MediaPlayer Realplay播放控件失效解决办法

Posted on 2009-09-23 15:14  云之上  阅读(928)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
我就发生未知原因的ie不能访问media player控件,网上一堆人老是说要重装,可是微软的东西哪有那么好让你随便重装的?尤其在windows server 2008系统里,媒体功能都是集成的,想

一般造成MediaPlayer RealPlay等ActiveX播放控件不能在网页中在线播的原因是控件注册失效,只要使用regsvr32命令重新注册过控件就可以恢复正常,无需重新安装软件,具体注册如下:
1.MediaPlayer9 MediaPlayer10 MediaPlayer11
regsvr32 msdxm.ocx
regsvr32 wmp.dll
regsvr32 wmpdxm.dll
2. Realplay
Regsvr32 rmoc3260.dll

OK we got a possible resolution from ZachD : The suggestion is the

player install is partially broken. His suggested fix runs like this

Search c:\windows\system32 and see if there's a file named `msdxm.ocx
The file will be held as a reliable copy in the system DLL cache, so

you can overwrite the damaged file with a fresh copy.

If it's missing, you'll need to open an MSDOS window ("Commandprompt") so you can type in the following commands as written :
regsvr32 msdxm.ocx
regsvr32 wmp.dll
regsvr32 wmpdxm.dll

Press <enter> after each line, you shouldn't see any error message

(though you may get notification the registration 'succeeded'). Now

restart - probably IE - and see if the page looks correct following

this process.

It may potentially fix the problem with Mozilla if it's a related

problem, though I'd re-register the plugin with Mozilla to be sure.

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