The RasterGeometryProc manipulates only Raster objects, not RasterBand or RasterDataset object. This is because the Raster is transient, as are the effects of the RasterGeometryProc. This means that any transformation will also go away when the Raster object goes out of scope.
To keep the transformed data for later use, you must persist the transformation using Register or Rectify. If used on a Raster contained within a RasterLayer, processing performed by this object will be visible when the display is refreshed.
Although Merge and Mosaic take Raster object as an input, any changes to the Raster object before calling the two methods will be ignored.
IWorkspaceFactory pWSF = new RasterWorkspaceFactoryClass();
IWorkspace pWS = pWSF.OpenFromFile(workSpace, 0);
IRasterWorkspace pRWS = pWS as IRasterWorkspace;
IRasterDataset pRasterDataset = pRWS.OpenRasterDataset(file.Name);
IRasterLayer pRasterLayer = new RasterLayerClass();
IEnvelope envelope = pRasterLayer.AreaOfInterest;
IPointCollection originPC = new PolygonClass();
IPointCollection targetPointCollect = new PolygonClass();
List<CPoint> targetPointList = ImageProcessHandler.GenerateFourCoordinateList(centerPoint, entity.ImageProcessConfig.CamaraParameter, true);
IRaster raster = pRasterLayer.Raster;
IRasterGeometryProc rasterGeometryProc = new RasterGeometryProcClass();
rasterGeometryProc.Warp(originPC, targetPointCollect, esriGeoTransTypeEnum.esriGeoTransSpline, raster);
Description | ||
Clip | Clips the input raster based on the specified envelope. | |
Flip | Flips the input raster. | |
IsPixelToMapTransSimple | Indicates if the transformation of pixel to map is simple. | |
LeastSquareFit | Computes a least squares fit for the input control points. | |
Merge | Merges the input rasters into a single dataset. | |
Mirror | Mirrors the input raster. | |
Mosaic | Mosaics the input rasters into a single dataset. | |
PointsTransform | Transforms a set of points based upon the transformation being applied to the input raster. | |
ProjectFast | Projects the input raster using a single polynomial fit to compute the adjustment between coordinate systems. | |
Rectify | Persists the input raster to a new dataset of the specified format. | |
Register | Outputs the current transformation properties to the dataset header or auxilliary file. | |
Resample | Resamples the input raster to a new cellsize. | |
ReScale | Scales the input raster by the specified x and y scale factors. | |
Reset | Resets the input raster to its native coordinate space. | |
Rotate | Rotates the input raster around the specified pivot by an angle specified in degrees. | |
Shift | Shifts the input raster by deltaX and deltaY map units. | |
TwoPointsAdjust | Performs a Hermite transformation on the input raster based upon the 2 input control point pairs. | |
Warp | Warps the input raster based upon the input control points using the transformation type specified. |