JSONP(JSON with padding):」
1. JSONP是通过 script 标签加载数据的方式去获取数据当做 JS 代码来执行
2. 提前在页面上声明一个函数,函数名通过接口传参的方式传给后台,后台解析到函数名后在原始数据上「包裹」这个函数名,发送给前端。换句话说,JSONP 需要对应接口的后端的配合才能实现。
When you place an AJAX request, you also pass in a parameter that mentions the name of a callback function.
The code on the server is designed to return back the json response wrapped inside a function code.
By wrapping the response JSON in a function call, the same origin policy is bypassed, allowing cross domain data interchange.
Inplementing this requires a little extra effort, At both the frontend and the backend.