在一个页面中,有A、B、C三个模块,每个模块都可以选择多张图片,而且必须要在点击 上传图片 按钮之后才把图片上传给后台服务器,最后就是提交成功之后,可以再次进行编辑,就是说在已经上传过图片之后,还可以在已有图片的基础上进行图片添加,继续上传!
<template name='upLoadImg'> <view class='upLoadImg_photos'> <view class='upLoadImg_title'> <text>{{title}} </text> </view> <view class='upLoadImg_selectImgs'> <block wx:for="{{data}}" wx:key="{{index}}"> <view class="upLoadImg_box" data-index="{{index}}" data-type='{{type}}' bindtap='previewImage' > <image class='upLoadImg_missionImg' src='{{item}}'></image> <image class='upLoadImg_delImg' catchtap='delImg' src='/img/CRM/icon_del@2x.png' data-index="{{index}}" data-type='{{type}}'></image> </view> </block> <view bindtap='chooseImage' class='upLoadImg_chooseImage {{(data.length-1) % 4 == 0 ? "upLoadImg_chooseBox" : ""}}' data-type='{{type}}'>+</view> </view> </view> </template> <template is='upLoadImg' data='{{title:"A模块 ",data:a_img,type:"a_img"}}' /> <template is='upLoadImg' data='{{title:"B模块 ",data:b_img,type:"b_img"}}' /> <template is='upLoadImg' data='{{title:"C模块 ",data:c_img,type:"c_img"}}' /> <view class='taskButtom' bindtap='btnSave' >上传图片</view>
.upLoadImg_photos{ width:100%; padding:39rpx 30rpx 40rpx; box-sizing: border-box; border-bottom: 1rpx solid rgba(230, 230, 230, 1) } .upLoadImg_title{ font-size:28rpx; font-family:PingFangSC-Regular; font-weight:400; color:rgba(102,102,102,1); } .upLoadImg_title>text:last-child{ font-size: 26rpx; } .upLoadImg_selectImgs{ display: flex; flex-wrap:wrap; width: 100%; } .upLoadImg_box{ width:140rpx; height:140rpx; box-sizing: border-box; background-color: #fff; margin:39rpx 42rpx 0 0; text-align: center; border: 2rpx solid #f5f5f5; position: relative; border-radius:25rpx; } .upLoadImg_box:nth-of-type(4n),.upLoadImg_chooseBox{ margin:39rpx 0 0 !important; } .upLoadImg_missionImg{ width: 140rpx; height: 140rpx; } .upLoadImg_chooseImage{ width: 140rpx; height:140rpx; line-height: 130rpx; border: 2rpx dashed #E1E1E6; box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 50rpx; text-align: center; margin:39rpx 0 0; color: #E1E1E6; border-radius:25rpx; } .upLoadImg_delImg{ width: 30rpx; height: 30rpx; right:-15rpx; top:-15rpx; position: absolute; } .taskButtom{ text-align: center; line-height: 90rpx; width:648rpx; height:90rpx; background:linear-gradient(267deg,rgba(85,235,255,1) 0%,rgba(28,145,242,1) 100%); box-shadow:0px 5rpx 40rpx 0px rgba(0,155,223,0.2); border-radius:45rpx; margin:80rpx auto; font-size:34rpx; font-family:PingFangSC-Medium; font-weight:500; color:rgba(255,255,255,1); }
/** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { a_img: [],//存放A模块图片url地址 b_img: [],//存放B模块图片url地址 c_img: [], //存放C模块图片url地址 a_imgId: [],//存放A模块图片上传获取的id b_imgId: [],//存放B模块图片上传获取的id c_imgId: [] //存放C模块图片上传获取的id }, /** * 选择图片 */ chooseImage(e) { const that = this let type = e.currentTarget.dataset.type wx.chooseImage({ count: 9, // 默认9 一次性最多可以选择图片张数 sizeType: ['original'], // 可以指定original:原图 compressed:压缩图 sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], // 可以指定来源是相册还是相机,默认二者都有 success: function (res) { console.log(res.tempFiles) let imgUrl = [] res.tempFiles.findIndex(function (value, index, arr) { imgUrl.push(value.path) }) let images = that.data[type].concat(...imgUrl) that.setData({ [type]: images, }) }, }) }, /** * 点击图片删除按钮删除图片 */ delImg: function (e) { const that = this; const index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index; const sign = e.currentTarget.dataset.type; that.data[sign].splice(index, 1) that.setData({ [sign]: that.data[sign], }) }, /** * 点击 上传图片 按钮 */ btnSave() { //1.0将需要上传的图片模块区分开 let arrs = ['a_img', 'b_img', 'c_img'] let imgArrs = []//将所有的模块图片url地址存放到一个数组中 let imgObjs = {}//用一个对象对图片模块进行标记 for (let i = 0; i < arrs.length; i++) { //上传图片之前当然你要判断当前模块是否有需要上传的图片,现在默认所有模块都有图片需要上传 if (arrs[i].length > 0) { imgArrs.push(...this.data[arrs[i]]) imgObjs[arrs[i]] = this.data[arrs[i]] } } this.setData({ arrImgLength: 1 //设置上传图片从第一张图片开始上传 }) console.log(imgArrs) console.log(imgObjs) this.testUpload(imgArrs, imgObjs) }, /** * 将确定需要上传的图片进行上传 * imgArrs:需要上传的所有图片url地址数组 * imgObjs:将不同图片模块放到一个对象里面 */ testUpload: function (imgArrs, imgObjs) { const that = this api.policy({//如果你开发过小程序,就应该知道这是先前文档定义好的获取oss图片id的后台服务 method: 'POST', data: { fc: 1 }, success: function (res) { if (res.data.code === 0) { let uploadData = res.data.data; wx.uploadFile({ url: uploadData.auth.host, //仅为示例,非真实的接口地址 filePath: imgArrs[that.data.arrImgLength - 1] + '',//要上传的资源路径,也就是我们需要上传的图片url地址 name: "file", formData: { key: uploadData.files[0] + "." + imgArrs[that.data.arrImgLength - 1].split(".")[imgArrs[that.data.arrImgLength - 1].split(".").length - 1], policy: uploadData.auth.policy, signature: uploadData.auth.signature, OSSAccessKeyId: uploadData.auth.accessid, success_action_status: "200", callback: uploadData.auth.callback, }, success: function (res) { let idData = res.data ? JSON.parse(res.data) : {} if (idData.Status == "Ok") {//表示图片上传成功了 //将先前存储的对象进行for in遍历 for (let key in imgObjs) { //将对象里面的数组进行遍历 for (let i = 0; i < imgObjs[key].length; i++) { //判断当前上传的图片url地址和对象存储的url地址是否一致 if (imgObjs[key][i] == imgArrs[that.data.arrImgLength - 1]) { //如果url地址相同说明一致,这样我们就能找到这个图片属于哪个模块的了 that.data[key + 'Id'].push(idData.id)//因为返回来的是代表图片的id,所以也需要将id存储起来 } } } console.log('成功上传第:' + that.data.arrImgLength + '张') ++that.data.arrImgLength//然后将图片上传的张数自加1 //判断当前上传的图片数是否大于存放所有图片url地址的数组长度 if (imgArrs.length < that.data.arrImgLength) { //如果大于说明已经没有图片需要上传了 console.log('所有图片上传完毕') } else { console.log('开始上传第' + that.data.arrImgLength + '张') //如果不大于,说明还需要继续上传图片,然后进行回调 that.testUpload(imgArrs, imgObjs) } } }, fail: function (res) { wx.showModal({ showCancel: false, title: '图片上传失败', }) }, }) } }, fail: function (res) { } }) },