[Reversing Secrets of Reverse Engineering] - Foundations

What Is Reverse Engineering?

Reverse engineering is the process of extracting the knowledge or design blueprints from anything man-made. Reverse engineering is usually conducted to obtain missing knowledge, ideas, and design philosophy when such information is unavailable. In some cases, the information is owned by someone who isn't willing to share them. In other cases, the information has been lost or destroyed.

Assembly Language

Assembly language is the lowest level in the software chain, which makes it incredibly suitable for reversing - nothing moves without it. If software performs an operation, it must be visible in the assembly language code.

Another important concept to get out of the way is machine code(often called binary code, or object code). People sometimes make the mistake of thinking that machine code is "faster" or "lower-level" than assembly language. That is a misconception: machine code and assembly language are two different representations of the same thing. A CPU reads machine code, which is nothing but sequences of bits that contain a list of instructions for the CPU to perform. Assembly language is simply a textual representation of those bits - we name elements in these codes sequences in order to make them human-readable. Instead of cryptic hexadecimal numbers, we can look at textual instruction names such as MOV(move), XCHG(Exchange), and so on.

When developers write code in assembly language, they use an assembler program to translate the textual assembly language code into binary code, which can be decoded by a CPU. In the other direction and more relevant to our narrative, a disassembler does the exact opposite. It reads object code and generates the textual mapping of each opposite. Disassemblers are key tools for reversers.

Because assembly language is a platform-specific affair, we need to choose a specific platform to focus on while studying the language and practicing reversing. I've decided to focus on the Intel IA-32 architecture, on which every 32-bit PC is based.


So, considering that the CPU can only run machine code, how are the popular programming languages such as C++ and Java translated into machine code? A text file containing instructions that describe the program in a high-level language is fed into a compiler. A compiler is a program that takes a source file and generates a corresponding machine code file. Depending on the high-level language, this machine code can either be a standard platform-specific object code that is decoded directly by the CPU or it can be encoded in a special platform-independent format called bytecode.

Compilers of traditional (non-bytecode-based) programming languages such as C and C++ directly generate machine-readable object code from the textual source code. What this means is that the resulting object code, when translated to assembly language by a disassembler, is essentially a machine-generated assembly language program. Of course, it is not entirely machine-generated, because the software developer described to the compiler what needed to be done in the high-level language. But the details of how things are carried out are taken care of by the compiler, in the resulting object code.

The biggest hurdle in deciphering compiler-generated code is the optimizations applied by most modern compilers. Compilers employ a variety of techniques that minimize code size and improve execution performance. The problem is that the resulting optimized code is often counterintuitive and difficult to read.

Virtual Machines and Bytecodes

Compilers for high-level languages such as Java generate a bytecode instead of an object code. Bytecodes are similar to object codes, except that they are usually decoded by a program, instead of a CPU. The idea is to have a compiler generate the bytecode, and then use a program called a virtual machine to decode the bytecode and perform the operations described in it. Of course, the virtual machine itself must at some point convert the bytecode into standard object code that is compatible with the underlying CPU.

Operating Systems

An operating system is a program that manages the computer, including the hardware and software applications. An operating system takes care of many different takes and can be seen as a kind of coordinator between the different elements in a computer. Operating systems are such a key element in a computer that any reverser must have a good understanding of what they do and how they work. The operating system serves as a gate-keeper that controls the link between applications and the outside world. Later we will provide an introduction to modern operating system architectures and operating system internals, and demonstrates the connection between operating systems and reverse-engineering techniques.

The Reversing Process

For starters, try to divide reversing sessions into two separate phases. The first, which is really a kind of large-scale observation of the earlier program, is called system-level reversing. System-level reversing techniques help determine the general structure of the program and sometimes even locate areas of interest within it. Once you establish a general understanding of the layout of the program and determine areas of special interest within it you can proceed to more in-depth work using code-level reversing techniques. Code-level techniques provide detailed information on a selected code chunk.

  • System-Level Reversing

    System-level reversing involves running various tools on the program and utilizing various operating system services to obtain information, inspect program executables, track program input and output, and so forth. Most of this information comes from the operating system because by definition every interaction that a program has with the outside world must go through the operating system. The is the reason why reverses must understand operating systems - they can be used during reversing sessions to obtain a wealth of information about the target program being investigated.

  • Code-Level Reversing

    Before covering any actual techniques, you must become familiar with some software-engineering essentials. Code-level reversing observes the code from a very low-level, and we'll be seeing every little detail of how the software operates. Many of these details are generated automatically by the compiler and not manually by the software developer, which sometimes makes it difficult to understand how they relate to the program and to its functionality.


As I described earlier, disassemblers are programs that take a program's executable binary as input and generate textual files that contain the assembly language code for the entire program or parts of it. This is a relatively simple process considering that assembly language code is simply the textual mapping of the object code. Disassembly is a processor-specific process, but some disassemblers support multiple CPU architectures. A high-quality disassembler is a key component in a reverser's toolkit, yet some reverses prefer to just use the built-in disassemblers that are embedded in certain low-level debuggers.


If you've ever attempted even the simplest software development, you've most likely used a debugger. The basic idea behind a debugger is that programmers can't really envision everything their program can do. Programs are usually just too complex for a human to really predict every single potential outcome. A debugger is a program that allows software developers to observe their program while it is running. The two most basic features in a debugger are the ability to set breakpoints and the ability to trace through code.

Breakpoints allow users to select a certain function or code line anywhere in the program and instruct the debugger to pause program execution once that line is reached. When the program reaches the breakpoint, the debugger stops(breaks) and displays the current state of the program. At that point, it is possible to either release the debugger and the program will continue running or to start tracing through the program.

Debuggers allow users to trace through a program while it is running (this is also known as single-stepping). Tracing means the program executes one line of code and then freezes, allowing the user to observe or even alter the program's state. The user can then execute the next line and repeat the process. This allows developers to view the exact flow of a program at a pace more appropriate for human comprehension, which is about a billion times slower than the pace the program usually runs in.

By installing breakpoints and tracing through programs, developers can watch a program closely as it executes a problematic section of code and try to determine the source of the problem. Because developers have access to the source code of their program, debuggers present the program in source-code lines, even though the debugger is actually working with the machine code underneath.

For a reverser, the debugger is almost as important as it is to a software developer, but for slightly different reasons. First and foremost, reverses use debuggers in disassembly mode. In disassembly mode, a debugger uses a built-in disassembler to disassemble object code on the fly. Reversers can step through the disassembled code and essentially "watch" the CPU as it's running the program one instruction at a time. Reversers can install breakpoints in locations of interest in the disassembled code and then examine the state of the program. For some reversing tasks, the only thing you are going to need is a good debugger with good built-in disassembly capabilities. Being able to step through the code and watch as it is executed is really an invaluable element in the reversing process.


Decompilers are the next step up from disassemblers. A decompiler takes an executable binary file and attempts to produce readable high-level language code from it. The idea is to try and reverse the compilation process, to obtain the original source file or something similar to it. On the vast majority of platforms, actual recovery of the original source code isn't really possible. There are significant elements in most high-level languages that are just omitted during the compilation process and are impossible to recover. Still, decompilers are powerful tools that in some situations and environments can reconstruct a highly readable source code from a program binary.

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