
# A Survey on Vision Transformer #paper

1. paper-info

1.1 Metadata

  • Author:: [[Kai Han]], [[Yunhe Wang]], [[Hanting Chen]], [[Xinghao Chen]], [[Jianyuan Guo]], [[Zhenhua Liu]], [[Yehui Tang]], [[An Xiao]], [[Chunjing Xu]], [[Yixing Xu]], [[Zhaohui Yang]], [[Yiman Zhang]], [[Dacheng Tao]]
  • 作者机构::
  • Keywords:: #DeepLearning , #Transformer , #Survey
  • Journal:: [[IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence]]
  • Date:: [[2022]]
  • 状态:: #Done

1.2 Abstract

Transformer, first applied to the field of natural language processing, is a type of deep neural network mainly based on the self-attention mechanism. Thanks to its strong representation capabilities, researchers are looking at ways to apply transformer to computer vision tasks. In a variety of visual benchmarks, transformer-based models perform similar to or better than other types of networks such as convolutional and recurrent networks. Given its high performance and less need for vision-specific inductive bias, transformer is receiving more and more attention from the computer vision community. In this paper, we review these vision transformer models by categorizing them in different tasks and analyzing their advantages and disadvantages. The main categories we explore include the backbone network, high/mid-level vision, low-level vision, and video processing. We also include efficient transformer methods for pushing transformer into real device-based applications. Furthermore, we also take a brief look at the self-attention mechanism in computer vision, as it is the base component in transformer. Toward the end of this paper, we discuss the challenges and provide several further research directions for vision transformers.
关键字:Transformer, Self-attention, Computer Vision, High-level vision, Low-level vision , Video

1.3 Introduction

  • 深度学习整体发展历程, CNN-> RNN-> Transformer
  • Transforms起源, transforms最先应用于NLP领域,取得了重大的成就。
  • Transforms在CV领域的成功。本篇摘要的重点

Inspired by the major success of transformer architectures in the field of NLP, researchers have recently applied transformer to computer vision (CV) tasks.

  • 文章主要内容:

In this paper, we focus on providing a comprehensive overview of the recent advances in vision transformers and discuss the potential directions for further improvement.

  • 分类(By application scenarios

图 1-1 Representative works of vision transformers
主要分类:`backbone network`, `high/mid-level vision`,`low-level vision`, `video processing` `vision transformer`的发展时间线如图1-2

图 1-2 vision transformer 发展时间线

1.4 文章架构

图 1-3 文章结构导图

2. Formulation OF Transformer

图 2-1 Transformer 基础结构图
包含一个`Encoder`,`Decoder`, 每个编码器都由`self-attention layer`和`feed-forward neural network`组成。每个解码器在编码器的基础上多了`encoder-decoder attention layer`。

2.1 General Formulation of self-attention

2.2 Scaled Dot-product Self-Attention

  • Multi-Head Attention

2.3 Other Key Concepts in Transformer

  • Residual Connection in the Encoder and Decoder
  • Feed-Forward Network
  • Final Layer in the Decoder

3. Revisiting Transformers For NLP

图 3-1 基于Transformer的大型语言模型

3.1 BERT and its variants

3.2 Generative Pre-trained Transformer models

  • GPT
  • GPT2
  • GPT3
  • BioNLP Domain


The rapid development of transformer-based models on a variety of NLP-related tasks demonstrates its structural superiority and versatility, opening up the possibility that it will become a universal module applied in many AI fields other than just NLP. The following part of this survey focuses on the applications of transformer in a wide range of computer vision tasks that have merged over the past two years.

4. Vision Transformer

4.1 Backbone for Representation Learning

图 4-1 CNN + Transformer

图 4-2 各种模型测试结果(ImageNet)

图 4-3 FLOPs comparison of representative CNN and vision transformer models
`FLOPS`: 注意全大写,是`floating point operations per second`的缩写,意指每秒浮点运算次数,理解为计算速度。是一个衡量硬件性能的指标。 `FLOPs`: 注意s小写,是`floating point operations`的缩写(s表复数),意指浮点运算数,理解为计算量。可以用来衡量算法/模型的复杂度。

图 4-4 Throughput comparison of representative CNN and vision transformer models
4.1.1 Pure Transformer
  • ViT

图 4-5 The framework of the Vision Transformer
+ **Variants of ViT** + TNT + Twins and CAT + Region ViT + DeepViT + KVT + XCiT ##### 4.1.2 Transformer with Convolution 由于`transformer`缺少局部信息,而`CNN`优点就是处理局部信息。所以可以将二者相结合。 + CPVT:提出了一种`conditional positional encoding` > CPVT proposed a conditional positional encoding (CPE) scheme, which is conditioned on the local neighborhood of input tokens and adaptable to arbitrary input sizes, to leverage convolutions for fine-level feature encoding.
  • CvT, CeiT, LocalViT, CMT
  • LeViT:提出了一种hybrid neural network混合神经网络,可以快速进行图片分类。
  • BoTNet: 在resnet网络的最后的bottleneck block用自注意力机制代替卷积块。
  • Visformer:反应了CNN和Transformer之间的差异。
4.1.3 Self-supervised Representation Learning
  • Generative Based Approach
  • Contrastive Learning Based Approach

4.2 High/Mid-level Vision

4.2.1 Generic Object Detection

图 4-6 Transformer 目标探测框架

图 4-7 各框架性能对比

Transformer-based Set Prediction for Detection

  • DETR

图 4-8 The overall architecture of DETR
  • Transformer-based Backbone for Detection

  • Pre-training for Transformer-based Object Detection

4.2.2 Segmentation
  • Transformer for Panoptic Segmentation
  • Transformer for Instance Segmentation
  • Transformer for Semantic Segmentation
  • Transformer for Medical Image Segmentation
4.2.3 Pose Estimation

Transformer for Hand Pose Estimation
Transformer for Human Pose Estimation

4.2.5 Other Tasks
  • Pedestrian Detection
  • Lane Detection
  • Scene Graph.
  • Tracking
  • Re-Identification
  • Point Cloud Learning.

4.3 Low-level Vision

4.3.1 Image Generation

图 4-9 Diagram of Taming Transformer architecture
##### 4.3.2 Image Processing

图 4-10 Diagram of the IPT architecture

4.4 Video Processing

4.4.1 High-level Video Processing
  • Video Action Recognition
  • Video Retrieval
  • Video Object Detection
  • Multi-task Learning
4.4.2 Low-levle Video Processing
  • Frame/Video Synthesis
  • Video Inparnting

5. Conclusions and Discussions

5.1 Challenges

  • 模型专一性,专门为CV设计的模型
  • 模型通用性和鲁棒性
  • 模型可解释性
  • 模型高效性

5.2 Future Prospects

  • 高效性和计算机性能之间的平衡
  • 模型处理多任务
  • CNN/Transformer 模型选择

posted @ 2022-09-19 21:30  GuiXu40  阅读(184)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报