SET @add_key_type_to_report = (SELECT IF( (SELECT count(1) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE table_name = 'report' AND table_schema = DATABASE() AND column_name = 'key_type' ) > 0, "select 1", "alter table report add `key_type` int(4) NOT NULL COMMENT '认证key类型 --1 group类型 2 sn类型'" )); PREPARE stmt FROM @add_key_type_to_report; EXECUTE stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt;
-- 可重复性添加索引
SET @add_index_idx_group_id_location_name_to_plan_location = (SELECT IF( (SELECT count(1) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS
WHERE table_name = 'plan_location'
AND table_schema = DATABASE() AND index_name = 'idx_group_id_location_name' ) > 0, "select 1", "alter table plan_location add INDEX idx_group_id_location_name(`location_name`, `group_id`)" )); PREPARE stmt FROM @add_index_idx_group_id_location_name_to_plan_location; EXECUTE stmt; DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt;
-- 插入可重复性语句
INSERT IGNORE INTO `intl_api_msg_en` (`code`, `msg`) VALUES (7036, 'Group or sub group have bound template,need to remain the binding?');