

mathematics of quantum mechanics


This is a summary of the book "Mathematics of Quantum Mechanics".

Part 1: Complex Numbers

1.1 What is a Complex Number?

  • Imaginary Unit: Defined as i=1.
  • Imaginary Numbers: Numbers whose square is negative.
  • Complex Numbers: Numbers of the form z=a+bi, where a and b are real numbers. Here, a is the real part, and b is the imaginary part.
  • Common Conclusions:
    • The modulus of a complex number z=a+bi is always a non - negative real number: |z|=a2+b20.
    • The conjugate of a complex number z=a+bi is z¯=abi, and zz¯=|z|2.

1.2 Operations with Complex Numbers

  • Addition: If z=a+bi and w=c+di, then z+w=(a+c)+(b+d)i.
  • Multiplication: zw=(acbd)+(ad+bc)i.
  • Conjugate: z¯=abi.
  • Modulus: |z|=a2+b2.
  • Common Conclusions:
    • The addition and multiplication of complex numbers are commutative and associative.
    • The modulus of a complex number is invariant under conjugation: |z¯|=|z|.

1.3 Euler’s Formula and Polar Form

  • Euler’s Formula: eiθ=cosθ+isinθ.
  • Polar Form: z=|z|eiθ.
  • Common Conclusions:
    • Euler’s formula provides a way to represent complex numbers in polar form, which simplifies multiplication and division.
    • The polar form of a complex number highlights the magnitude and direction (angle) of the number in the complex plane.

Part 2: Linear Algebra

2.1 Vectors

  • Vector Definition: A column or row of numbers.
  • Vector Addition: If v=(v1v2vn) and w=(w1w2wn), then v+w=(v1+w1v2+w2vn+wn).
  • Scalar Multiplication: If c is a scalar and v=(v1v2vn), then cv=(cv1cv2cvn).
  • Common Conclusions:
    • Vectors can be added and scaled, and these operations follow the commutative and associative properties.
    • The zero vector 0 acts as the additive identity in vector spaces.

2.2 Matrices

  • Matrix Definition: A rectangular array of numbers.
  • Matrix Addition and Scalar Multiplication: If M=(Mij) and N=(Nij), then (M+N)ij=Mij+Nij; if c is a scalar, then (cM)ij=c(Mij).
  • Matrix Multiplication: If M=(Mij) and N=(Nij), then (MN)ij=kMikNkj.
  • Transpose: (MT)ij=Mji.
  • Conjugate Transpose: (M)ij=Mji¯.
  • Common Conclusions:
    • Matrix multiplication is associative but not commutative in general.
    • The identity matrix I acts as the multiplicative identity for matrices.

2.3 Complex Conjugate, Transpose, and Conjugate Transpose

  • Complex Conjugate of a Vector/Matrix:
    • For a vector v=(v1v2vn), its complex conjugate is v=(v1v2vn).
    • For a matrix M=(m11m12m1nm21m22m2nmm1mm2mmn), its complex conjugate is M=(m11m12m1nm21m22m2nmm1mm2mmn).
  • Transpose of a Vector/Matrix:
    • For a vector v=(v1v2vn), its transpose is vT=[v1 v2  vn].
    • For a matrix M=(m11m12m1nm21m22m2nmm1mm2mmn), its transpose is MT=(m11m21mm1m12m22mm2m1nm2nmmn).
  • Conjugate Transpose (Adjoint) of a Vector/Matrix:
    • For a vector v=(v1v2vn), its conjugate transpose is v=[v1 v2  vn].
    • For a matrix M=(m11m12m1nm21m22m2nmm1mm2mmn), its conjugate transpose is M=(m11m12m1nm21m22m2nmm1mm2mmn).
  • Common Conclusions:
    • Taking the complex conjugate of a vector or matrix involves taking the complex conjugate of each of its elements. That is, for a vector v, (v)i=vi; for a matrix M, (M)ij=mij.
    • Transposing a vector or matrix involves flipping the elements across its diagonal. For a vector v, (vT)j=vj; for a matrix M, (MT)ij=Mji.
    • The conjugate transpose (or adjoint) of a vector or matrix involves both taking the complex conjugate and transposing the elements. For a vector v, (v)j=vj; for a matrix M, (M)ij=Mji.
    • For a matrix M, (M)=M, (MT)T=M, and (M)=M.
    • The conjugate transpose is particularly important in quantum mechanics and other fields where complex numbers are used, as it preserves the inner - product structure. For example, for two vectors u and v, u,v=v,u, and Mu,v=u,Mv.

2.4 Inner Product and Norms

  • Inner Product: If v=(v1v2vn) and w=(w1w2wn), then vw=iviwi¯.
  • Norm: v=vv.
  • Common Conclusions:
    • The inner product of two vectors is a scalar, and it measures the cosine of the angle between them.
    • The norm of a vector is a measure of its length, and it is always non - negative.

2.5 Basis

  • Basis Definition: A set of linearly independent vectors that span the vector space.
  • Orthogonal Basis: Basis vectors are orthogonal to each other.
  • Standard Basis: An orthogonal basis where each basis vector has a norm of 1.
  • Common Conclusions:
    • Any vector in a vector space can be expressed as a linear combination of basis vectors.
    • An orthogonal basis simplifies calculations involving inner products and projections.

Appendix A: Properties of Complex Numbers and Exponential Functions

A.1 Properties of Complex Numbers: Proofs

  • Commutativity of Addition: Let z=a+bi and w=c+di, where a,b,c,dR. Then z+w=(a+c)+(b+d)i and w+z=(c+a)+(d+b)i. Since addition of real - numbers is commutative (a+c=c+a and b+d=d+b), we have z+w=w+z.

  • Commutativity of Multiplication: Let z=a+bi and w=c+di. Then zw=(a+bi)(c+di)=ac+adi+bci+bdi2=(acbd)+(ad+bc)i. And wz=(c+di)(a+bi)=ca+cbi+adi+bdi2=(cabd)+(cb+ad)i. Since multiplication and addition of real - numbers are commutative (ac=ca, bd=db, ad=da, bc=cb), we have zw=wz.

  • Modulus of a Complex Number: Given z=a+bi, |z|=a2+b2. Since a20 and b20 for all real numbers a and b, a2+b20, and a2+b2 is a non - negative real number.

  • Conjugate of a Complex Number: Given z=a+bi, z¯=abi. Then zz¯=(a+bi)(abi)=a2(bi)2=a2+b2=|z|2.

  • Modulus Invariance under Conjugation: Given z=a+bi, z¯=abi. Then |z¯|=a2+(b)2=a2+b2=|z|.

  • Modulus of a Product: Let z=a+bi and w=c+di. Then zw=(acbd)+(ad+bc)i. |zw|=(acbd)2+(ad+bc)2=a2c22acbd+b2d2+a2d2+2adbc+b2c2=(a2+b2)(c2+d2)=|z||w|.

-Triangle Inequality: Let z=a+bi and w=c+di. Then z+w=(a+c)+(b+d)i. |z+w|2=(a+c)2+(b+d)2=a2+2ac+c2+b2+2bd+d2. (|z|+|w|)2=|z|2+2|z||w|+|w|2=a2+b2+2(a2+b2)(c2+d2)+c2+d2. By the Cauchy - Schwarz inequality (ac+bd)2(a2+b2)(c2+d2), we have |z+w||z|+|w|.

  • Inverse of a Complex Number: Given z0, let z=a+bi. We want to find z1 such that zz1=1. Let z1=x+yi, then (a+bi)(x+yi)=1. Expanding gives (axby)+(ay+bx)i=1. Solving the system {axby=1ay+bx=0, we get x=aa2+b2 and y=ba2+b2. So z1=z¯|z|2.

A.2 Euler’s Number and Exponential Functions

  • Euler’s Number e: e2.718281828459045.

  • Exponential Function: For any real or complex number x, ex=n=0xnn!.

  • Properties of Exponential Functions:

    -ex+y=exey: ex=n=0xnn!, ey=m=0ymm!. Then exey=n=0m=0xnymn!m!. Let k=n+m, then exey=k=0n=0kxnyknn!(kn)!. By the binomial theorem n=0kxnyknn!(kn)!=(x+y)kk!, so exey=ex+y.

  • exy=(ex)y: Using the power - series definition and properties of exponents and series manipulation.

  • ex=1ex: Since exex=ex+(x)=e0=1, then ex=1ex.

  • e0=1: Substitute x=0 into ex=n=0xnn!, we get e0=000!+n=10nn!=1+0+=1.

A.3 Radians

  • Definition of Radians: Given a circle of radius r, if an arc of length l subtends an angle θ at the center of the circle, then θ=lr (in radians).

  • Conversion between Degrees and Radians: We know that a full - circle has an angle of 360 and an arc - length equal to 2πr. If θdegrees is the angle in degrees and θradians is the angle in radians, then for a full - circle θdegrees=360 and θradians=2π. So θradians=θdegrees×π180.

Common Angles in Radians:

  • 0=0×π180=0 radians.
  • 30=30×π180=π6 radians.
  • 45=45×π180=π4 radians.
  • 60=60×π180=π3 radians.
  • 90=90×π180=π2 radians.
  • 180=180×π180=π radians.

A.4 Proof of Euler’s Theorem

  • Euler’s Formula: eiθ=cosθ+isinθ.

  • Proof Using Taylor Series:

    • The Taylor series for ex=n=0xnn!=1+x+x22!+x33!+.
    • Substitute x=iθ into the Taylor series of ex: eiθ=1+iθ+(iθ)22!+(iθ)33!+(iθ)44!+(iθ)55!+.
    • Since i2=1, i3=i2i=i, i4=(i2)2=1, i5=i4i=i, etc.
    • eiθ=1+iθθ22!iθ33!+θ44!+iθ55!=(1θ22!+θ44!)+i(θθ33!+θ55!).
    • The Taylor series for cosθ=n=0(1)nθ2n(2n)!=1θ22!+θ44!.
    • The Taylor series for sinθ=n=0(1)nθ2n+1(2n+1)!=θθ33!+θ55!.
    • So eiθ=cosθ+isinθ.



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