NBU expired Media,Media ID not found in EMM database

Subject:When attempting to expire a media in Veritas NetBackup (tm) 6.0 with the bpexpdate command, the message "requested media id was not found in the EMM database" is received


1. 使用nbemmcmd列出media的詳細信息主要是Master Server信息

[root@nhpabk01 admincmd]# nbemmcmd -listmedia -mediaid DD1083
NBEMMCMD, Version:6.5.6
Media GUID:                     a28ad432-f215-11e5-8000-fcf2c0fe6d67
Media ID:                       DD1083                             
Partner:                        -                                  
Media Type:                     HCART2                             
Volume Group:                   000_00002_TLD                      
Application:                    Netbackup                          
Media Flags:                    1                                  
Description:                    Added by Media Manager             
Barcode:                        DD1083                             
Partner Barcode:                --------                           
Last Write Host:                nhpabk01                           
Created:                        03/24/2016 15:10                   
Time Assigned:                  04/07/2016 08:18                   
First Mount:                    03/25/2016 02:03                   
Last Mount:                     04/10/2016 19:54                   
Volume Expiration:              -                                  
Data Expiration:                04/17/2016 19:54                   
Last Written:                   04/10/2016 19:54                   
Last Read:                      -                                  
Robot Type:                     TLD                                
Robot Control Host:             nhpabk01                           
Robot Number:                   2                                  
Slot:                           83                                 
Side/Face:                      -                                  
Cleanings Remaining:            -                                  
Number of Mounts:               30                                 
Maximum Mounts Allowed:         0                                  
Media Status:                   ACTIVE                             
Kilobytes:                      326461728                          
Images:                         79                                 
Valid Images:                   79                                 
Retention Period:               0                                  
Number of Restores:             0                                  
Optical Header Size Bytes:      1024                               
Optical Sector Size Bytes:      0                                  
Optical Partition Size Bytes:   0                                  
Last Header Offset:             5101164                            
Adamm Guid:                     00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Rsm Guid:                       00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Origin Host:                    NONE                               
Master Host:                    nhpabk01                           
Server Group:                   NO_SHARING_GROUP                   
Upgrade Conflicts Flag:                                            
Pool Number:                    4                                  
Volume Pool:                    EMCDD2200                          
Previous Pool Name:             -                                  
Vault Flags:                    -                                  
Vault Container:                -                                  
Vault Name:                     -                                  
Vault Slot:                     -                                  
Session ID:                     -                                  
Date Vaulted:                   -                                  
Return Date:                    -                                  
Command completed successfully.

2.查看有沒有media ID在merge表里,如果有,不要再做操作,聯繫NBU處理;如果沒有,就繼續

[root@nhpabk01 admincmd]# nbemmcmd -listmedia -mergetable
NBEMMCMD, Version:6.5.6
The following number of records were found:0
Command completed successfully.

3.確定了沒有media在merge table里,就看看media ID是否有image


[root@nhpabk01 admincmd]# bpimmedia -mediaid DD1084
IMAGE NHMIX01 8 NHMIX01_1465888536 NHCMO_FA_LUN_nhmix01_ORALOG_BL_H_D 4 Default-Application-Backup 2 11 1 1466147736 0 0
FRAG 1 1 256544 0 2 14 104 DD1084 nhpabk01 65536 5960601 1465614545 11 0 *NULL* 1466147736 0 11 1 *NULL*

[root@nhpabk01 admincmd]# bpimmedia -mediaid DD1083
no entity was found


4.只要media ID沒有出現在merge table,就能夠使用bptm命令來為受影響的media ID建立一個完整的media記錄(這裡說的是上面master Server不存在的情況,不存在主要是一些,通過該命令來讓media ID的master Server呈現出來),只要有了完整的信息,Media ID就能夠使之expired和unsigned.

bptm命令需要知道Media ID,density,volumn pool number三個參數

[root@nhpabk01 admincmd]# bptm -makedbentry -m DD1083 -den hcart2 -poolnum 4
bptm: media db entry for DD1083 already exists, aborting
Error - media manager - system error occurred
我這裡是該media ID已經存在db entry里了


5. 接下來就可以用bpexpdate來過期media

bpexpdate –m DD1083  –d 0

posted @ 2016-06-14 18:47  guilingyang  阅读(660)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报