
  1 "******************************************************特殊设置**********************************************************
  2 if strftime("%H") < 19                      "时间在7:00前
  3     colorscheme guodesert
  4 elseif strftime("%H") > 18                  "时间在19:00后
  5     colorscheme guodesert
  6     else                                    "时间在7:00~19:00之间
  7     colorscheme github
  8 endif
  9 "autocmd InsertLeave * set nocul            "浅色显示高亮行,离开时关闭
 10 autocmd InsertLeave * set nocuc             "浅色显示高亮行,离开时关闭
 11 autocmd InsertEnter * set cul               "浅色显示高亮行,进入时浅色显示打开
 12 autocmd InsertEnter * set cuc               "浅色显示高亮行,进入时浅色显示打开
 14 let &t_SI = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=0\x7"
 15 let &t_EI = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=1\x7"
 16 "******************************************************特殊设置**********************************************************
 17 syntax on                                   "语法高亮
 18 filetype indent on                          "文件类型侦测
 19 filetype plugin on                          "文件类型插件启用
 20 match OverLength /\%109v.\+/
 21 "******************************************************选项设置**********************************************************
 22 set autochdir                           "自动切换当前目录为当前文件所在的目录
 23 set autoindent                          "插入模式下输入<cr>或使用"o""O"命令开新行,从当前行复制缩进距离
 24 set cindent                             "使用C/C++的缩进方式缩进
 25 set autoread                            "当文件在外部被修改时,自动重新读取
 26 set autowrite                           "自动保存文件
 27 set completeopt=preview,menu
 28 set complete+=k                         "关键字补全,扫描 'dictionary' 选项给出的文件
 29 "set comments                           "关键字补全,扫描 'dictionary' 选项给出的文件
 30 set cursorline                          "突出显示当前行
 31 set foldlevel=99                        "设置折叠级别: 高于此级别的折叠会被关闭
 32 set foldclose=all                       "设置为自动关闭折叠
 33 set foldenable                          "开始折叠
 34 set foldmethod=syntax                   "语法高亮项目指定折叠
 35 set foldcolumn=0                        "设置折叠区域的宽度,显示折叠列
 36 set history=512                         "命令的历史和最近搜索模式的历史被记住。本项决定分别记多少项历史
 37 set hlsearch                            "搜索时高亮显示被找到的文本
 38 set helplang=cn                         "设置帮助语言
 39 set ignorecase                          "搜索模式里忽略大小写
 40 set smartcase                           "搜索模式里包含大写字符,不使用ignorecase选项
 41 set incsearch                           "输入搜索命令时,显示目前输入的模式的匹配位置。匹配的字符串被高亮
 42 set iskeyword+=_,$,@,%,#,-              "带有这些字符的单词不要被换行分割
 43 set mousehide                           "在输入时隐藏鼠标指针,移动鼠标时恢复指针
 44 set nocompatible                        "关闭vi兼容模式
 45 set noexpandtab                         "不用空格展开<Tab>
 46 set nosplitbelow                        "窗口的分割会把新窗口放到当前窗口之下
 47 set nosplitright                        "窗口的分割会把新窗口放到当前窗口之右
 48 set number                              "在每行前面显示行号
 49 set numberwidth=3                       "行号使用的最小列数
 50 "set rulerformat =%65(%2*%<%=\最近修改:\ \%{strftime(\"%H:%M\",getftime(expand(\"%\")))}\ \|\ 光标:\ \%l\行\ %c%V\列\ \|\ 比例:%p%%%)
 51 set rulerformat =%75(%2*%<%=\字符:\ \%b\ \|\ \修改:\ \%{strftime(\"%H:%M\",getftime(expand(\"%\")))}\ \|\ 光标:\ \%l\行\ %c%V\列\ \|\ \%Y\ \%M\ \%R\ %p%%\ \|\ 编号:\ \%n\%)
 52 set scrolloff=1                         "光标上下两侧最少保留的屏幕行数
 53 set showcmd                             "在屏幕最后一行显示 (部分的) 命令
 54 set showmode                            "在插入、替换和可视模式里,在最后一行提供消息
 55 set showmatch                           "插入括号时,短暂地跳转到匹配的对应括号
 56 set matchtime=5                         "短暂跳转到匹配括号的时间
 57 set shiftwidth=4                        "(自动)缩进每一步使用的空白数目
 58 "set smartindent                        "开启新行时使用智能自动缩进
 59 set softtabstop=4                       "执行插入时,<Tab>算作空格的数目,可以改为4
 60 "set rtp+=/usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/powerline/bindings/vim/ "启用powerline, laststatus=2
 61 set laststatus=1                        "2总显示最后一个窗口的状态行,1窗口多于一个时显示最后一个窗口的状态行,0不显示最后一个窗口的状态行
 62 set tabstop=4                           "执行插入时,<Tab>算作空格的数目,可以改为4
 63 set t_Co=256                            "开启vim的256颜色支持
 64 set textwidth=122                       "设定文本的宽度为122个字符时自动断行
 65 set virtualedit+=block                  "在可视模式下可以选择一个方块
 66 set wrap                                "设置文本达到textwidth宽度时自动换行,但实际文件还是一行
 67 set wildignore+=*.svn                   "文件名补全时忽略.svn
 68 set wildmenu                            "'wildmenu'打开时,命令行补全以增强模式运行
 69 set wildmode=list:full                  "用'widechar'指定的字符所用的补全模式
 70 set visualbell
 71 "set completeopt=longest,menu
 72 "set nobackup                           "覆盖文件时不备份
 73 "set writebackup                        "覆盖文件时自动备份
 74 "set hidden                             "放弃时隐藏缓冲区
 75 "set novisualbell                       "不使用可视响铃
 76 "set backspace=2                        "使用回格键
 77 "set backspace=indent,eol,start         "影响 <BS>、<Del>、CTRL-W和CTRL-U在插入模式下的工作方式
 78 "set noswapfile                         "没有交换文件
 79 "set fencs=utf-8,ucs-bom,shift-jis,gb18030,gbk,gb2312,cp936 "设置编码
 80 "以下用的比较少,酌情选择
 81 "set formatoptions+=q                   "描述自动排版如何进行的字母序列
 82 "set formatoptions+=r
 83 "set formatoptions+=n
 84 "set formatoptions+=1
 85 "set colorcolumn=+1
 86 "set columns=108                        "设置文本达到columns宽度时自动换行
 87 "set list                               "让tab显示成>-------->--------
 88 "set listchars=tab:>-,trail:-,extends:>,precedes:<      "配合上边的语句完成
 89 "set nowrap                             "设置文本达到textwidth宽度时不自动换行
 90 "set sidescrolloff=5                    "如果设置'nowrap',光标左右两侧保留的最少屏幕列数
 91 "set sidescroll=2                       "水平滚动时滚动的最少列数
 92 "set background=dark                    "设置背景为暗色
 93 "set cmdheight=2                        "设定命令行的行数为1
 94 "set cursorcolumn                       "突出显示当前列
 95 "set undofile                           "持久撤销功能
 96 "set ruler                              "显示状态栏标尺
 97 set tags+=./tags
 98 set tags=~/WORKM/ANDROID_SRC/
 99 "******************************************************选项设置**********************************************************
101 "******************************************************杂项设置**********************************************************
102 ab psvm public static void main                 "试试缩写好用吗
103 let NERDTreeQuitOnOpen=1
104 let NERDTreeDirArrows=0
105 let NERDTreeWinSize=40
106 let NERDRemoveExtraSpaces=0
107 let g:bufExplorerDisableDefaultKeyMapping = 1
108 let g:acp_behaviorKeywordCommand = "\<C-o>"
109 let g:acp_behaviorKeywordLength = -1
110 let g:acp_behaviorFileLength = -1
111 let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = "<c-n>"
112 let g:SuperTabLongestHighlight = 1
113 let g:tagbar_sort=0
114 let g:tagbar_compact=1
115 let g:tagbar_foldlevel=1
116 let g:tagbar_iconchars=['+', '-']
117 let OmniCpp_SelectFirstItem = 2
118 let OmniCpp_ShowPrototypeInAbbr = 1
119 let OmniCpp_MayCompleteScope = 1
120 "******************************************************杂项设置**********************************************************
122 "======================================================跳转位置==========================================================
123 if has("autocmd")                       "打开文件时,自动跳转到光标最后所在的位置
124    au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$")
125      \| exe "normal! g'\"" | endif
126 endif
127 "######################################################跳转位置##########################################################
129 "======================================================添加注释==========================================================
130 "将键盘上的F10功能键映射为添加作者信息,版权声明,文件信息,代码说明等
131     map <F10> :call TitleDet()<cr>
133 "添加文件信息
134   function AddTitle()
135     call append(0,"/* *=+=+=+=+* *** *=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=")
136     call append(1,"  * 作者代号: *** :guochaoxxl")
137     call append(2,"  * 版权声明: *** :(魎魍魅魑)GPL3")
138     call append(3,"  * 联络信箱: *** :guochaoxxl@gmail.com")
139     call append(4,"  * 文档用途: *** :深入理解C指针")
140     "call append(4,"  * 文档用途: *** :数据结构与算法--C语言描述")
141     call append(5,"  * 文档信息: *** :".expand("%:p:~"))
142     call append(6,"  * 修订时间: *** :".strftime("%Y年第%W周 %m月%d日 %A %p%I:%M (%j天)"))
143     call append(7,"  * 代码说明: *** :自行添加")
144     call append(8," * *+=+=+=+=* *** *+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+*/")
145   endfunction
147 "更新最近修改时间和文件名
148   function UpdateTitle()
149     normal m'
150     execute '/修订时间:/s@:.*$@\=strftime(": *** *%Y年第%W周 %m月%d日 %A %p%I:%M (%j天)")@'
151     normal ''
152     normal mk
153     execute '/文档信息:/s@:.*$@\=": *** :".expand("%:p:~")@'
154     execute "noh"
155     normal 'k
156   endfunction
158 "判断前10行代码里面,是否有Last modified这个单词;
159 "如果没有,需要添加作者信息;
160 "如果有,只需要更新必要的信息即可;
161   function TitleDet()
162     let n=1
163     "默认为添加
164     while n < 10
165         let line = getline(n)
166         if line =~ '^\ \ \**\s*\S*修订时间:\S*.*$'
167         "更新注释信息
168         call UpdateTitle()
169             return
170         endif
171         let n = n + 1
172     endwhile
173     "添加注释信息
174     call AddTitle()
175   endfunction
177 "======================================================添加注释==========================================================
179 "======================================================编译运行==========================================================
180 "通过键盘F9映射快速实现编译与运行
181   map <F9> :call CompileRun()<cr>
182   function CompileRun()
183     exec "w"
184     if &filetype == 'c'
185     exec "!gcc -g  % -o %<"
186     exec "!%<"
187     elseif &filetype == 'cpp'
188     exec "!g++ -g % -o %<"
189     exec "!%<"
190     elseif &filetype == 'java'
191     exec "!javac %"
192     exec "!java %<"
193     else
194     exec "echo not support filetype!"
195     endif
196   endfunction
198 "======================================================编译运行==========================================================
200 "######################################################自动补全##########################################################
201 :inoremap ( ()<ESC>i
202 :inoremap ) <c-r>=ClosePair(')')<CR>
203 :inoremap } {}
204 :inoremap { {<CR>}<ESC>O
205 :inoremap } <c-r>=ClosePair('}')<CR>
206 :inoremap [ []<ESC>i
207 :inoremap ] <c-r>=ClosePair(']')<CR>
208 :inoremap " ""<ESC>i
209 ":inoremap ' ''<ESC>i
210 function ClosePair(char)
211     "if getline('.')[col('.') - 1 ] == a:char
212     if getline('.') == a:char
213     return "\<Right>"
214     else
215     return a:char
216     endif
217 endfunction
219 function CloseLPair(char)
220     "if getline('.')[col('.') - 1 ] == a:char
221     if getline('.') == a:char
222     return "\<Left>"
223     else
224     return a:char
225     endif
226 endfunction
227 "######################################################自动补全##########################################################
229 "====================================================##按键映射==========================================================
230 map e ea
231 "map e ea                               "移动到单词结尾时就自动进入插入模式
232 "map + <C-w>+                           "增减窗口尺寸
233 "map _ <C-w>-
234 map + <C-w><                            "增减窗口尺寸
235 map _ <C-w>>
236 map <silent> <F2> :NERDTreeToggle<cr>               "tarbar functon list
237 map <silent> <F3> :TagbarToggle<cr>             "header and implement file switch
238 map <F4> :A<cr>                         "update index
239 map <F5> :!ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q<cr><cr>:cs kill cscope.out<cr>:!cscope -Rb<cr><cr>:cs add cscope.out<cr>        "switch display invisable ch    ar or not
240 map <F6> :set list!<cr>:set list?<cr>               "highlight
241 map <F7> ms:%s /\<<C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR>\>//gn<cr>`    "swapfile list
242 map <silent> <F8> :BufExplorer<CR>              "comment visual line
243 nmap <C-[>g :cs find g <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>      "list the funcion called by this function
244 nmap <C-[>d :cs find d <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>      "list the position where to call this word
245 nmap <C-[>c :cs find c <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>      "search word in the project
246 nmap <C-[>s :cs find s <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>      "search word in the project and the word can be in text
247 nmap <C-[>t :cs find t <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>      "search word in the project and the word can be in text, support regex
248 nmap <C-[>e :cs find e <C-R>=expand("<cword>")<CR><CR>      "list the file which filename is this word
249 nmap <C-[>f :cs find f <C-R>=expand("<cfile>")<CR><CR>      "list the file include the file which filename is this word
250 nmap <C-[>i :cs find i ^<C-R>=expand("<cfile>")<CR>$<CR>    "list the file which include this file
251 nmap <C-[>I :cs find i <C-R>=expand("%:t")<CR><CR>
252 "nnoremap j gj                          "自动换行时可在行中移动
253 "nnoremap k gk
254 nnoremap <C-h> <C-w>h                       "在分割的窗口间移动
255 nnoremap <C-j> <C-w>j
256 nnoremap <C-k> <C-w>k
257 nnoremap <C-l> <C-w>l
258 noremap <S-h> :bp<cr>                       "在buffer间移动
259 noremap <S-l> :bn<cr>
260 "用空格键来开关折叠
261 nnoremap <space> @=((foldclosed(line('.')) < 0) ? 'zc' : 'zo')<CR>
262 vnoremap <silent> , :call NERDComment(1, "alignLeft")<cr>   "uncomment visual line
263 vnoremap <silent> . :call NERDComment(1, "uncomment")<cr>   "show list if more tag
265 if has("cscope")
266     set nocsverb
267     if filereadable("cscope.out")
268         cs add cscope.out
269     endif
270 endif
271 "======================================================按键映射==========================================================


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