AMD Bulldozer确认不支持所谓 "逆向超线程" 技术

每每谈到推土机,总会有一群人跳出来拿所谓的Anti-HT 逆向超线程技术YY,说其能用两个核心同时执行一个线程,从而大幅度提升单线程性能。虽不知道这说法根据何来,但貌似连某些媒体也信以为真了。



今天,Bulldozer Blog上 AMD产品市场部经理John Fruehe的一个回复终于终结了上述流言,推土机一个线程只能在一个核心上执行。


Q: I know that one bulldozer module can effiently execute two threads simultaneously because it has two integer cores, but for single-thread applications, can it execute a single thread on the two integer cores? Which may greatly increase the single-thread performance?

John Fruehe: No. One thread per integer core, period.





posted @ 2010-08-26 14:24  杯具帝Pro  阅读(593)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报