install slax record

#apt update
#apt upgrade
apt install build-essential cmake gdb git vim binutils-doc cpp-doc gcc-6-locales gcc-6-doc manpages-dev autoconf autoconf-doc automake automake-doc libtool libtool-doc bison bison-doc gcc-doc gdb-doc gdbserver git-doc glibc-doc lrzip glibc-doc libstdc++-6-doc make-doc ed diffutils-doc perl-doc ctags vim-doc vim-scripts doc-base doc-cential ttf-wqy-microhei fonts-wqy-microhei

apt install build-essential cmake gdb git vim binutils-doc cpp-doc gcc-6-locales gcc-6-doc manpages-dev autoconf autoconf-doc automake libtool libtool-doc bison bison-doc gcc-doc gdb-doc gdbserver git-doc glibc-doc lrzip glibc-doc libstdc++-6-doc make-doc ed diffutils-doc perl-doc ctags vim-doc vim-scripts doc-base m4-doc vim-addon-manager glibc-doc-reference glibc-source pinfo ttf-dejavu ttf-dejavu-core ttf-dejavu-extra python3.5-examples python3 python3-doc rename
#ttf-wqy-microhei fonts-wqy-microhei



apt install build-essential cmake gdb git vim binutils-doc cpp-doc gcc-6-locales gcc-6-doc manpages-dev autoconf autoconf-doc automake libtool libtool-doc bison bison-doc gcc-doc gdb-doc gdbserver git-doc glibc-doc lrzip glibc-doc libstdc++-6-doc make-doc ed diffutils-doc perl-doc ctags vim-doc vim-scripts doc-base m4-doc vim-addon-manager glibc-doc-reference glibc-source pinfo ttf-dejavu ttf-dejavu-core ttf-dejavu-extra python3-examples python3 python3-doc rename autoconf-archive fonts-lato  sl  coesay  linuxlogo  screenfetch  cmatrix  asciinema  powerline  tilda  python3  manpage
#ttf-wqy-microhei fonts-wqy-microhei

Thank you for using slax!
If you are reading this from a CD, it is already bootable.
Steps to make it bootable from your USB device are following:

1) Copy the entire /slax/ directory to your USB drive.
   If you are using Windows, you will get for example E:\slax\
   You probably already did this - just make sure you are on your
   USB drive now and not on your local harddisk.

2) Now navigate to directory /slax/boot/ on your USB drive.
   In Windows, it will be E:\slax\boot\ for example.
   Use explorer or any other file manager for this task.

3) While you're in the boot directory, locate file bootinst.bat
   Run it by doubleclicking it. It will setup your USB to boot.

-- That's it. Your USB device is now ready to boot slax.
-- You can safely delete this file (readme.txt), it's not needed.

1、sudo apt edit-sources
2、sudo apt update
3、apt install build-essential cmake gdb git vim binutils-doc cpp-doc gcc-6-locales gcc-6-doc manpages-dev autoconf autoconf-doc automake libtool libtool-doc bison bison-doc gcc-doc gdb-doc gdbserver git-doc glibc-doc lrzip glibc-doc libstdc++-6-doc make-doc ed diffutils-doc perl-doc ctags vim-doc vim-scripts doc-base m4-doc vim-addon-manager glibc-doc-reference glibc-source pinfo ttf-dejavu ttf-dejavu-core ttf-dejavu-extra python3-examples python3 python3-doc rename autoconf-archive fonts-lato  sl  cowsay  linuxlogo  screenfetch  cmatrix  asciinema  powerline  tilda  python3   colorgcc  ttf-wqy-microhei fonts-wqy-microhei  tmate valgrind pkg-config  
4、# script scriptreplay  manpage boost glibc

    开发平台:c c++ perl python bash ruby

posted @ 2019-09-22 06:40  叕叒双又  阅读(215)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报