使用pragma消除警告 (绝不可强行消除,因为有可能是个运行时错误) #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "命令字符串" 代码块 #pragma clang diagnostic pop 1. "-Warc-performSelector-leaks" performselector可能造成内存泄漏 SEL sel = @selector(gl_getImage:); [self performSelector:sel withObject:nil]; 以上警告也可使用消除 IMP imp = [app methodForSelector:sel]; void (*func)(id , SEL ,NSInteger) = (void *)imp; func(app,selector,0); 2. "-Wreceiver-is-weak" 调用者接收者是weak属性 3. "-Wunused-variable" 变量未使用 或者 __unused int m = 2; //Unused variable 'm' 4. "-Wdeprecated-declarations" 方法弃用 [UIAlertView alertView........] 5. "-Warc-retain-cycles" 循环引用 while(true){} 6. "-Wincompatible-pointer-types" 指针不兼容的 7. "-Wundeclared-selector" 方法在本类中未申明 eg. SEL sel = @selector(gl_getImage) 不过以上方法导致的警告也可使用runtime机制消除 SEL sel = sel_registerName("gl_getImage:") SEL sel = NSSelectorFromString(@"gl_getImage:"); 8. "-Wunreachable-code" 代码将永不被执行 NSLog(@"m"); return; NSLog(@"n"); //Code will never be executed 如果想将项目中所有某类型的警告都消除 11. 配置文件 buildSettings->Other Warning Flags 加入配置字符 11.1 code will never be executed -Wno-unreachable-code 全局禁用警告 -Wunreachable-code 全局启用警告 11.2 Unused Entity Issue / unused function 'xxxxx' -Wno-unused-function 全局禁用 -Wunused-function 全局启用 11.3 ......
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