|  201 | 人力资源     |
|  202 | 销售         |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
mysql> select name from employee where dep_id in (select id from department where name='技术');
| name  |
| guo   |
| zhang |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select name from department where id not in(select dep_id from employee grroup by dep_id);
| name   |
| 运营   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
View Code




mysql> select name,age from employee  where age > (select avg(age) from employee);
| name | age  |
| ke   |   48 |
| wu   |   38 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

      (1)先对员工表(employee)中的人员分组(group by),查询出dep_id以及平均年龄。
mysql> select,t1.age from employee as t1
inner join
(select dep_id,avg(age) as avg_age from employee group by dep_id) as t2
on t1.dep_id = t2.dep_id 
where t1.age > t2.avg_age;
View Code





mysql> select * from employee where exists (select id from department where id = '200');
| id | name  | sex    | age  | dep_id |
|  1 | guo   | male   |   18 |    200 |
|  2 | ke    | female |   48 |    201 |
|  3 | wu    | male   |   38 |    201 |
|  4 | liu   | female |   28 |    202 |
|  5 | zhang | male   |   18 |    200 |
|  6 | xiao  | female |   18 |    204 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from employee where exists (select id from department where id =204);
Empty set (0.00 sec)


posted @ 2020-03-04 22:25  老油条IT记  阅读(759)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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