Clean Code – Chapter 5 Formatting

  • The Purpose of Formatting

    Code formatting is about communication, and communication is the professional developer's first order of business.

  • Vertical Formatting

    File size: less than 200~500 lines.

    • The Newspaper Metaphor

      We would like a source file to be like a newspaper article. The name should be simple but explanatory. The topmost parts of the source file should provide the high-level concepts and algorithms. Details should increase as we move downward, until at the end we find the lowest level functions and details in the source file.

    • Vertical Openness Between Concepts

      Each line represents an expression or a clause, and each group of lines represents a complete thought. Those thoughts should be separated from each other with blank lines.

      Each blank line is a visual cue that identifies a new and separate concept.

    • Vertical Density

      Lines of code that are tightly related should appear vertically dense.

    • Vertical Distance

      Concepts that are closely related should be kept vertically close to each other.

      • Variable Declarations

        Variables should be declared as close to their usage as possible.

      • Instance variables

        Should be declared at the top of the class.

      • Dependent Functions

        If one function calls another, they should be vertically close, and the caller should be above the callee, if at all possible.

      • Conceptual Affinity

        • a direct dependence
        • a similar operation
  • Horizontal Formatting

    Line width: less than 100~120.

    • Horizontal Openness and Density

      Use horizontal white space to disassociate things that are weakly related.


      public class Quadratic {
          public static double root1(double a, double b, double c) {
              double determinant = determinant(a, b, c);
              return (-b + Math.sqrt(determinant)) / (2*a);
          public static double root2(double a, double b, double c) {
              double determinant = determinant(a, b, c);
              return (-b - Math.sqrt(determinant)) / (2*a);
          private static double determinant(double a, double b, double c) {
              return b*b - 4*a*c;


      • 赋值号 = 左右空格以突出赋值操作
      • 函数各参数之间空格分隔
      • 函数名与其后面的左括号不需要空格
      • 各种运算符左右空格以突出对应的操作

        上面代码有个特例就是乘号左右没有空白分隔。按照作者的解释,“它们属于较高优先级(high precedence)”。 这么写公式的逻辑看起来确实更清晰一些。可惜 Visual Studio 的格式化代码没有这么智能。

    • Horizontal Alignment

      No need. (used in assembly files)

    • Indentation

      To make the hierarchy of scopes visible.

    • Dummy Scopes

      Try to avoid them.

      Make sure that the dummy body is properly indented and surrounded by braces.

      Bad code:

      while (, 0, readBufferSize) != -1)

      Good code:

      while (, 0, readBufferSize) != -1)
  • Team Rules

    Every programmer has his own favorite formatting rules, but if he works in a team, then the team rules.

posted on 2013-11-27 23:12  古木月影  阅读(280)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
