import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import time
import sqlite3
data_home = 'E:/python学习/项目/python推荐系统/Python实现音乐推荐系统/'
triplet_dataset = pd.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer=data_home+'train_triplets.txt',
sep='\t', header=None,
(48373586, 3)
## 数据占用内存和各指标
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 48373586 entries, 0 to 48373585
Data columns (total 3 columns):
# Column Dtype
--- ------ -----
0 user object
1 song object
2 play_count int64
dtypes: int64(1), object(2)
memory usage: 1.1+ GB
user |
song |
play_count |
0 |
b80344d063b5ccb3212f76538f3d9e43d87dca9e |
SOAKIMP12A8C130995 |
1 |
1 |
b80344d063b5ccb3212f76538f3d9e43d87dca9e |
SOAPDEY12A81C210A9 |
1 |
2 |
b80344d063b5ccb3212f76538f3d9e43d87dca9e |
SOBBMDR12A8C13253B |
2 |
3 |
b80344d063b5ccb3212f76538f3d9e43d87dca9e |
1 |
4 |
b80344d063b5ccb3212f76538f3d9e43d87dca9e |
SOBFOVM12A58A7D494 |
1 |
5 |
b80344d063b5ccb3212f76538f3d9e43d87dca9e |
1 |
6 |
b80344d063b5ccb3212f76538f3d9e43d87dca9e |
2 |
7 |
b80344d063b5ccb3212f76538f3d9e43d87dca9e |
1 |
8 |
b80344d063b5ccb3212f76538f3d9e43d87dca9e |
SOBXALG12A8C13C108 |
1 |
9 |
b80344d063b5ccb3212f76538f3d9e43d87dca9e |
SOBXHDL12A81C204C0 |
1 |
output_dict = {}
with open(data_home+'train_triplets.txt') as f:
for line_number, line in enumerate(f):
user = line.split('\t')[0]
play_count = int(line.split('\t')[2])
if user in output_dict:
play_count +=output_dict[user]
# 统计 用户-总播放量
output_list = [{'user':k,'play_count':v} for k,v in output_dict.items()]
play_count_df = pd.DataFrame(output_list)
play_count_df = play_count_df.sort_values(by = 'play_count', ascending = False)
play_count_df.to_csv(path_or_buf='user_playcount_df.csv', index = False)
output_dict = {}
with open(data_home+'train_triplets.txt') as f:
for line_number, line in enumerate(f):
song = line.split('\t')[1]
play_count = int(line.split('\t')[2])
if song in output_dict:
play_count +=output_dict[song]
output_list = [{'song':k,'play_count':v} for k,v in output_dict.items()]
song_count_df = pd.DataFrame(output_list)
song_count_df = song_count_df.sort_values(by = 'play_count', ascending = False)
song_count_df.to_csv(path_or_buf='song_playcount_df.csv', index = False)
play_count_df = pd.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer='user_playcount_df.csv')
play_count_df.head(n =10)
user |
play_count |
0 |
093cb74eb3c517c5179ae24caf0ebec51b24d2a2 |
13132 |
1 |
119b7c88d58d0c6eb051365c103da5caf817bea6 |
9884 |
2 |
3fa44653315697f42410a30cb766a4eb102080bb |
8210 |
3 |
a2679496cd0af9779a92a13ff7c6af5c81ea8c7b |
7015 |
4 |
d7d2d888ae04d16e994d6964214a1de81392ee04 |
6494 |
5 |
4ae01afa8f2430ea0704d502bc7b57fb52164882 |
6472 |
6 |
b7c24f770be6b802805ac0e2106624a517643c17 |
6150 |
7 |
113255a012b2affeab62607563d03fbdf31b08e7 |
5656 |
8 |
6d625c6557df84b60d90426c0116138b617b9449 |
5620 |
9 |
99ac3d883681e21ea68071019dba828ce76fe94d |
5602 |
song_count_df = pd.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer='song_playcount_df.csv')
song |
play_count |
0 |
726885 |
1 |
SOAUWYT12A81C206F1 |
648239 |
2 |
527893 |
3 |
SOFRQTD12A81C233C0 |
425463 |
4 |
389880 |
5 |
356533 |
6 |
SONYKOW12AB01849C9 |
292642 |
7 |
SOPUCYA12A8C13A694 |
274627 |
8 |
SOUFTBI12AB0183F65 |
268353 |
9 |
SOVDSJC12A58A7A271 |
244730 |
最受欢迎的一首歌曲有726885次播放。 刚才大家也看到了,这个音乐数据量集十分庞大,考虑到执行过程的时间消耗以及矩阵稀疏性问题,我们依据播放量指标对数据集进行了截取。因为有些注册用户可能只是关注了一下之后就不再登录平台,这些用户对我们建模不会起促进作用,反而增大了矩阵的稀疏性。对于歌曲也是同理,可能有些歌曲根本无人问津。由于之前已经对用户与歌曲播放情况进行了排序,所以我们分别选择了其中的10W名用户和3W首歌曲,关于截取的合适比例大家也可以通过观察选择数据的播放量占总体的比例来设置。
total_play_count = sum(song_count_df.play_count)
print ((float(play_count_df.head(n=100000).play_count.sum())/total_play_count)*100)
play_count_subset = play_count_df.head(n=100000)
song_count_subset = song_count_df.head(n=30000)
user_subset = list(play_count_subset.user)
song_subset = list(
triplet_dataset = pd.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer=data_home+'train_triplets.txt',sep='\t',
header=None, names=['user','song','play_count'])
triplet_dataset_sub = triplet_dataset[triplet_dataset.user.isin(user_subset) ]
triplet_dataset_sub_song = triplet_dataset_sub[]
triplet_dataset_sub_song.to_csv(path_or_buf=data_home+'triplet_dataset_sub_song.csv', index=False)
(10774558, 3)
user |
song |
play_count |
498 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SOADQPP12A67020C82 |
12 |
499 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
1 |
500 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SOANQFY12AB0183239 |
1 |
501 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SOAYATB12A6701FD50 |
1 |
502 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SOBOAFP12A8C131F36 |
7 |
503 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
26 |
504 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SOBZZDU12A6310D8A3 |
7 |
505 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
5 |
506 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
1 |
507 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SODEAWL12AB0187032 |
8 |
conn = sqlite3.connect(data_home+'track_metadata.db')
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'")
track_metadata_df = pd.read_sql(con=conn, sql='select * from songs')
track_metadata_df_sub = track_metadata_df[track_metadata_df.song_id.isin(song_subset)]
track_metadata_df_sub.to_csv(path_or_buf=data_home+'track_metadata_df_sub.csv', index=False)
(30447, 14)
triplet_dataset_sub_song = pd.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer=data_home+'triplet_dataset_sub_song.csv',encoding = "ISO-8859-1")
track_metadata_df_sub = pd.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer=data_home+'track_metadata_df_sub.csv',encoding = "ISO-8859-1")
user |
song |
play_count |
0 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SOADQPP12A67020C82 |
12 |
1 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
1 |
2 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SOANQFY12AB0183239 |
1 |
3 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SOAYATB12A6701FD50 |
1 |
4 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SOBOAFP12A8C131F36 |
7 |
track_id |
title |
song_id |
release |
artist_id |
artist_mbid |
artist_name |
duration |
artist_familiarity |
artist_hotttnesss |
year |
track_7digitalid |
shs_perf |
shs_work |
0 |
TRMMGCB128E079651D |
Get Along (Feat: Pace Won) (Instrumental) |
Charango |
ARU3C671187FB3F71B |
067102ea-9519-4622-9077-57ca4164cfbb |
Morcheeba |
227.47383 |
0.819087 |
0.533117 |
2002 |
185967 |
-1 |
0 |
1 |
Viejo |
SOECFIW12A8C144546 |
Caraluna |
ARPAAPH1187FB3601B |
f69d655c-ffd6-4bee-8c2a-3086b2be2fc6 |
Bacilos |
307.51302 |
0.595554 |
0.400705 |
0 |
6825058 |
-1 |
0 |
2 |
TRMMGDP128F933E59A |
I Say A Little Prayer |
The Legendary Hi Records Albums_ Volume 3: Ful... |
ARNNRN31187B9AE7B7 |
fb7272ba-f130-4f0a-934d-6eeea4c18c9a |
Al Green |
133.58975 |
0.779490 |
0.599210 |
1978 |
5211723 |
-1 |
11898 |
3 |
TRMMHBF12903CF6E59 |
At the Ball_ That's All |
SOJGCRL12A8C144187 |
Best of Laurel & Hardy - The Lonesome Pine |
AR1FEUF1187B9AF3E3 |
4a8ae4fd-ad6f-4912-851f-093f12ee3572 |
Laurel & Hardy |
123.71546 |
0.438709 |
0.307120 |
0 |
8645877 |
-1 |
0 |
4 |
Black Gold |
Total Life Forever |
ARVXV1J1187FB5BF88 |
6a65d878-fcd0-42cf-aff9-ca1d636a8bcc |
Foals |
386.32444 |
0.842578 |
0.514523 |
2010 |
9007438 |
-1 |
0 |
# 去掉无用的信息
# 去掉重复的
track_metadata_df_sub = track_metadata_df_sub.drop_duplicates(['song_id'])
# 将这份音乐信息数据和我们之前的播放数据整合到一起
triplet_dataset_sub_song_merged = pd.merge(triplet_dataset_sub_song, track_metadata_df_sub, how='left', left_on='song', right_on='song_id')
# 可以自己改变列名
# 去掉不需要的指标
user |
song |
listen_count |
title |
release |
artist_name |
year |
0 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SOADQPP12A67020C82 |
12 |
You And Me Jesus |
Tribute To Jake Hess |
Jake Hess |
2004 |
1 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
1 |
Harder Better Faster Stronger |
Discovery |
Daft Punk |
2007 |
2 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SOANQFY12AB0183239 |
1 |
Uprising |
Uprising |
Muse |
0 |
3 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SOAYATB12A6701FD50 |
1 |
Breakfast At Tiffany's |
Home |
Deep Blue Something |
1993 |
4 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SOBOAFP12A8C131F36 |
7 |
Lucky (Album Version) |
We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things. |
Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat |
0 |
5 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
26 |
You're The One |
If There Was A Way |
Dwight Yoakam |
1990 |
6 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SOBZZDU12A6310D8A3 |
7 |
Don't Dream It's Over |
Recurring Dream_ Best Of Crowded House (Domest... |
Crowded House |
1986 |
7 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
5 |
S.O.S. |
Jonas Brothers |
2007 |
8 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
1 |
The Invisible Man |
The Invisible Man |
Michael Cretu |
1985 |
9 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SODEAWL12AB0187032 |
8 |
American Idiot [feat. Green Day & The Cast Of ... |
The Original Broadway Cast Recording 'American... |
Green Day |
0 |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt; plt.rcdefaults()
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
popular_songs = triplet_dataset_sub_song_merged[['title','listen_count']].groupby('title').sum().reset_index()
popular_songs_top_20 = popular_songs.sort_values('listen_count', ascending=False).head(n=20)
objects = (list(popular_songs_top_20['title']))
y_pos = np.arange(len(objects))
performance = list(popular_songs_top_20['listen_count'])
#绘图, performance, align='center', alpha=0.5)
plt.xticks(y_pos, objects, rotation='vertical')
plt.ylabel('Item count')
plt.title('Most popular songs')
popular_release = triplet_dataset_sub_song_merged[['release','listen_count']].groupby('release').sum().reset_index()
popular_release_top_20 = popular_release.sort_values('listen_count', ascending=False).head(n=20)
objects = (list(popular_release_top_20['release']))
y_pos = np.arange(len(objects))
performance = list(popular_release_top_20['listen_count'])
#绘图, performance, align='center', alpha=0.5)
plt.xticks(y_pos, objects, rotation='vertical')
plt.ylabel('Item count')
plt.title('Most popular Release')
popular_artist = triplet_dataset_sub_song_merged[['artist_name','listen_count']].groupby('artist_name').sum().reset_index()
popular_artist_top_20 = popular_artist.sort_values('listen_count', ascending=False).head(n=20)
objects = (list(popular_artist_top_20['artist_name']))
y_pos = np.arange(len(objects))
performance = list(popular_artist_top_20['listen_count'])
#绘图, performance, align='center', alpha=0.5)
plt.xticks(y_pos, objects, rotation='vertical')
plt.ylabel('Item count')
plt.title('Most popular Artists')
user_song_count_distribution = triplet_dataset_sub_song_merged[['user','title']].groupby('user').count().reset_index().sort_values(
by='title',ascending = False)
count 99996.000000
mean 107.749890
std 79.742561
min 1.000000
25% 53.000000
50% 89.000000
75% 141.000000
max 1189.000000
Name: title, dtype: float64
x = user_song_count_distribution.title
n, bins, patches = plt.hist(x, 50, facecolor='green', alpha=0.75)
plt.xlabel('Play Counts')
plt.ylabel('Num of Users')
plt.title(r'$\mathrm{Histogram\ of\ User\ Play\ Count\ Distribution}\ $')
import Recommenders as Recommenders
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
triplet_dataset_sub_song_merged_set = triplet_dataset_sub_song_merged
train_data, test_data = train_test_split(triplet_dataset_sub_song_merged_set, test_size = 0.40, random_state=0)
user |
song |
listen_count |
title |
release |
artist_name |
year |
1901799 |
28866ea8a809d5d46273cd0989c5515c660ef8c7 |
SOEYVHS12AB0181D31 |
1 |
Monster |
The Fame Monster |
Lady GaGa |
2009 |
4815185 |
c9608a24a2a40e0ec38993a70532e7bb56eff22b |
2 |
Fight For Your Life |
Made In NYC |
The Casualties |
2000 |
10513026 |
24f0b09c133a6a0fe42f097734215dceb468d449 |
1 |
Free Style (feat. Kevo_ Mussilini & Lyrical 187) |
A Bad Azz Mix Tape |
Z-RO |
0 |
2659073 |
4da3c59a0af73245cea000fd5efa30384182bfcb |
SOAXJOU12A6D4F6685 |
1 |
Littlest Things |
Alright_ Still |
Lily Allen |
2006 |
5506263 |
b46c5ed385cad7ecea8af6214f440d19de6eb6c2 |
1 |
La trama y el desenlace |
Amar la trama |
Jorge Drexler |
2010 |
def create_popularity_recommendation(train_data, user_id, item_id):
train_data_grouped = train_data.groupby([item_id]).agg({user_id: 'count'}).reset_index()
train_data_grouped.rename(columns = {user_id: 'score'},inplace=True)
train_data_sort = train_data_grouped.sort_values(['score', item_id], ascending = [0,1])
train_data_sort['Rank'] = train_data_sort['score'].rank(ascending=0, method='first')
popularity_recommendations = train_data_sort.head(20)
return popularity_recommendations
recommendations = create_popularity_recommendation(triplet_dataset_sub_song_merged,'user','title')
title |
score |
Rank |
19580 |
Sehr kosmisch |
18626 |
1.0 |
5780 |
Dog Days Are Over (Radio Edit) |
17635 |
2.0 |
27314 |
You're The One |
16085 |
3.0 |
19542 |
Secrets |
15138 |
4.0 |
18636 |
Revelry |
14945 |
5.0 |
25070 |
Undo |
14687 |
6.0 |
7530 |
Fireflies |
13085 |
7.0 |
9640 |
Hey_ Soul Sister |
12993 |
8.0 |
25216 |
Use Somebody |
12793 |
9.0 |
9921 |
Horn Concerto No. 4 in E flat K495: II. Romanc... |
12346 |
10.0 |
24291 |
Tive Sim |
11831 |
11.0 |
3629 |
Canada |
11598 |
12.0 |
23468 |
The Scientist |
11529 |
13.0 |
4194 |
Clocks |
11357 |
14.0 |
12135 |
Just Dance |
11058 |
15.0 |
26974 |
Yellow |
10919 |
16.0 |
16438 |
10818 |
17.0 |
9844 |
Home |
10512 |
18.0 |
3295 |
Bulletproof |
10383 |
19.0 |
4760 |
Creep (Explicit) |
10246 |
20.0 |
song_count_subset = song_count_df.head(n=5000)
user_subset = list(play_count_subset.user)
song_subset = list(
triplet_dataset_sub_song_merged_sub = triplet_dataset_sub_song_merged[]
user |
song |
listen_count |
title |
release |
artist_name |
year |
0 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SOADQPP12A67020C82 |
12 |
You And Me Jesus |
Tribute To Jake Hess |
Jake Hess |
2004 |
1 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
1 |
Harder Better Faster Stronger |
Discovery |
Daft Punk |
2007 |
2 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SOANQFY12AB0183239 |
1 |
Uprising |
Uprising |
Muse |
0 |
3 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SOAYATB12A6701FD50 |
1 |
Breakfast At Tiffany's |
Home |
Deep Blue Something |
1993 |
4 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SOBOAFP12A8C131F36 |
7 |
Lucky (Album Version) |
We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things. |
Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat |
0 |
import Recommenders as Recommenders
train_data, test_data = train_test_split(triplet_dataset_sub_song_merged_sub, test_size = 0.30, random_state=0)
is_model = Recommenders.item_similarity_recommender_py()
is_model.create(train_data, 'user', 'title')
user_id = list(train_data.user)[7]
user_items = is_model.get_user_items(user_id)
No. of unique songs for the user: 66
no. of unique songs in the training set: 4879
Non zero values in cooccurence_matrix :290327
user_id |
song |
score |
rank |
0 |
a974fc428825ed071281302d6976f59bfa95fe7e |
Put Your Head On My Shoulder (Album Version) |
0.026334 |
1 |
1 |
a974fc428825ed071281302d6976f59bfa95fe7e |
The Strength To Go On |
0.025176 |
2 |
2 |
a974fc428825ed071281302d6976f59bfa95fe7e |
Come Fly With Me (Album Version) |
0.024447 |
3 |
3 |
a974fc428825ed071281302d6976f59bfa95fe7e |
Moondance (Album Version) |
0.024118 |
4 |
4 |
a974fc428825ed071281302d6976f59bfa95fe7e |
Kotov Syndrome |
0.023311 |
5 |
5 |
a974fc428825ed071281302d6976f59bfa95fe7e |
Use Somebody |
0.023104 |
6 |
6 |
a974fc428825ed071281302d6976f59bfa95fe7e |
Lucky (Album Version) |
0.022930 |
7 |
7 |
a974fc428825ed071281302d6976f59bfa95fe7e |
Secrets |
0.022889 |
8 |
8 |
a974fc428825ed071281302d6976f59bfa95fe7e |
Clocks |
0.022562 |
9 |
9 |
a974fc428825ed071281302d6976f59bfa95fe7e |
Sway (Album Version) |
0.022359 |
10 |
triplet_dataset_sub_song_merged_sum_df = triplet_dataset_sub_song_merged[['user','listen_count']].groupby('user').sum().reset_index()
triplet_dataset_sub_song_merged = pd.merge(triplet_dataset_sub_song_merged,triplet_dataset_sub_song_merged_sum_df)
user |
song |
listen_count |
title |
release |
artist_name |
year |
total_listen_count |
0 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SOADQPP12A67020C82 |
12 |
You And Me Jesus |
Tribute To Jake Hess |
Jake Hess |
2004 |
329 |
1 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
1 |
Harder Better Faster Stronger |
Discovery |
Daft Punk |
2007 |
329 |
2 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SOANQFY12AB0183239 |
1 |
Uprising |
Uprising |
Muse |
0 |
329 |
3 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SOAYATB12A6701FD50 |
1 |
Breakfast At Tiffany's |
Home |
Deep Blue Something |
1993 |
329 |
4 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SOBOAFP12A8C131F36 |
7 |
Lucky (Album Version) |
We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things. |
Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat |
0 |
329 |
triplet_dataset_sub_song_merged['fractional_play_count'] = triplet_dataset_sub_song_merged['listen_count']/triplet_dataset_sub_song_merged['total_listen_count']
triplet_dataset_sub_song_merged[triplet_dataset_sub_song_merged.user =='d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea'][['user','song','listen_count','fractional_play_count']].head()
user |
song |
listen_count |
fractional_play_count |
0 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SOADQPP12A67020C82 |
12 |
0.036474 |
1 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
1 |
0.003040 |
2 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SOANQFY12AB0183239 |
1 |
0.003040 |
3 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SOAYATB12A6701FD50 |
1 |
0.003040 |
4 |
d6589314c0a9bcbca4fee0c93b14bc402363afea |
SOBOAFP12A8C131F36 |
7 |
0.021277 |
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
small_set = triplet_dataset_sub_song_merged
user_codes = small_set.user.drop_duplicates().reset_index()
song_codes =
user_codes.rename(columns={'index':'user_index'}, inplace=True)
song_codes.rename(columns={'index':'song_index'}, inplace=True)
song_codes['so_index_value'] = list(song_codes.index)
user_codes['us_index_value'] = list(user_codes.index)
small_set = pd.merge(small_set,song_codes,how='left')
small_set = pd.merge(small_set,user_codes,how='left')
mat_candidate = small_set[['us_index_value','so_index_value','fractional_play_count']]
data_array = mat_candidate.fractional_play_count.values
row_array = mat_candidate.us_index_value.values
col_array = mat_candidate.so_index_value.values
data_sparse = coo_matrix((data_array, (row_array, col_array)),dtype=float)
<99996x30000 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float64'>'
with 10774558 stored elements in COOrdinate format>
user_codes[user_codes.user =='2a2f776cbac6df64d6cb505e7e834e01684673b6']
user_index |
user |
us_index_value |
27516 |
2981434 |
2a2f776cbac6df64d6cb505e7e834e01684673b6 |
27516 |
import math as mt
from scipy.sparse.linalg import * #used for matrix multiplication
from scipy.sparse.linalg import svds
from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix
def compute_svd(urm, K):
U, s, Vt = svds(urm, K)
dim = (len(s), len(s))
S = np.zeros(dim, dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(0, len(s)):
S[i,i] = mt.sqrt(s[i])
U = csc_matrix(U, dtype=np.float32)
S = csc_matrix(S, dtype=np.float32)
Vt = csc_matrix(Vt, dtype=np.float32)
return U, S, Vt
def compute_estimated_matrix(urm, U, S, Vt, uTest, K, test):
rightTerm = S*Vt
max_recommendation = 250
estimatedRatings = np.zeros(shape=(MAX_UID, MAX_PID), dtype=np.float16)
recomendRatings = np.zeros(shape=(MAX_UID,max_recommendation ), dtype=np.float16)
for userTest in uTest:
prod = U[userTest, :]*rightTerm
estimatedRatings[userTest, :] = prod.todense()
recomendRatings[userTest, :] = (-estimatedRatings[userTest, :]).argsort()[:max_recommendation]
return recomendRatings
urm = data_sparse
MAX_PID = urm.shape[1]
MAX_UID = urm.shape[0]
U, S, Vt = compute_svd(urm, K)
uTest = [4,5,6,7,8,873,23]
uTest_recommended_items = compute_estimated_matrix(urm, U, S, Vt, uTest, K, True)
for user in uTest:
print("当前待推荐用户编号 {}". format(user))
rank_value = 1
for i in uTest_recommended_items[user,0:10]:
song_details = small_set[small_set.so_index_value == i].drop_duplicates('so_index_value')[['title','artist_name']]
print("推荐编号: {} 推荐歌曲: {} 作者: {}".format(rank_value, list(song_details['title'])[0],list(song_details['artist_name'])[0]))
当前待推荐用户编号 4
推荐编号: 1 推荐歌曲: Fireflies 作者: Charttraxx Karaoke
推荐编号: 2 推荐歌曲: Hey_ Soul Sister 作者: Train
推荐编号: 3 推荐歌曲: OMG 作者: Usher featuring
推荐编号: 4 推荐歌曲: Lucky (Album Version) 作者: Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat
推荐编号: 5 推荐歌曲: Vanilla Twilight 作者: Owl City
推荐编号: 6 推荐歌曲: Crumpshit 作者: Philippe Rochard
推荐编号: 7 推荐歌曲: Billionaire [feat. Bruno Mars] (Explicit Album Version) 作者: Travie McCoy
推荐编号: 8 推荐歌曲: Love Story 作者: Taylor Swift
推荐编号: 9 推荐歌曲: TULENLIEKKI 作者: M.A. Numminen
推荐编号: 10 推荐歌曲: Use Somebody 作者: Kings Of Leon
当前待推荐用户编号 5
推荐编号: 1 推荐歌曲: Sehr kosmisch 作者: Harmonia
推荐编号: 2 推荐歌曲: Ain't Misbehavin 作者: Sam Cooke
推荐编号: 3 推荐歌曲: Dog Days Are Over (Radio Edit) 作者: Florence + The Machine
推荐编号: 4 推荐歌曲: Revelry 作者: Kings Of Leon
推荐编号: 5 推荐歌曲: Undo 作者: Björk
推荐编号: 6 推荐歌曲: Cosmic Love 作者: Florence + The Machine
推荐编号: 7 推荐歌曲: Home 作者: Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
推荐编号: 8 推荐歌曲: You've Got The Love 作者: Florence + The Machine
推荐编号: 9 推荐歌曲: Bring Me To Life 作者: Evanescence
推荐编号: 10 推荐歌曲: Tighten Up 作者: The Black Keys
当前待推荐用户编号 6
推荐编号: 1 推荐歌曲: Crumpshit 作者: Philippe Rochard
推荐编号: 2 推荐歌曲: Marry Me 作者: Train
推荐编号: 3 推荐歌曲: Hey_ Soul Sister 作者: Train
推荐编号: 4 推荐歌曲: Lucky (Album Version) 作者: Jason Mraz & Colbie Caillat
推荐编号: 5 推荐歌曲: One On One 作者: the bird and the bee
推荐编号: 6 推荐歌曲: I Never Told You 作者: Colbie Caillat
推荐编号: 7 推荐歌曲: Canada 作者: Five Iron Frenzy
推荐编号: 8 推荐歌曲: Fireflies 作者: Charttraxx Karaoke
推荐编号: 9 推荐歌曲: TULENLIEKKI 作者: M.A. Numminen
推荐编号: 10 推荐歌曲: Bring Me To Life 作者: Evanescence
当前待推荐用户编号 7
推荐编号: 1 推荐歌曲: Behind The Sea [Live In Chicago] 作者: Panic At The Disco
推荐编号: 2 推荐歌曲: The City Is At War (Album Version) 作者: Cobra Starship
推荐编号: 3 推荐歌曲: Dead Souls 作者: Nine Inch Nails
推荐编号: 4 推荐歌曲: Una Confusion 作者: LU
推荐编号: 5 推荐歌曲: Home 作者: Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
推荐编号: 6 推荐歌曲: Climbing Up The Walls 作者: Radiohead
推荐编号: 7 推荐歌曲: Tighten Up 作者: The Black Keys
推荐编号: 8 推荐歌曲: Tive Sim 作者: Cartola
推荐编号: 9 推荐歌曲: West One (Shine On Me) 作者: The Ruts
推荐编号: 10 推荐歌曲: Cosmic Love 作者: Florence + The Machine
当前待推荐用户编号 8
推荐编号: 1 推荐歌曲: Undo 作者: Björk
推荐编号: 2 推荐歌曲: Canada 作者: Five Iron Frenzy
推荐编号: 3 推荐歌曲: Better To Reign In Hell 作者: Cradle Of Filth
推荐编号: 4 推荐歌曲: Unite (2009 Digital Remaster) 作者: Beastie Boys
推荐编号: 5 推荐歌曲: Behind The Sea [Live In Chicago] 作者: Panic At The Disco
推荐编号: 6 推荐歌曲: Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree 作者: Brenda Lee
推荐编号: 7 推荐歌曲: Devil's Slide 作者: Joe Satriani
推荐编号: 8 推荐歌曲: Revelry 作者: Kings Of Leon
推荐编号: 9 推荐歌曲: 16 Candles 作者: The Crests
推荐编号: 10 推荐歌曲: Catch You Baby (Steve Pitron & Max Sanna Radio Edit) 作者: Lonnie Gordon
当前待推荐用户编号 873
推荐编号: 1 推荐歌曲: The Scientist 作者: Coldplay
推荐编号: 2 推荐歌曲: Yellow 作者: Coldplay
推荐编号: 3 推荐歌曲: Clocks 作者: Coldplay
推荐编号: 4 推荐歌曲: Fix You 作者: Coldplay
推荐编号: 5 推荐歌曲: In My Place 作者: Coldplay
推荐编号: 6 推荐歌曲: Shiver 作者: Coldplay
推荐编号: 7 推荐歌曲: Speed Of Sound 作者: Coldplay
推荐编号: 8 推荐歌曲: Creep (Explicit) 作者: Radiohead
推荐编号: 9 推荐歌曲: Sparks 作者: Coldplay
推荐编号: 10 推荐歌曲: Use Somebody 作者: Kings Of Leon
当前待推荐用户编号 23
推荐编号: 1 推荐歌曲: Garden Of Eden 作者: Guns N' Roses
推荐编号: 2 推荐歌曲: Don't Speak 作者: John Dahlbäck
推荐编号: 3 推荐歌曲: Master Of Puppets 作者: Metallica
推荐编号: 4 推荐歌曲: TULENLIEKKI 作者: M.A. Numminen
推荐编号: 5 推荐歌曲: Bring Me To Life 作者: Evanescence
推荐编号: 6 推荐歌曲: Kryptonite 作者: 3 Doors Down
推荐编号: 7 推荐歌曲: Make Her Say 作者: Kid Cudi / Kanye West / Common
推荐编号: 8 推荐歌曲: Night Village 作者: Deep Forest
推荐编号: 9 推荐歌曲: Better To Reign In Hell 作者: Cradle Of Filth
推荐编号: 10 推荐歌曲: Xanadu 作者: Olivia Newton-John;Electric Light Orchestra
uTest = [27513]
#Get estimated rating for test user
print("Predictied ratings:")
uTest_recommended_items = compute_estimated_matrix(urm, U, S, Vt, uTest, K, True)
Predictied ratings:
for user in uTest:
print("当前待推荐用户编号 {}". format(user))
rank_value = 1
for i in uTest_recommended_items[user,0:10]:
song_details = small_set[small_set.so_index_value == i].drop_duplicates('so_index_value')[['title','artist_name']]
print("推荐编号: {} 推荐歌曲: {} 作者: {}".format(rank_value, list(song_details['title'])[0],list(song_details['artist_name'])[0]))
当前待推荐用户编号 27513
推荐编号: 1 推荐歌曲: Master Of Puppets 作者: Metallica
推荐编号: 2 推荐歌曲: Garden Of Eden 作者: Guns N' Roses
推荐编号: 3 推荐歌曲: Bring Me To Life 作者: Evanescence
推荐编号: 4 推荐歌曲: Kryptonite 作者: 3 Doors Down
推荐编号: 5 推荐歌曲: Make Her Say 作者: Kid Cudi / Kanye West / Common
推荐编号: 6 推荐歌曲: Night Village 作者: Deep Forest
推荐编号: 7 推荐歌曲: Savior 作者: Rise Against
推荐编号: 8 推荐歌曲: Good Things 作者: Rich Boy / Polow Da Don / Keri Hilson
推荐编号: 9 推荐歌曲: Bleed It Out [Live At Milton Keynes] 作者: Linkin Park
推荐编号: 10 推荐歌曲: Uprising 作者: Muse