
# Human Motion Prediction Using Manifold-Aware Wasserstein GAN #paper

1. paper-info

1.1 Metadata

  • Author:: [[Baptiste Chopin]], [[Naima Otberdout]], [[Mohamed Daoudi]], [[Angela Bartolo]]
  • 作者机构::
  • Keywords:: #HMP , #GAN
  • Journal:: #IEEE
  • Date:: [[2021-07-16]]
  • 状态:: #Done
  • 链接::
  • 修改时间:: 2022.11.22

1.2. Abstract

Human motion prediction aims to forecast future human poses given a prior pose sequence. The discontinuity of the predicted motion and the performance deterioration in long-term horizons are still the main challenges encountered in current literature. In this work, we tackle these issues by using a compact manifold-valued representation of human motion. Specifically, we model the temporal evolution of the 3D human poses as trajectory, what allows us to map human motions to single points on a sphere manifold. To learn these non-Euclidean representations, we build a manifold-aware Wasserstein generative adversarial model that captures the temporal and spatial dependencies of human motion through different losses. Extensive experiments show that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art on CMU MoCap and Human 3.6M datasets. Our qualitative results show the smoothness of the predicted motions.

2. Introduction

  • 领域:human motion prediction
    • 问题:时间维度,如何使得预测的动作序列更加顺滑?空间维度,预测的动作更加真实?
  • 之前的方法:RNN-based、CNN-based、GNN-based
  • 作者的方法:
    1. 将人体动作当做轨迹,并且将这些轨迹映射到流行的单个紧凑点。能够使动作序列更加smoothness。
    2. 由于传统的GNN无法处理流式数据,于是作者提出了a manifold-aware Wasserstein Generative Adversaial Network(WGAN)
    3. 提出了多种损失函数来优化该网络,因为GAN很难train。

3. Methods

人体结构表示: 3D坐标
\(P_t=[x_1(t),y_1(t),z_1(t),...,x_k(t),y_k(t),z_k(t)]\): 某一时刻的姿势表示。
\(k\): 关节点数。
\(t\): 时刻
作者沿用[2],将人体骨架序列看做每个关节点的轨迹,从而将人体动作预测问题看做:给定一定序列的连续帧,去预测下一帧的点对应的曲线。将曲线描述为\(\alpha(t)\) ,问题变为:给定\(\alpha(t)_{t=1,,,\tau}\),预测\(\alpha(t)_{t=\tau+1,,,T}\)
为了能够更好的学习和建模\(\alpha(t)\),作者采用了square-root velocity function[1],该方法能够将曲线映射到一个超球面,得到一个超平面内的点(不同行为标签对应的轨迹产生的点之间的距离是不同的)。该方法的定义如下:

\[q(t)=\frac{\dot{\alpha}(t)}{\sqrt{\|\dot{\alpha}(t)\|}} \]


\[\alpha(t)=\int_{0}^{t}\|q(s)\| q(s) d s+\alpha(0) \]

\(\mathcal{C}=\{q: \mathcal{I}->\mathcal{R}^n| ||q||=1\} \subset \mathcal{L}^2(\mathcal{I}, \mathcal{R}^n)\) :表示一个动作在超球面的映射。


3.1 Network Architecture

Fig.1. 网络结构


PredictiveMA-WGAN由一个predictor\(\mathcal{G}\)discriminator\(\mathcal{D}\) 组成,对抗式学习。

During the training of these networks, we iteratively map the SRVF data back and forth to the tangent space using the exponential and the logarithm maps, defined in a particular point on the hypersphere.

5个上采样块(512, 256,128,64,1),上采样块由nearest-neighbor upsampling跟着一个卷积块(3x3, stride 1)和ReLU function 构成。
Conv layer(3x3 stride 1)
batch normalization

3.2 Loss Function

  1. Adverasrial loss

\[\begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}_{a}=& \mathbb{E}_{q_{T} \sim \mathbb{P}_{q_{T}}}\left[\mathcal{D}\left(\log _{\mu}\left(q_{T}\right)\right)\right] \\ &-\mathbb{E}_{\mathcal{G}\left(\log _{\mu}\left(q_{\tau}\right)\right) \sim \mathbb{P}_{\boldsymbol{q}_{T}}}\left[\mathcal{D}\left(\log _{\mu}\left(\exp _{\mu}\left(\mathcal{G}\left(\log _{\mu}\left(q_{\tau}\right)\right)\right)\right)\right]\right.\\ &+\lambda \mathbb{E}_{\widetilde{q} \sim \mathbb{P}_{\widetilde{q}}}\left[\left(\left\|\nabla_{\widetilde{q}} \mathcal{D}(\widetilde{q})\right\|-1\right)^{2}\right], \end{aligned}\]

  1. Reconstruction loss

\[\mathcal{L}_{r}=\left\|\log _{\mu}\left(\exp _{\mu}\left(\mathcal{G}\left(\log _{\mu}\left(q_{\tau}\right)\right)\right)\right)-\log _{\mu}\left(q_{T}\right)\right\|_{1} \]

  1. Skeleton integrity loss

\[\mathcal{L}_{s}=\frac{1}{m} \frac{1}{\tau} \sum_{i=1}^{m} \sum_{t=1}^{\tau} \Delta\left(P_{i, t}, \hat{P}_{i, t}\right) \]

\[\Delta\left(G_{i}, G_{j}\right)=\operatorname{tr}\left(G_{i}\right)+\operatorname{tr}\left(G_{j}\right)-2 \sum_{i=1}^{3} \sigma_{i} \]


  1. Bone length loss

\[\mathcal{L}_{b}=\frac{1}{m} \frac{1}{\tau} \frac{1}{B} \sum_{i}^{m} \sum_{t=1}^{\tau} \sum_{j}^{B}\left\|b_{i, j, t}-\hat{b}_{i, j, t}\right\| \]

  1. Bone Length loss

\[\mathcal{L}_{b}=\frac{1}{m} \frac{1}{\tau} \frac{1}{B} \sum_{i}^{m} \sum_{t=1}^{\tau} \sum_{j}^{B}\left\|b_{i, j, t}-\hat{b}_{i, j, t}\right\| \]

Global loss

\[\mathcal{L}=\beta_{1} \mathcal{L}_{a}+\beta_{2} \mathcal{L}_{r}+\beta_{3} \mathcal{L}_{s}+\beta_{4} \mathcal{L}_{b} \]

4. Experiments

  • dataset
    • Human3.6m
    • CMU Motion Capture
  • metric
    • MPJPE

\[\operatorname{Err}=\sqrt{\frac{1}{\Delta t} \frac{1}{k} \sum_{t=\tau+1}^{\tau+\Delta t} \sum_{j=1}^{k}\left\|p_{t, j}-\hat{p}_{t, j}\right\|^{2}} \]


与[2]的思路大致一致,将人体动作序列看过关节点的轨迹,在[2]中,利用DCT编码处理得到轨迹特征,然后利用GCN处理空间信息,在本文中,作者利用Square Root Velocity Function[1]将轨迹mapping 到一个超球体内,一条轨迹对应一点,然后将这些点投影到超球体的切线空间中,得到GAN网络模型的输入,最后训练GAN得到输出。


[1] A. Srivastava, E. Klassen, S. H. Joshi and I. H. Jermyn, "Shape Analysis of Elastic Curves in Euclidean Spaces," in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 33, no. 7, pp. 1415-1428, July 2011, doi: 10.1109/TPAMI.2010.184.
[2]Mao W, Liu M, Salzmann M, et al. Learning trajectory dependencies for human motion prediction[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision. 2019: 9489-9497.

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