



                                      图1 Queue类结构图


                                       图2  RabbitMQ web管控台添加队列图示


* Construct a new queue, given a name, durability flag, and auto-delete flag, and arguments.
* @param name the name of the queue - must not be null; set to "" to have the broker generate the name.
* @param durable true if we are declaring a durable queue (the queue will survive a server restart)
* @param exclusive true if we are declaring an exclusive queue (the queue will only be used by the declarer's
* connection)
* @param autoDelete true if the server should delete the queue when it is no longer in use
* @param arguments the arguments used to declare the queue
public Queue(String name, boolean durable, boolean exclusive, boolean autoDelete, Map<String, Object> arguments) {
Assert.notNull(name, "'name' cannot be null");
this.name = name;
this.actualName = StringUtils.hasText(name) ? name
: (Base64UrlNamingStrategy.DEFAULT.generateName() + "_awaiting_declaration");
this.durable = durable;
this.exclusive = exclusive;
this.autoDelete = autoDelete;
this.arguments = arguments != null ? arguments : new HashMap<>();

1、name: 队列的名称;
2、actualName: 队列的真实名称,默认用name参数,如果name为空,则根据规则生成一个;
3、durable: 是否持久化;
4、exclusive: 是否独享、排外的;
5、autoDelete: 是否自动删除;
(10)x-queue-mode(Lazy mode):将队列设置为延迟模式,在磁盘上保留尽可能多的消息,以减少RAM的使用;如果未设置,队列将保留内存缓存以尽可能快地传递消息;
posted @ 2022-08-03 11:08  邃蓝星空  阅读(884)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报