Q: I'm lost in a twisty maze of certificates and private keys. I am writing a server in C#. I want it to accept SSL connections. For test purposes, I 阅读全文
This blog post provides step-by-step instructions for creating a user control, which exposes bindable properties, in WPF and Silverlight. The post cov 阅读全文
I was trying to come up with a set of guiding principles as we've been using them on my current project, with an eye toward educating new developers b 阅读全文
Sorry guys, but it’s time to rant. I see so many people needlessly complicating their architecture and deployment by insisting on using separate assem 阅读全文
Unit testing is an essential instrument in the toolbox of any serious software developer. However, it can sometimes be quite difficult to write a good 阅读全文
What’s the difference between a good unit test and a bad one? How do you learn how to write good unit tests? It’s far from obvious. Even if you’re a b 阅读全文
Note: This post is part of a long-running series of posts covering the union of jQuery and ASP.NET: jQuery for the ASP.NET Developer. Topics in this s 阅读全文
也说不上来到底为啥吧,因为这些年做的项目都是跟硬件或多或少有打交道的,脑子一热决定单片机学起来。虽然说以前学的也是嵌入式吧,专业名称有点屌,软件专业(移动通信技术开发方向) (。˘•ε•˘。) 但上课也听不懂老师讲的啥。 废话不说,进入正题: 你需要准备啥 为了能够进行单片机的学习从小白到高手,你得 阅读全文
最近在做一个项目,包含有C++和C的代码, 在Makefile 里指定所有的cpp文件使用C++编译器(g++)编译,所有的c文件使用C编译器(gcc), 然而在编译过程中(链接阶段)出现了 xxx undefined,函数未定义的错误提示。 function undefined 后来经过一番搜索, 阅读全文