

  1 1 the    a
  2 2 be    v
  3 3 and    c
  4 4 of    i
  5 5 a    a
  6 6 in    i
  7 7 to    t
  8 8 have    v
  9 9 to    i
 10 10 it    p
 11 11 I    p
 12 12 that    c
 13 13 for    i
 14 14 you    p
 15 15 he    p
 16 16 with    i
 17 17 on    i
 18 18 do    v
 19 19 say    v
 20 20 this    d
 21 21 they    p
 22 22 at    i
 23 23 but    c
 24 24 we    p
 25 25 his    a
 26 26 from    i
 27 27 that    d
 28 28 not    x
 29 29 n''t    x
 30 30 by    i
 31 31 she    p
 32 32 or    c
 33 33 as    c
 34 34 what    d
 35 35 go    v
 36 36 their    a
 37 37 can    v
 38 38 who    p
 39 39 get    v
 40 40 if    c
 41 41 would    v
 42 42 her    a
 43 43 all    d
 44 44 my    a
 45 45 make    v
 46 46 about    i
 47 47 know    v
 48 48 will    v
 49 49 as    i
 50 50 up    r
 51 51 one    m
 52 52 time    n
 53 53 there    e
 54 54 year    n
 55 55 so    r
 56 56 think    v
 57 57 when    c
 58 58 which    d
 59 59 them    p
 60 60 some    d
 61 61 me    p
 62 62 people    n
 63 63 take    v
 64 64 out    r
 65 65 into    i
 66 66 just    r
 67 67 see    v
 68 68 him    p
 69 69 your    a
 70 70 come    v
 71 71 could    v
 72 72 now    r
 73 73 than    c
 74 74 like    i
 75 75 other    j
 76 76 how    r
 77 77 then    r
 78 78 its    a
 79 79 our    a
 80 80 two    m
 81 81 more    r
 82 82 these    d
 83 83 want    v
 84 84 way    n
 85 85 look    v
 86 86 first    m
 87 87 also    r
 88 88 new    j
 89 89 because    c
 90 90 day    n
 91 91 more    d
 92 92 use    v
 93 93 no    a
 94 94 man    n
 95 95 find    v
 96 96 here    r
 97 97 thing    n
 98 98 give    v
 99 99 many    d
100 100 well    r
101 101 only    r
102 102 those    d
103 103 tell    v
104 104 one    p
105 105 very    r
106 106 her    p
107 107 even    r
108 108 back    r
109 109 any    d
110 110 good    j
111 111 woman    n
112 112 through    i
113 113 us    p
114 114 life    n
115 115 child    n
116 116 there    r
117 117 work    v
118 118 down    r
119 119 may    v
120 120 after    i
121 121 should    v
122 122 call    v
123 123 world    n
124 124 over    i
125 125 school    n
126 126 still    r
127 127 try    v
128 128 in    r
129 129 as    r
130 130 last    m
131 131 ask    v
132 132 need    v
133 133 too    r
134 134 feel    v
135 135 three    m
136 136 when    r
137 137 state    n
138 138 never    r
139 139 become    v
140 140 between    i
141 141 high    j
142 142 really    r
143 143 something    p
144 144 most    r
145 145 another    d
146 146 much    d
147 147 family    n
148 148 own    d
149 149 out    i
150 150 leave    v
151 151 put    v
152 152 old    j
153 153 while    c
154 154 mean    v
155 155 on    r
156 156 keep    v
157 157 student    n
158 158 why    r
159 159 let    v
160 160 great    j
161 161 same    d
162 162 big    j
163 163 group    n
164 164 begin    v
165 165 seem    v
166 166 country    n
167 167 help    v
168 168 talk    v
169 169 where    c
170 170 turn    v
171 171 problem    n
172 172 every    a
173 173 start    v
174 174 hand    n
175 175 might    v
176 176 American    j
177 177 show    v
178 178 part    n
179 179 about    r
180 180 against    i
181 181 place    n
182 182 over    r
183 183 such    d
184 184 again    r
185 185 few    d
186 186 case    n
187 187 most    d
188 188 week    n
189 189 company    n
190 190 where    r
191 191 system    n
192 192 each    d
193 193 right    r
194 194 program    n
195 195 hear    v
196 196 so    c
197 197 question    n
198 198 during    i
199 199 work    n
200 200 play    v
201 201 government    n
202 202 run    v
203 203 small    j
204 204 number    n
205 205 off    r
206 206 always    r
207 207 move    v
208 208 like    v
209 209 night    n
210 210 live    v
211 211 Mr    n
212 212 point    n
213 213 believe    v
214 214 hold    v
215 215 today    r
216 216 bring    v
217 217 happen    v
218 218 next    m
219 219 without    i
220 220 before    i
221 221 large    j
222 222 all    r
223 223 million    m
224 224 must    v
225 225 home    n
226 226 under    i
227 227 water    n
228 228 room    n
229 229 write    v
230 230 mother    n
231 231 area    n
232 232 national    j
233 233 money    n
234 234 story    n
235 235 young    j
236 236 fact    n
237 237 month    n
238 238 different    j
239 239 lot    n
240 240 right    n
241 241 study    n
242 242 book    n
243 243 eye    n
244 244 job    n
245 245 word    n
246 246 though    c
247 247 business    n
248 248 issue    n
249 249 side    n
250 250 kind    n


首先用vim打开,使用命令:对所有行::%s/\v^(\s*\S+\s+\S+).+/\1/   只保留第1列和第2列,结果:

  1 1 the
  2 2 be
  3 3 and
  4 4 of
  5 5 a
  6 6 in
  7 7 to
  8 8 have
  9 9 to
 10 10 it
 11 11 I
 12 12 that
 13 13 for
 14 14 you
 15 15 he
 16 16 with
 17 17 on
 18 18 do
 19 19 say
 20 20 this
 21 21 they
 22 22 at
 23 23 but
 24 24 we
 25 25 his
 26 26 from
 27 27 that
 28 28 not
 29 29 n''t
 30 30 by
 31 31 she
 32 32 or
 33 33 as
 34 34 what
 35 35 go
 36 36 their
 37 37 can
 38 38 who
 39 39 get
 40 40 if
 41 41 would
 42 42 her
 43 43 all
 44 44 my
 45 45 make
 46 46 about
 47 47 know
 48 48 will
 49 49 as
 50 50 up
 51 51 one
 52 52 time
 53 53 there
 54 54 year
 55 55 so
 56 56 think
 57 57 when
 58 58 which
 59 59 them
 60 60 some
 61 61 me
 62 62 people
 63 63 take
 64 64 out
 65 65 into
 66 66 just
 67 67 see
 68 68 him
 69 69 your
 70 70 come
 71 71 could
 72 72 now
 73 73 than
 74 74 like
 75 75 other
 76 76 how
 77 77 then
 78 78 its
 79 79 our
 80 80 two
 81 81 more
 82 82 these
 83 83 want
 84 84 way
 85 85 look
 86 86 first
 87 87 also
 88 88 new
 89 89 because
 90 90 day
 91 91 more
 92 92 use
 93 93 no
 94 94 man
 95 95 find
 96 96 here
 97 97 thing
 98 98 give
 99 99 many
100 100 well
101 101 only
102 102 those
103 103 tell
104 104 one
105 105 very
106 106 her
107 107 even
108 108 back
109 109 any
110 110 good
111 111 woman
112 112 through
113 113 us
114 114 life
115 115 child
116 116 there
117 117 work
118 118 down
119 119 may
120 120 after
121 121 should
122 122 call
123 123 world
124 124 over
125 125 school
126 126 still
127 127 try
128 128 in
129 129 as
130 130 last
131 131 ask
132 132 need
133 133 too
134 134 feel
135 135 three
136 136 when
137 137 state
138 138 never
139 139 become
140 140 between
141 141 high
142 142 really
143 143 something
144 144 most
145 145 another
146 146 much
147 147 family
148 148 own
149 149 out
150 150 leave
151 151 put
152 152 old
153 153 while
154 154 mean
155 155 on
156 156 keep
157 157 student
158 158 why
159 159 let
160 160 great
161 161 same
162 162 big
163 163 group
164 164 begin
165 165 seem
166 166 country
167 167 help
168 168 talk
169 169 where
170 170 turn
171 171 problem
172 172 every
173 173 start
174 174 hand
175 175 might
176 176 American
177 177 show
178 178 part
179 179 about
180 180 against
181 181 place
182 182 over
183 183 such
184 184 again
185 185 few
186 186 case
187 187 most
188 188 week
189 189 company
190 190 where
191 191 system
192 192 each
193 193 right
194 194 program
195 195 hear
196 196 so
197 197 question
198 198 during
199 199 work
200 200 play
201 201 government
202 202 run
203 203 small
204 204 number
205 205 off
206 206 always
207 207 move
208 208 like
209 209 night
210 210 live
211 211 Mr
212 212 point
213 213 believe
214 214 hold
215 215 today
216 216 bring
217 217 happen
218 218 next
219 219 without
220 220 before
221 221 large
222 222 all
223 223 million
224 224 must
225 225 home
226 226 under
227 227 water
228 228 room
229 229 write
230 230 mother
231 231 area
232 232 national
233 233 money
234 234 story
235 235 young
236 236 fact
237 237 month
238 238 different
239 239 lot
240 240 right
241 241 study
242 242 book
243 243 eye
244 244 job
245 245 word
246 246 though
247 247 business
248 248 issue
249 249 side
250 250 kind

当使用命令:对所有行::%s/\v^(\s*\S+)(\s+\S+).+/\2/   只保留第2列,结果:

  1  the
  2  be
  3  and
  4  of
  5  a
  6  in
  7  to
  8  have
  9  to
 10  it
 11  I
 12  that
 13  for
 14  you
 15  he
 16  with
 17  on
 18  do
 19  say
 20  this
 21  they
 22  at
 23  but
 24  we
 25  his
 26  from
 27  that
 28  not
 29  n''t
 30  by
 31  she
 32  or
 33  as
 34  what
 35  go
 36  their
 37  can
 38  who
 39  get
 40  if
 41  would
 42  her
 43  all
 44  my
 45  make
 46  about
 47  know
 48  will
 49  as
 50  up
 51  one
 52  time
 53  there
 54  year
 55  so
 56  think
 57  when
 58  which
 59  them
 60  some
 61  me
 62  people
 63  take
 64  out
 65  into
 66  just
 67  see
 68  him
 69  your
 70  come
 71  could
 72  now
 73  than
 74  like
 75  other
 76  how
 77  then
 78  its
 79  our
 80  two
 81  more
 82  these
 83  want
 84  way
 85  look
 86  first
 87  also
 88  new
 89  because
 90  day
 91  more
 92  use
 93  no
 94  man
 95  find
 96  here
 97  thing
 98  give
 99  many
100  well
101  only
102  those
103  tell
104  one
105  very
106  her
107  even
108  back
109  any
110  good
111  woman
112  through
113  us
114  life
115  child
116  there
117  work
118  down
119  may
120  after
121  should
122  call
123  world
124  over
125  school
126  still
127  try
128  in
129  as
130  last
131  ask
132  need
133  too
134  feel
135  three
136  when
137  state
138  never
139  become
140  between
141  high
142  really
143  something
144  most
145  another
146  much
147  family
148  own
149  out
150  leave
151  put
152  old
153  while
154  mean
155  on
156  keep
157  student
158  why
159  let
160  great
161  same
162  big
163  group
164  begin
165  seem
166  country
167  help
168  talk
169  where
170  turn
171  problem
172  every
173  start
174  hand
175  might
176  American
177  show
178  part
179  about
180  against
181  place
182  over
183  such
184  again
185  few
186  case
187  most
188  week
189  company
190  where
191  system
192  each
193  right
194  program
195  hear
196  so
197  question
198  during
199  work
200  play
201  government
202  run
203  small
204  number
205  off
206  always
207  move
208  like
209  night
210  live
211  Mr
212  point
213  believe
214  hold
215  today
216  bring
217  happen
218  next
219  without
220  before
221  large
222  all
223  million
224  must
225  home
226  under
227  water
228  room
229  write
230  mother
231  area
232  national
233  money
234  story
235  young
236  fact
237  month
238  different
239  lot
240  right
241  study
242  book
243  eye
244  job
245  word
246  though
247  business
248  issue
249  side
250  kind


1 the    a2 be    v3 and    c4 of    i5 a    a6 in    i7 to    t8 have    v9 to    i10 it    p11 I    p12 that    c13 for    i14 you    p15 he    p16 with    i17 on    i18 do    v19 say    v20 this    d21 they    p22 at    i23 but    c24 we    p25 his    a26 from    i27 that    d28 not    x29 n''t    x30 by    i31 she    p32 or    c33 as    c34 what    d35 go    v36 their    a37 can    v38 who    p39 get    v40 if    c41 would    v42 her    a43 all    d44 my    a45 make    v46 about    i47 know    v48 will    v49 as    i50 up    r51 one    m52 time    n53 there    e54 year    n55 so    r56 think    v57 when    c58 which    d59 them    p60 some    d61 me    p62 people    n63 take    v64 out    r65 into    i66 just    r67 see    v68 him    p69 your    a70 come    v71 could    v72 now    r73 than    c74 like    i75 other    j76 how    r77 then    r78 its    a79 our    a80 two    m81 more    r82 these    d83 want    v84 way    n85 look    v86 first    m87 also    r88 new    j89 because    c90 day    n91 more    d92 use    v93 no    a94 man    n95 find    v96 here    r97 thing    n98 give    v99 many    d100 well    r101 only    r102 those    d103 tell    v104 one    p105 very    r106 her    p107 even    r108 back    r109 any    d110 good    j111 woman    n112 through    i113 us    p114 life    n115 child    n116 there    r117 work    v118 down    r119 may    v120 after    i121 should    v122 call    v123 world    n124 over    i125 school    n126 still    r127 try    v128 in    r129 as    r130 last    m131 ask    v132 need    v133 too    r134 feel    v135 three    m136 when    r137 state    n138 never    r139 become    v140 between    i141 high    j142 really    r143 something    p144 most    r145 another    d146 much    d147 family    n148 own    d149 out    i150 leave    v151 put    v152 old    j153 while    c154 mean    v155 on    r156 keep    v157 student    n158 why    r159 let    v160 great    j161 same    d162 big    j163 group    n164 begin    v165 seem    v166 country    n167 help    v168 talk    v169 where    c170 turn    v171 problem    n172 every    a173 start    v174 hand    n175 might    v176 American    j177 show    v178 part    n179 about    r180 against    i181 place    n182 over    r183 such    d184 again    r185 few    d186 case    n187 most    d188 week    n189 company    n190 where    r191 system    n192 each    d193 right    r194 program    n195 hear    v196 so    c197 question    n198 during    i199 work    n200 play    v201 government    n202 run    v203 small    j204 number    n205 off    r206 always    r207 move    v208 like    v209 night    n210 live    v211 Mr    n212 point    n213 believe    v214 hold    v215 today    r216 bring    v217 happen    v218 next    m219 without    i220 before    i221 large    j222 all    r223 million    m224 must    v225 home    n226 under    i227 water    n228 room    n229 write    v230 mother    n231 area    n232 national    j233 money    n234 story    n235 young    j236 fact    n237 month    n238 different    j239 lot    n240 right    n241 study    n242 book    n243 eye    n244 job    n245 word    n246 though    c247 business    n248 issue    n249 side    n250 kind    n

posted @ 2020-04-26 17:07  叕叒双又  阅读(325)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报